Saturday, 21 December 2024

From GavinB- Test figures for Henry Stafford's Retinue [25 Points]

Its my first time participating in the AHPC so I figured I'd start things off by painting some miniatures from the very period that got me into wargaming, The Wars of The Roses. After making a large Yorkist army of communally based WoTR figures for Hail Caesar, I kind of wanted to make a small retinue of singularly based models for Lion Rampant 2nd Ed. So I made a few test figures from extra sprues I had lying around from previous WoTR projects. I painted up 4 Perry Miniature foot knights and a Perry archer model that I found In my lead mountain, totalling five 28mm figures which equals 25 points.

Looking through The Wars of the Roses: The Medieval Art of Graham Turner I saw this painting, and It made my want to make my Retinue in the livery of Henry Stafford.

Any way, I'll stop blabbering on and let you see the pictures...

My (Failed) attempt at the livery badge... looks like a depressed pretzel 

To make these guys feel more unique I made a livery sash from green stuff for the fellow on the left 


Planning on doing some Turnip28 Models next!
Happy Holidays all!


First, welcome to the Challenge Gavin! It's great to have new folks join us in this bit of winter madness. 

Also, great opening volley! Aren't those Perry plastic sets just brilliant? You've done great work on these five here and I think your interpretation of the Stafford livery looks terrific (but I like pretzels so take that with a salted one...). I'm also very jealous of your copy of Turner's work - it's been sitting in my Amazon cart for months, waiting for me to take the plunge and click 'Checkout'. Your work may be just what I need to push me over the edge. Thank you! :)

5 Wars of the Roses warriors for 25 points. Well done!

- Curt

From DaveD - The Flying Squad , Necromunda (40 points)

 Here is my start to Challenge 15 , my 14th participation , as usual I like to get something done before Christmas . Well as we are playing in the environs of Hell I thought I would get my Games Workshop stuff out of the way early this year. Over the last  few years I have added stuff to my Necromunda Van Saar gang the Derr-Flinggers .  They have done pretty well in the fights we have done this year as part of our group campaign. 

The bit of kit I really like is the Grav-cutter hover board I decided to add some more to the existing 4 I have. Mind each time I use them they crash and burn and then actually die … but what the hell - see what I did there .

I followed the same colour scheme using  a Tamiya green rattle can base with a heavy yellow dry bush then Vallejo Xpress Lizard Green with a highlight to finish - it’s pretty quick and easy recipe . The Cutters followed the same basalt grey and highlights scheme . The bases have a simple rust colour dry brush . They were all magnetised as part of the build process. 

So here they are :-


And with last years :-

I will be doing some of my usual projects this year so hopefully you will see some of the followings :-

10mm Napoleonic commission work, yet more French Guard 

15mm Ardennes “44 , though it will be terrain stuff first - and we ain’t counting it - but I want them done as winterising it is messy! 

28mm North West Frontier which made its debut last year 

MartinC and I have 10mm Zulu stuff in the wings. Yes thousands of em …They may or may not make a proper appearance .

Well that the score board moving pre Xmas , 4 mounted 28mm = 2.8 cm = 40 points. 


Very cool grav-cutters Dave. I like the cohesive look of their armour and equipment. They have a great old school Green Goblin look about them - a nasty bunch.

You have a lot of projects on your docket! I especially look forward to seeing the Napoleonics and North West Frontier (though that means different things in different parts of the world as we've called ourselves the same here in the Canadian prairies). 

A nice 40 points on the board to put you in the lead! Well done Mr. D!

- Curt

From ByronM - Turnip28 - Snob of the Radish's (10 points)

For my first entry of the year I decided to quickly finish up the leader for my Turnip28 force.  I painted up the rest of the force for last years challenge, but then left this guy sitting primed for a whole year as I wasn't sure I really liked the model, but it was what I had found for a mounted snob for T28.

A year later, I am still not sure I like him, and will probably replace him at some point, so I just slapped on some quick and dirty colours to have him playable.

The figure is super strange as it is a camel for a Napoleonic setting, which strikes me wrong, and then the poor animal is half given over to the root and badly infected.  His head has been mainly replaced by a festering root vegetable that I have painted as a turnip, his mane has been replaced with leaves, his tail is partially turned to roots as well, and the mighty snob riding on him is bringing more vegetables along with him on his pack. 

