Wednesday 23 March 2022

From Skully McSkullface: The Skull Duel results

474 skullz here

Holding on to the bitter end, The Snowlord claims the Skull Throne. He is now entitled to use outgoing AHPC XI skull-champ Stuart L's cranium as a drinking vessel or dice cup. All hail the new Skull Champion!

  1. Curt 475
  2. DaveB 336
  3. Millsy 230
  4. TashaH 201
  5. StuartL 136
  6. GregB 134
  7. TeemuL 111
  8. Barks 106
  9. Sander 25
  10. PeteF 3

Notable Skullz

JamieM's Hunters of the Wild

Teemul's Skellies with freehand skullz

RayR can't deny the joy of skullz

Neither can TamsinP!

MikeW's Black Orc banner

StuartL's Khorne banner

Waaagh! Scrivs gets in on the skull action

More 10mm skullz from GregB

FrederickC found a few skullz

I have a few humble skullz myself

JohnE's Silver Bayonet skullz

Skull of the Week:

Printing her way into #4 on the ladder, rookie TashaH!

Until next time



  1. Thanks for the skullkeeping, Barks, not an easy task! The skull duel was may be a less tense than previous years, but still a hefty amount of skulls. So many things nowadays, squirrels, skulls, star system, alphasoups etc, you name it, hard to keep track of everything. And of course, hats off to the Snowskulllord, every mighty Curt!

  2. The Skull Lord is dead. Long live the Skull Lord!

    Congrats to Curt on assuming the mantle! :)

  3. I am truly humbled by this skulltastic honour. I honestly thought that DavidB was going to pip me at the post. Considering Barks' description of what happens to previous champions, I now have proper incentive to try to keep on top of the heap for next year.

    Now, Stuart, what size is your noggin? :)

    1. Conskullulations on winning this well contested side challenge Curt - you have joined an elite few who have overly obsessed about nugatory details on their figures :-)

    2. Congratulations on the win Curt. I'll have my skull mailed out to you just as soon as I've finished using it. You should be able to make a decent sized beer mug out of it.

  4. Congratulations on the win Curt and thank you for all the skully administration Barks!

  5. This made my head hurt... Nicely done to all that took part.

  6. Skullrific. Congrats to all, and thanks to Barks for covering off this lovely, heartfelt tribute to a sort of whacky part of the hobby.

    Congrats also to Natasha, for lobbing a skull bomb into the proceedings late in the game. No skull lead is safe!

    1. Thanks Greg! I’d like to thank Amazon, for their speedy delivery of my printer and supplies that allowed for my entry into the duel! Haha!

  7. Skull challenge is always an entertaining part of the overall challenge, some notable entries this year!
    Best Iain

  8. Once the Skull lord gets aHead it impossible for the rest of us to marrow the gap. It's good tibia winner - so congratulations even though in a sense no body won.

  9. Congrats to the well deserved top 3 winners! And I do feel like I have let you down Barks, I had all these 40K mini's prepped to go, but in the end I went another way with painting all the Blood Bowl stuff. Next year, next year I will seek my Skully revenge!

    1. I hear you, Sander! I’ve got a lot of skullicious terrain still on the sprue…

  10. congratulations to the Skull winners

