Saturday, 3 February 2018

From TeemuL: Nurgle Chaos Warriors (25 points)

It was supposed to be more this week, some Khorne and etc, but since this week was cut short due to an annual "Weekend in the middle of the nowhere with friends and beer" boardgame event, I only managed to have these 5 jolly fellows done and something for the bonus round.

These 5 are classic plastic Chaos Warriors from early 90s I think. They are supposed to have shields as well, but since I didn't have enough of them, I'm waiting for a friend of mine to copy more of them to me (using some molding and casting magic).

They are very simple paint jobs, I wanted to make them look clean compared to the modern casts. They are green though, so you know they are Nurgle even without extra tentacles, wounds, guts, flies etc. The one with the yellow helmet is the unit champion. I plan to convert a musician and standard bearer later along with the reinforcements.

5 times 5 is 25 points.


What a classic Old School start to the Saturday Showcase Teemu, great job Sir.  Sounds like you have had a great week too, beer and boardgames - what's not to like?  Another 25 points to your tally Sir.