Monday 5 April 2021

Please Vote for YOUR Challengers' Choice of AHPC XI

Hello Everyone!

Below are the 20 nominations for Challengers' Choice!

For those who were nominated for numerous submissions, I took the liberty to aggregate their nominations into to a single 'Body of Work' classification, with a sample collage image.

Please look through the gallery and feel free to follow the links to the original submissions.

Due to the increasing costs of SurveyMonkey, I've shifted to using a new app for conducting the voting.  It does not easily allow for single-use submissions for online polls, so in order to better control the responses I will be sending an email invitation to all participants to secure their votes. If you were an observer, and wish to participate in the selection, please send me an email: curtcampbell at mac dot com and I'll add your votes. 

On April 18th I will post up the top three selections for Challengers' Choice, along with my SnowLord's Choice and Sarah's Choice.