Sunday 21 January 2024

From RossM - 15mm Late Medieval Cavalry & 2mm Punic Wars: (76 points)

So it begins...

First post here, and it's a small entry to ensure continuation in this year's Challenge. 

Two bases of Scurrours for my growing ADLG Lancastrian force. The figures are from Museum Miniatures and fit in well enough with the bulk of the army that are from Gladiator Miniatures. 

The red in the pictures isn't that far away from the red on the miniatures and now realising that it is a step too far and into the realms of garishly bright. It will help me remember that they are on the gaming table in ADLG and other games. 

The red and dark grey (Black) are to represent the colours of the Percy's; although in the Wars of the Roses fiction that I am currently reading, the Percy's are described as wearing blue and yellow, not red and black. I am not a scholar of this period so any thoughts or info on this would be appreciated. 

These are entered into the Challenge as a Historical entry (941.2) and will gain points as 
15mm cavalry x 4: 16 points
Historical Entry: 20 bonus points

Next is an entirely new scale for me;  2mm something that at one stage I wouldn't have even entertained painting. Well painting isn't entirely the correct phrase, its more like dabbing with colour.

The miniatures are from Irregular Miniatures and were an idea my friend and fellow gamer. His idea was that I paint a Carthaginian and Republic Roman army and pick one, he would supply the figures. 

There are six stands of figures here, four skirmishers and two cavalry, with the furthest away cavalry being started the week before the Challenge so they are not included. All are based on 60mm front and the depths will vary as below: 

Skirmishers: 60 x 15mm
Light and Medium Infantry: 60 x 25mm
Heavy Infantry: 60 x 20mm
Cavalry: 60 x 30mm
Elephants: 60 x 40mm

Above the cavalry from the rear and then below from the front. 

These are entered into the Challenge as a Front Desk and New Acquisitions entry (902.2) and will gain points as 
2mm bases x 5: 3 points (0.5 per skirmisher stand and 1 for the cavalry) 
Historical Entry: 20 bonus points

My Challenge Library Card is below;

This takes the points for this entry to

15mm cavalry x 4: 16 points
Historical Entry: 20 bonus points
2mm bases x 5: 20 points (2.5 per skirmisher stand and 5 per cavalry stand) 
Historical Entry: 20 bonus points

Totaling: 76 points (15.2 percent of my Challenge total of 500)

Looking forward to posting more entries soon. 

Cheers for now

A true day of firsts here then... as we have another first entry from the Sunday Crew! Welcome aboard Ross!

Great entry as well with the WotR entry to kick things off. Like you, I am also not well versed in the history of it, but I do like the models and timescale! Great period to paint up!

For the Punic wars.. 2mm... wow... am struggling with 8mm marines, I can only just think how difficult painting 2mm models would be.. and to make them be recognized on such a base! Massive achievement there for sure!

Though for points, I have to adjust it a bit. As the judge's mighty calculator is a bit different for 2mm bases. They scoring 5 pts per 60x30 base. So taking the bases as half that, and you having 4 half bases ( skirmishers ) and 2 full bases ( calvary ), you will have a few more points.. So I have updated your calculations above to reflect that!

Great job and thanks for contributing today!



  1. Welcome back Ross, nice work.

    1. Thanks Greg, didn't think I was going to make the cut off this year.

  2. Excellent brushwork Ross. Great to see some 2mm figures in this years Challenge!

    1. Cheers Rat. Against all better judgement really enjoying the 2mm figure blocks.

  3. Welcome back Ross. Nice work on the medievals and tiny ancients.

  4. Welcome to the party Ross. Really like the 15mm, nice bright red!

  5. Nice colours on the scurrours, I thought they were 28mm! Good to see the 2mm.

  6. Welcome back, Ross! Good looking cavalry and I'm sure there are 2mm somethings on the bases. :)

  7. Ye gods that really is showing some skill, doing those 2mm figures that good!

  8. Great work Ross. I like the 2mm collection - what rules?

    1. Thanks Curt, rules wise Basic Impetus is the most likely choice or DBA.

  9. oh my goodness, those are so small but so cool, some real skill there.

  10. Nice job Ross, welcome to the Challenge

  11. Grand work Ross! Especially th 2mm troopers.... they look Grand for being so tiny!
