Wednesday 28 December 2022

DaveX - A Zombie Horde (125 Points)

Hi I'm DaveX, you may remember me from such Challenges as 2018 and 2019. Well now I am back and it is a really nice community to be part of. I have spent the last few days going through everyones amazing submissions so far. For my first post, I have not submitted something under the AHPC Studios challenge however I have many ideas for it. I am a HUGE fan of Zombicide and I kickstarted the 2nd Edition. Zombicide is the ultimate gateway game into miniature wargaming. My OCD does not allow me to play a game unpainted so I am yet to play 2nd Edition. I recently sold my 100% painted Zombicide First Edition with some expansions to free up some space. So here we have 25 Walkers ready to be played! For anyone who has played Zombicide, walkers have an extremely short life on the table and are often dispatched quickly. As there is so many of them (40 in the box) i give them a simple yet effective paint scheme. My technique is as follows: Prime Black
Zenithal Spray White
Army painter speed paints blocking in
Drybrush with a shade of Khaki/Light Brown Pick out eyes, teeth, equipment etc. Paint Bases and add some pigments to the bases Varnish Cover mistakes etc with Citadel Blood for the Blood God
I think they look really nice with such a simple paint job. I have been using this technique for years now, especially for painting Zombie Hordes before a silly term for it was invented via youtube. I only have a few Fatties to paint and then I will put some effort into the Player Characters. I can finally play my game :D So we are looking at: 25 x 28mm Zombies @ 125 Points. Not a bad way to kick off the challenge.


First, welcome back to the Challenge Dave!

I agree, Zombicide is hella fun, and your recipe for fast-paint zombies (slap chop, dare I say) is brilliant. Very effective and eye-catching, I think. I will definitely take this to heart when I next have to do a similar horde army. (In fact, I'm actually doing something similar for a set of entries later down the Challenge.) 

I look forward to the upcoming Fatties and the player characters!

- Curt


  1. Not a challenge without a speed painted Zombie horde, and more to come! They look very cool, efficient paint method, Dave.

  2. Great looking Zombie Hordes. And I fell in love with these 2nd Edition Zombicide figures when they came out as well! I must get some of these Speed Paints and give them a try out.

  3. Wow! Very effective speed painting process! Good job

  4. Great speed painting Dave. Ah zombies, take an age to paint and last five minutes on the table. To be honest that is anything I paint!

  5. Ouch, a zombie bomb. Great speed work. They look great.

  6. Zombie hordes are cool to see all painted up. Excellent work.

  7. Nice one Dave, it's a great looking horde!

  8. Some horde, Dave, good job! I had some problems with the army painter speedpaints myself because of reactivation, but these zombies look good!

  9. Great looking horde there! Not played Zombicide yet!


  10. Great looking horde - thanks for sharing the excellent speed painting technique

  11. Nice work! Adding blood to zombies is always fun.

  12. Nice start to the new horde, Dave! :)

  13. They look great - welcome to AHPC XIII!

  14. The characters should be a good treat after this bunch, they certainly have presence though!
