"Bring me a fine collection of Lord of the Rings Figures."
And now we face the final Quadrant Challenge, the Challenge XII Star itself. Our original ship was too battered to continue, suffering from failing engines and an outer hull that was showing stress cracks. It was time to switch to something lighter that had a greater thrust to mass ratio to be able to navigate in the gravitational field of the quadrant star.
"Engage!" |
As requested by the orb, I present a gathering of Lord of the Rings figures, both Good and Evil, that I hope will be pleasing to the Snowlord. Some of these have been in the painting queue for several years, while others are recent purchases to add to the collection. All were painted in my usual style, starting with a coat of black primer, followed by Vallejo acrylics, and then a mix of ink washes and/or highlights until I got the look I wanted. May they be deemed worthy of the Final Challenge.
The first group is a trio of Orc Trackers that have been in the 'PENDING' box for a number of years. These appear in the Barad-dûr section of the latest version of the Armies of Middle Earth manual, but now seem to be out of production. In addition to their role as trackers, they will also be useful to depict dismounted Warg riders.
Next up are the three Orc Captains, Gorbag, Grishnákh, and Shagrat (holding Frodo's mithril shirt). Like the Orc Trackers, they have also been in the 'PENDING' box for a while. These appear in the army lists in the Mordor section.
Gorbag, Grishnákh, and Shagrat
Shagrat, Grishnákh, and Gorbag
The last of the Evil characters is an Orc Shaman, who also appears in the Barad-dûr section of the latest version of the Middle Earth army lists. He looks pretty badass with his collection of skulls. This is another metal figure that I have had for a while. A plastic version of the figure is available from Games Workshop as a boxed set which includes one mounted on a Warg.
Three skulls (not that I am counting)
The first group for the Good side are three leaders of the Ithilien Rangers - Faramir, Captain of Gondor, Madril, Captain of Ithilien, and Damrod, Ranger of Ithilien. These are a very recent purchase and came as a blister containing all three figures. They will be ready to command the company of Rangers that I painted last April.
Faramir, Madril, and Damrod
Damrod, Madril, and Faramir
The last offering is Éowyn (as Dernhelm) and Meriadoc, Squire of Rohan. While I had already painted metal miniatures of Éowyn, I was so impressed by the newer plastic set of figures that Barks had submitted for the Challenge, I had to buy a box for myself. I especially liked the way Merry can be placed in front of Éowyn, or removed as the scenario requires. Not having any contrast paints in my arsenal, I used my usual technique of starting with a black primer, followed by Vallejo acrylics, with highlights and washes as needed to get the final result. Since the metal miniatures I had depicted Éowyn without a helmet, I went with the 'helmet on' version with the plastic set.
Éowyn with Merry
New and old mounted version of Éowyn |
Old and new dismounted version of Éowyn |
The points being claimed are as follows:
1 x 28mm mounted figure @ 10 points = 10 points
12½ x 28mm foot figure @ 5 points = 62.5 points
(I am counting the mounted version of Merry as a half figure)
Challenge Quadrant location (Quadrant XII Star) @ 20 points each = 20 points
At this point, I am not sure if this will be my last submission for the Painting Challenge. I have another 60 zombies sitting on my desk, but I can't guarantee I will have them completed before the deadline. We will give it the 'old college try', as they say. This submission will put me over my target, so it's all bonus from here on. This was my first year of active participation in the Painting Challenge, although last year I 'played along at home'. I have been impressed by both the level of skill demonstrated by the other participants, as well as the volume of output. Kudos to one and all.
Just in case this is my last submission, I want to thank all those who left encouraging comments on my posts - (in no particular order): MartinC, IainW, GregB, RayR, Codsticker, TashaH, DallasE, PeterD, TamsinP, Barks, SanderS, TeemuL, MikeP, StuartL, Curt, DaveV, PaulSS, DaveD, SimonG, Millsy, Nick, BruceR, PeterB, HerrRobert, KenR, DavidB, MikeW, MattW, KerryT, JezzT, AdamC, TobiasK, Bedford, Evan Hughes, and Anibal Invictis.
[As much as possible, I have tracked down the name people have been assigned on the participants list. Hopefully I haven't missed anybody.]
A fine collection of LoTR goodies Frederick, the orb is pleased. While the orcs are terrific (and skullacious) my favourites are the Eowyn/Merry combo, great work on these lovely sculpts.
You've had a terrific challenge Frederick, hope to see you again next year.