Wednesday, 15 February 2017

From JasperO - Lights, loyalists and lo...some points (70 Points)

Woot! PolderCon survived and it was a great day. Running a game three times in a day was a new experience, and an exhausting one too. Unfortunately, the two extra bases of grenadiers refused to be done on time, but I did finish a whole pile of Light Infantry as well as a base of Jessup's loyalists. Unfortunately, not all that work counts properly for the Challenge... Nevertheless, all figures below received finishing touches (some quite a bit more than that), and were based and photographed at the same time, and got their first outing at PolderCon, so here they all are. I promise there'll be no point smuggling here!

I'd started work on Cornwallis' light infantry of the 1780 campaign for Camden and Cowpens some time ago. It consisted of the light companies of the first and second battalion, 71st of Foot, the light company of the 16th of Foot and the light company of a loyalist regiment. Obviously, these were not the five bases of light infantry I needed for Hubbardton at PolderCon, but the idea of painting another five seemed a bit daunting for now. More on those below. First, some Loyalists.

Frazer's army at Hubbardton included a company of Jessup's Loyalists. Not too much about their uniform is know, but Troiani reconstructed a soldier in a shortened red coat faced green with a plain round hat, no bayonet and wearing Indian leggings. The latter was going to be difficult, but I rummaged a while through my box of random figures, and found these leftovers from various Foundry blisters. I think they work.

First of the light infantry is a base of generic roundabout-dressed light bobs. They'll do as the light company of the Loyalist regiment until I figure out how the latter were fitted out, and which figures work best for that specific unit.

Light company of the 16th of Foot, after Troiani's painting. Built with Perry plastic British infantry, with arms from the Continentals set (so they could have basically the same pose as the other bases) and headgear from the metal Light infantry blister. Strictly speaking, they should have shortened waistcoats, but they look the part I think. Strange observation: I don't like how the plastics look until they're almost completely painted. Then they suddenly seem to 'click'. Maybe it's just me...

I finished four of these Scotsman earlier last year and started on the other four shortly before the start of the Challenge. Mostly because I have awesome planning skills when it comes to the hobby...

And finally, three bases of skirmishing light infantrymen in roundabouts (Foundry figs) and a base of charging light infantry (Perry metals and plastic). The latter as well as five of the former were done quite some time ago and just rebased. Four of the roundabout-clad figs were completed this weekend, but I started them before December 20th.

So, all in all a long blog for not too many points. The true participants in the Challenge are 14 figures, for 70 points in total.

ByronM: A great start to a Wednesday here from Jasper, with various excellent black powder units, a large number of which have been converted to be more accurate to the period he is doing.  All of them are extremely well painted as well.  Amazing clear brushwork Jasper and great colours and groundwork as well.  My favourite is the first batch though with the striped trousers and the officer holding his hat by his side which are great, and then on top of that the flesh tones and facial expressions there are stunning!  Amazing work! 


  1. Terrific work, I really wish I could do faces as well.

  2. Lovely attention to detail, they are a delight!
    Best Iain

  3. A great posting - fine painting on all of them. Any pictures of the game you put on? Simon.

    1. I made very few. It's hard work as a novice game host. :-)

  4. Dammit Jasper, do you have to keep painting the same range of figures that I am working on. You're making me look bad here! Excellent work on all counts, I really like your figures a lot.

  5. Some great looking figures there topped off with some lovely basing, top effort.

  6. Mmm, my these are tasty. I really like the attention to detail, things like the striped trousers and white lining seen in the tricorne. Lovely.

  7. Very fine detail on these, Jasper! Not a point bomb, but a real quality work! I love the extra detail you packed in these fellows, the basework is not lacking either! ;)

  8. Very nice work, not my era but well done

  9. Really nicely done, the striped trousers and wooden musket stocks are very good.

  10. This is really marvelous painting Jasper, but I'm particularly blown away by the striped pants - amazing work!

  11. Gorgeous figures Jasper. What fine uniforms

  12. Amazing .. also love the basing and mix of figure poses you went for. To be honest have booked marked this for one of my favourite entries so far

  13. Superb display of painting skill! These lads look absolutely marvelous.

  14. Wonderful work on one of my favorite periods Jasper! Very clean and clear painting. Your style reminds me a bit of Giles Allison which I quite like.


  15. Gorgeous troops Jasper, but then again your whole table looked brilliant at Poldercon so what would you expect?!
