Wednesday 23 March 2022

From TeemuL: Challenge XII Wrap up - Squirrel Hunting across the Galaxy (1376 points)

Let's start with some unfinished projects. My son managed to paint and finish some models, but he got a severe painter's block at some point and couldn't just decide what colours to use - I guess we all suffer from that from time to time. That left him with a bunch of partly painted minis, but I didn't want to pressure him, just mentioned from time to time, that my working area is crowded with his unfinished minis. :) The painter's block is seen best on the German halftrack (Revell 1:72), which we assembled together during the Challenge and which he painted in subassemblies, but then the block struck: he didn't know what colours to use and he "didn't want it to be too colourful..." Yes, Tamsin, once this is ready, we'll book a flight and go to the Mega City One for a ride. :D

There is also a terrain piece with purple rock, some wooden houses (the red one might be finished, I'm not sure), two Pathfinder models, Stormcast Eternal and Space Marine (he wanted to paint a marine from Aurora chapter once he saw one in my many books, but once assembled and primed, he wasn't so sure anymore), the already mention German halftrack Sd. Kfz. 9 "FAMO" and Messerschmitt Bf 109 G-10.

He did finish the Pathfinder Orc and a genestealer amongst the others, but I don't have a group shot of them, unfortunately. Anyway, it was much fun to paint and assemble and in general have hobby time, father-and-son time, doing something together which we both were interested - in addition of playing lots of boardgames and being outside in nice Finnish winter.

Guilty as charged. Here they all are in a compact formation with me lurking in the background. Photo taken by my son. Below are some closeups from the stuff I painted, but they came a bit blurry because of the lightning and my eagerness.

I had lots of ideas and plans before the Challenge, but most of them were thrown away. I wanted to "finish" projects, painting those last minis for armies from the pile of shame, to complete things. I made some progress on that. I also got carried away hunting squirrels and going through the planets, which distracted me from my first target - the Runewars army still has some unpainted minis and 20mm Austrians are still in the Italeri box and so on...

I did manage to paint all the Sludge minis I had planned for and even managed to play a game, that was nice. Sludge raised some interest, so here is a link to the rules (not free): Blaster 3 from DriveThruRPG. The Blaster 4 has some additional rules, if you are interested in, but Blaster 3 has all the rules you need to play.

It was fun to paint all these "strange" minis, ducks from Glorantha and pulp minis from Crooked Dice, without the Challenge I would still be painting Oldhammer, Blood Bowl and LotR, I guess - not necessarily a bad thing, but there is much more competition on my working area now and those three saw very little paint. May be again in the next Challenge.

Here is something from the smaller scale. Start of an Undead army for Warmaster, some tactical squads for Epic and a modest display piece of Cruel Seas ships. Beginning of Flames of War armies can be seen in the backrow...

Here they all are again, rather many Tyranids got paint as well. I guess I need to see what I need to paint more in order to be able to play with them. From this photo you can also see that planetary expedition gave me lots of points (including the tour of Twilight Ring and several stops at Sarah's Star Yacht). There are not that many minis painted, at least when they are all very close to each other.

Thank you Curt and Sarah, all the minions and other participants! I make my best to not miss the next Challenge. In the meanwhile, if you are interested in, you can follow my minis, boardgames and life on my instragram account:


  1. That's a great collection, Teemu! :)

  2. Great final post Teemu. You have always been super enthusiastic about my posts, so thank you. I shall keep in touch!

    1. Thanks Brian! You have had very varied and high quality posts, it has been easy to get excited!

  3. Well done, Teemu, that’s a lot of squirrels.

    1. Thank you, Barks! It is, that's quite a lot of squirrels if it is compared to the total points I was able to paint.

  4. Great output Teemu. Very squirrelly

    1. Thanks Peter! I have had enough of squirrels for at least 9 months now. :)

  5. You had a fabulous Challenge, Teemu (and great haircut!). Thank you for all your comments and support over the course of the event.

    1. Working from home does wonders to one's hairstyle! This Challenge was a blast, thank you!

  6. What an impressive turnout! And lots of variation in themes. See you in December again

    1. Yes, the Squirrel Curse... Thank you and see you in December!

  7. Excellent work. Always good to see how much can be achieved during the Challenge. Have a great year gaming and hope to see you're wok again in December.

    1. Thanks, Lee! I'll do my best to join the Challenge XIII next December. These wrap-ups are nice, I can actually see that I have painted something, instead of storing the minis in the boxes and thinking only what there is left to paint. :)

  8. Thanks for your great and varied posts, Teemu! Your kind comments were much appreciated too. See you next winter!

    1. Yeah, I went very varied this year. Last year I was too busy to really follow the posts of others, so this year I tried to made it better.

  9. Well done Termu, you got a lot if different figures painted up this year.

    1. Thanks Ray! I got very focused on squirreling, that is something. :)

  10. Impressive output, I've appreciated the comments and really enjoyed your sludge wars figures!
    Best Iain

    1. Thanks Iain, nice to hear! Sludge Wars was a nice project and it will continue.

  11. Nice output Teemu - and fine squirrelling.

    1. Yes, thank you! Focusing on squirreling is both focusing and squirrelling. :)

  12. I always looked forward to your next post to see what new squirrel you were going to come up with! Thank you for all your kind comments throughout the Challenge. You were very helpful and motivating.

    1. I'm glad I could help and motivate others! Thanks Tasha!

  13. You have done brilliantly Teemu, my unfinished pile is far larger than yours so you have done admirably and with such consistent high quality too!

    Love to see you again next year mate!

    Cheers Sander

    1. Thank you Sander! One way to tackle the issue with half-issued projects is not to prepare to the Challenge and assemble and paint during the Challenge, so there is no "waste" on half done projects. Of course the paint output might be higher, if focused only on painting, but that is a different story. :)

    2. Good idea, will think about it for next year!

  14. Fantastic Teemu, well done on keeping the squirrel alive!


    1. Thank you Matt! The squirrel is alive and kicking. :)
