Wednesday, 15 February 2017

Your Wednesday Minion has arrived!

Good morning everyone, your Wednesday Minion has arrived for duty today.

It looks to be a very slow day today though, with only 3 entries having been submitted for the day so far.  We can all hope that there is some additional last minute posts though, so stay tuned.

In a rare moment of sanity and mercy (don't get used to that, neither happens often), I am only subjecting everyone to a single meme today...

P.S. OH, I just heard that our overlord may have a post coming in today.  <big evil grin> What could go wrong with that!


  1. A quiet day for entries? How come I never had any of those when I was minioning last year? *pout*

  2. I'll have a small one for you later today Byron...

  3. looks like peak challenge doldrums - time to put the pedal to the metal -- or even better brushes!
