Hi All!
For this years theme we'll be following Dante's journeys through The Abyss and Paradise.
Our resident mapmaker Sidney Roundwood is currently lost charting what's ahead for us (I heard him murmur that he was waylaid somewhere between Lust and Gluttony, but I may be wrong in that). In the meantime, below you will find a full listing of the themes for all of the locations. Here are a few rules to guide your planning:
- The path through both Heaven and Hell is linear (as listed below) BUT similar to Dante who had guides to aid his travels, we have our own local experts.
- In the Abyss there is 'Sarah the Succubus' who will allow you to move from theme to theme for the cost of a female figure OR one depicting a devil or demon.
- In Paradise you can be aided by 'Sarah the Seraphim' who can take you to the location of your choice for the cost of a female figure OR one depicting an angel.
- Theme submissions are awarded a 20 point bonus per theme. So a 28mm figures associated with a theme would be scored at 25 points total.
Everyone starts at the First Circle in the Abyss ('Limbo'). The only way to get to Paradise is to traverse five (5) of the infernal locations first. Once in Paradise you will not be able to return to the Abyss.
The Abyss
Map of The Abyss kindly provided by Sander. |
First Circle: Limbo
This is where previous projects have stalled. Submit something that has been partially worked on from before. Yes, this can include terrain. :)
Second Circle: Lust
Of course this could be something titillating but it could also be the miniature that you've always wanted for your collection but have denied yourself. One of the few times where I condone NSFW content. Young visitors may wish to avert their eyes.
Third Circle: Gluttony
Would you like your meal supersized? Show us a figure who has overindulged at the table. A little too much Holiday feasting perhaps?
Fourth Circle: Greed
As the depraved Emcee in the musical 'Cabaret' sang, 'Money makes the world go around...' Submit something illustrating an unbridled lust for filthy lucre.
Fifth Circle: Wrath
Paint us something that illustrates unchecked fury. Could be something shouty with a bad temper.
Sixth Circle: Heresy
Something that breaks with the accepted code. Shatters valued conventions.
Seventh Circle: Violence
Hmm, as many of us are wargamers I don't think I need to elaborate on this one too much.
Eighth Circle: Fraud
Somebody or something who claims to be something they are not.
Ninth Circle: Treachery
The back stabber, the turncoat, the faithless friend.
Map of Paradise kindly provided by Sander. |
First Sphere: The Inconstant
No Ray, not the Incontinent... :) Instead, think of something which may try its best but often falls a bit short.
Second Sphere: The Ambitious
A figure that is as keen as mustard, an overachiever (yes, so annoying, I know).
Third Sphere: The Lovers
This could be platonic love, romantic love, but not love based on lust - that's for the 'other place'.
Fourth Sphere: The Wise
Something contemplative and sage. Essentially no figure having any kind of resemblance to me. :)
Fifth Sphere: The Warriors of Faith
Religious lunatics anyone? Perhaps those from a local militia? The options are depressingly rich and diverse.
Sixth Sphere: The Just Rulers
This one could be tough. An unfortunately small field to choose from, but hey, thankfully we have fictional characters we can fall back on. :)
Seventh Sphere: The Contemplatives
The reasonable thinking person. Yes, arguably another rare beast, but I'm sure we can all rise to the occasion and find something.
Eighth Sphere: The Fixed Stars of Faith, Hope and Love
Submit a figure depicting any of these laudable themes.
Ninth Sphere: The Angels
This one could be interpreted quite broadly. From the fierce warriors of some deity to a simple beatific child, the options are plentiful.
There you have it! I know for certain I've missed important details so please feel free to query in the comments section below.
I'll see you all in Hell!