Overall just a very rough piece to get something done quickly, and get back to painting as I have not touched a brush since the last challenge ended.  At least I have gotten some new glasses and they seem to be doing the job, so I should be able to do some decent painting this year once I get back into the groove (so please don't judge me too poorly on this slapped together paint job!).  Plus I had to get first blood in before my son does (he joined the challenge for the first time this year - QuinnM), as he had to work today, so I had time to get an entry in before he did.


Great to have you back in the Challenge Byron! And Snob for Christmas! Excellent! Terrific work my man. I love how wonderfully creepy these two are. I especially like how you did the head of the radish mount (ewww). Being a new figure we really need to get this guy pureed in an upcoming Turnip game. :)

Also, good call in getting a post up before your son Quinn. The Old Sweats have to show these Youngins how its done. Good job.

10 points for you Mr Mudry, well done!

Merry Christmas!

- Curt


From LeeH: Santa Claws [5 Points]

I’ve made a bit of a personal tradition to kick off my entry to the Challenge with a Christmas-themed miniature of one kind or another. Some of my previous entries have been fairly traditional, and others less so… Enter Santa Claws and his mechanical arm. This guy is definitely nightmare fuel for anyone on the naughty list so I'd better watch out!

This 28mm miniature metal was sculpted by Kevin Adams and was added to Foundry’s Christmas collection in 2020. Looking at the Foundry website, there is still plenty to keep me going for many Painting Challenges to come. 

I have to say, despite being a regular Challenger, even I found myself referring back to Tamsin's Guide for picture size specifications etc. 👍👍

So with this chap out of the way and a pile of homemade mince pies and other goodies to keep me going, I’m moving on to my main project for this year's Painting Challenge. Anyone following my blog or YouTube channel knows by now that I am taking a huge step outside my comfort zone to paint my first 28mm Napoleonics. Ray and I are collaborating on figures for the Retreat from Moscow using Sharp Practice. If you are shocked, you’re not alone. Less than six months ago I recalled saying on my channel that I’d never do Napoleonics and that I only go larger than 15mm for fantasy figures, yet here I am. It’s all Ray’s fault. Bless him. 

While waiting for various stages of Santa Claws to dry I've started on my first Russian unit. The wife has been very tolerant of her wargamer husband today and took pity on me after a tough few weeks at work (sooo much to do, so little time in the runup to the Christmas break). She literally ORDERED me up to my room this morning "You look miserable, go paint some models" she said as I tried to get on with a few chores. Never one to ignore my wife's orders I did as I was told. Maybe if I practice my knackered/frazzled/stressed look I'll be sent to my room a lot more over the holidays. 🤣


I always very much enjoy your traditional Challenge-Start-Not-Santa posts, Lee! I agree, 'Santa Claws' is definitely a heap of nightmare fuel. That being said, I can think of more than a few personalities on the world stage that I'd love to see him visit this holiday season.  :)

I'm also very much looking forward to seeing what you and Ray come up with for your Retreat from Moscow project. It's such a brutal but evocative campaign - lots of inspiration for the brushes!

5 points it is BigLee! Happy holidays to you and yours!

- Curt

The First Entry of Challenge XV - Dante Alighieri, author of 'The Divine Comedy' (25 Points)


Welcome to the fifteenth edition of the Analogue Hobbies Painting Challenge!

Following tradition, I scramble to welcome all the participants of the Challenge with the first entry. This year our theme is Dante's 'Divine Comedy' and so I thought it only proper to open the way into the Abyss with the man himself.

This is a 3d print from the talented folks at Claymore Miniatures. It's a nice rendition of Dante based on the painting by Domenico di Michelino. 

I started blocking in the colours a few days ago and so I will shamelessly claim the 'Limbo' theme for this entry as a previously started project. Still, I apologize for the rather impressionistic brushwork but as I was on the clock today with other tasks and so I was moving fast to get it completed.

As to points, this is a 28mm figure, so that's 5 points PLUS 20 for the Limbo theme location, making grand total of  25 to put me on the board. I have a sneaking suspicion this is going to be a long slog to 800 points...

Also, as a reminder, participants are free to submit entries whenever they wish until January 1st. I'll be holding down the fort during this time and as the Main Minion I'm eager to see what people come up with over the next few days. 

Happy Holidays! 

Again, welcome to the Challenge!

- Curt