Thursday 29 December 2022

From MartinC: Random Greyish Stuff (98pts)

So ladies and gentlemen. I go away for 6 days of family Christmas, and a sneaky bit of gaming, and half of you have gone mad and painted all the figures you have. Most impressive but can you all calm down. It's a marathon not a snickers (only Brits will understand that)

I did manage to do some painting before I went away and have done some more today.

DaveD and I played our 1st game of 02hundred yesterday, it has potential but the rules need putting in a much better order. It was a somewhat baffling.

These are SAS troopers for the Brits. I painted them somewhat lighter than the Germans, who were too dark

Couple of snipers and a bren gun for support

All these are Artizan designs

Commander and radio operator

Finally some proper support

2" mortar, K gun (when you need all the bullets), flame thrower and PIAT

Next up Dave and I are running a gangster game ar Hammerhead and we thought we needed a tube station. That I can make but the tube train was harder. A trawl of ebay found this kit. It was a nightmare to put together. the base is 5mm shorter than the roof. so much sawing and filing was needed. Overall it looks cool though

gave it a dirty silver paint job with red trim, seems to fit with the game

It's a big old unit, big enough for a gunfight

Finally we needed some buildings for 02hundred so I picked these up, Sarissa I think

Couple of fairly large ones

and a couple of sheds

Will work for Gangsters and pretty much anything else.

Scores on the doors
13x28mm infantry = 65
1x28mm train = 20
4x buildings = 2/3 cube =13

total = 98 pts

That will do for today. Just watched Medieval on Netflix (cancelled my membership - it's got really rubbish lately with some proper gems that last a series before being cancelled, and don't get me started on the total BS that is Ancient Apocalypse.). Anyway Medieval isn't great but it is about Jan Zizka and I feel the need for a Hussite army, cos obviously that's the kinda guy I am.


Great grey stuff, Martin. I like your greyscale SAS team, but I am sorry to hear that '02 Hundred' is proving to be a bit more of a puzzle than anticipated. It's a shame, as the game's premise is spot-on for creating fun scenarios. I'll have to see if I can grab a PDF copy of the rules to see what could be leveraged for a cooperative game. 

I like the sound of the Gangster game you and Dave are plotting. Your subway car is especially brilliant, and I can definitely see it being used for some dramatic confrontations. I can just imagine in my mind's eye, the car's lights flashing on and off, as two-fisted action unfolds within. Very pulpy!

Yep, I agree, 'Ancient Apocalypse' is trash - how did it ever get produced much less released? I'll have to check out 'Medieval' as I like the idea of heavily armed caravans. Sort of a middle-ages Texas trailer park with crossbows.

- Curt


  1. Nice bit of kit Martin. The tube car looks great after your gentle persuasion.

  2. I enjoy the bulk of Artizan figures. Yours are great. Nice on the tube and the other assorted buildings.

  3. Curt, cheers. the pdf of 02hundredis incomplete. it is a good came, but a pain. The conspiracy guy on ancient apocalypse has a son who is commisioning editor for Netflix. Medieval is more robin hood than grand battles, annoyingly

  4. Lots of greyish stuff here, looking good.

  5. A nice variety, Martin. The car is brilliant! Sorry to about your Zizka, hopefully you get well soon. If not, just give in, that should cure it.

  6. Great brushwork mate. The choice of subject for black and white is spot on.

  7. Lovely stuff, Martin! The Artizan SAS figures are great - I used some of them in my British airborne force [I needed a K-gun for if I ever run a Recce Squadron action]. :)

    1. cheers, it is a mad gun. Do love Artizan stuff

  8. These are great, Martin! I think the tube carriage really looks the business. Very New York subway, or Northern Line.... possibly still a bit too pristine for the Northern Line ;)

    1. Thank you, the Newcastle Metro was a bit too yellow to use that paint scheme

  9. Great entry! Greysacales make me shiver, these are pretty nice

    1. ta, it's easy, just pretend you are colour blind

  10. Great opportunity for the greyscale, really captures the atmosphere. I love the idea of the 0200 rules, glad there's at least some promise in them!
