Friday 13 January 2023

From DavidB: Paladins of Morr (45 points)


My children gifted me with two paint sets from games workshop after my last deployment. Paint, brushes, and minis! I am still not into AoS and prefer the Old-Hammer, but the models are nice and three are actually from warhammer underworlds which some of my friends play. I did not want to paint them up in the blue and gold as the official paint, so they sat for awhile. I always liked the amethyst wizards and their magic. They are all initiates of the god Morr. Morr is a god of death. In the grim universe he really isn't a god of DEATH, but more of a god of "come over and lay down, rest a bit and heal your soul and maybe you can pop back into the game again after a nap"
In some of the old warhammer fiction a priest of  Morr was tending the congregants( dead people) and installing new followers( more dead people) he was a quiet modest monk who was also a veteran soldier. He wasn't too happy when an unsuspecting necromancer began waking the dead.
Using that story, I decided to use brown for robes (modesty) and black for armor (ominous void), and purple. Morr and the Amethyst wizards love purple roses and black.

A conversion with a head from the hammer stormcast eternals, her helmet is on the ground, but she is focused on the fight.

I like the female and male differences and the armor is armor not boob armor....but she still pops that scale mail better than her battle bro!   :)

I spent some time matching the bases to the sculpted ones of their companions. The black armor was done by glazing a contrast paint over fully painted and highlighted metallic paint armor. It still looks like metal , but with an obsidian sheen

a close up of a smashed pot filled with purple rose petals...someone is getting thumped!

the robes were painted with a reddish brown contrast paint then a couple of highlights of khaki and light brown paints. 

lost two pictures overnight, but here you can see some more of the detail on the models and bases.

The squad leader is also female and she got a fancy red plume for rank...the pointy hats and plumes are always indicators of rank. beware of anyone with a pointy hat that has a plume.
With this I have a small party of Paladins of Morr. They will happily fight anybody, but they really like to lay the smack down on restless dead and necromancers, in Morrs name. ;)

5 paladins of Morr for 25 points
I will use the ladies for summoning a cushy ride in Lady Sarah's limo, I heard the seats are comfy and beverages are complimentary providing I clean the wet paint off my boots before sitting down!
20 MORR points!

Friday Minion - Gosh David, you're on a purple fix at the moment aren't you? Did you bulk order Luxion Purple?

Like you, AoS largely leaves me cold, though I understand it as a business decision to sell more ridiculously over the top miniatures, then later come back and resurrect the Old World to tap into all of the old grognards' nostalgia. 

Nice tidy job on these, and for weaving some background around these AoS minis that's fitting of the old world we all love. 

45 points for your tally, that's a bumper week!


  1. Ah, the Age of Sigmar Marines. Not for us grognards. I do like your contrast of purple and gold.

    1. Thanks, Peter! Absolutely right...I prefer Bretonians and old Empire.

  2. Replies
    1. Thanks, Peter....some more scifi troopers on deck, but persevere! I have some stuff up your Era on the docket! ;)

  3. They"re looking god, I like the brown robes.

    1. Well, I meant to write "good", but maybe god is more appropriate ;-)

  4. Thank you, Phil! Meta humans, and circle bases are off putting. I miss the big blocks of infantry crashing on Dwarven trollslayers...and the maneuvering for the flank charge! But that is just old gronard grumbles! They do make spiffy titans in D&D! ;)
