It is finally that time of the year again! I am exceptionally busy, but Curt easily cajoled me into jumping into the fray with brushes and paint. I have only just returned home from training and will be off again, but thanks to contrast paints from Games Workshop, I was able to bang these out during Christmas. I only have a few pots, but i have learned that dark angel green is very dark as is the black templar. The basilicanum grey is very pale as is guilliman flesh. mistakes are easily fixed with white paint or your base color if you make a mistake. Using grey, tan, green, or any other mid to light tone as a basecoat does enhance them and gives extra neat effects. I really like the yellow as you will all see after I finish the final detail of the next batch. these glazes do not dry with a shiny sheen and you can add to the highlights with regular paint of choice as well. what they do is give a nice shade just in normal application and I may go back to using white as a primer.

Anytime I looked as these Arbite models, i always thought of Dredd and they have stolen a bit from his iconic look. Rather than make my own color scheme, I used dredd for inspiration. Green body armor, black clothing and red spot colors seemed the best approach.
The arbite champion or lead judge is really over the top, so he was a lot of fun to watch as the colors added up to making him a riot of color and bling. The contrast yellow really pops the imperial eagles well. I used P3 gravedigger denim to basecoat the overcoat and that one step added some nice blue grey highlights after the templar black dried.
the raised yellow lines on the hands and knees were just adding the contrast yellow after a quick overbrush with white.
The blood angel red was my spot color and it helps magnify the imperial eagles. I did use the dark angel green on the shoulder, but repainted the test model as the red was a better choice.

I only noticed the craft paint used to paint the bases can use a touch up in a few spots and my highlight painting on the asphalt is a bit too subtle for the camera to discern. Most of my time was spent on the bits of webgear and weapons as the contrast paints dried. I used two coats for the clothing and body armor to really darken them up; yet the striking scorpion green and gravedigger denim still show up well as highlights. The blood Angel red does give a shade of purple which is wonderful as I was never able to do that with layering and always liked the rich color the purple gave the red. As a caution, these contrast paints do not thin well with water as they become a mess. I found it is better to use them straight from the pot and build the layers up to control the flow. in total I spent about 8 hours on the six models which left plenty of time for family holiday fun.
Six 28mm models for 30 points.
The law has arrived. There will be no warnings for rude or foul behavior, just the sound of a shotgun being loaded behind the offender. First offence will be forced quaffing of used brush water. second offence is too brutal to describe. Goading the Gimp, badgering the badger, and smacking another competitor with hand bags is still authorized at this time.
Welcome back to the Challenge, David! It's wonderful to have you with us, even if it is only briefly between deployments.
I love these Arbites. I have a few to do for my upcoming Dark Heresy campaign and I think I will follow your excellent lead with the Judge Dredd paint scheme - why overcomplicate things, right? I really like the effect you've achieved with the Citadel Contrast paints, especially the yellow and green. I've tried a few pots and have really liked the effects once can achieve. I also smiled at your use of P3 'Gravedigger Denim', probably my favourite colour of 2019 (if one can have such a thing).
30 Points for you Mr. Bromley! Well done and I hope we get a few more entries from you before you have to leave for your posting.