Thursday 29 December 2022

From TeemuL: Limousine Ride and some Extras [Limousine] (60 points)

"There are two things movies located to Middle-Earth lack and they are romance and depth. To fill the first void we are presenting a dwarf maiden, Dis, who will create some romantic scenes with our two heroes, love triangle as never seen before! There's some depth there already, but we are going deeper, Dis doesn't travel alone, she has her personal bodyguard with her, a Huorn. Why are they two connected, a living tree and dwarf, that is a deep question. Actually so deep, that we are not answering it, that is a story seed reserved for a prequel. And yes, of course we need some Rohan extras next to those Dunharrow ghosts for Pelennor Fields scene, you can see them behind the window as we take this Limou ride with Dis and Huorn to the Sci-Fi studio - you can't believe what we have to do with a scifi with this movie of ours, but I give you a hint: Galadriel?"

I like this photo, has some cinematic feel on it?

The cloak is good camouflage in my dungeon.

Dis and Huorn are metal Mithril minis from 1990 or so, so not really retroes. But Dis will give me a ride to the Sci-Fi studio, which is directly linked with this movie we all gonna love.

Here I try to show the painted eyes...

But before we get there, let's take a closer look on our heroine and her bodyguard. Dis is a very simple mini (Mithril M161 Dis - Dwarf maiden), long hair, veil on face, clothes and a cloak. I had to paint her eyes to get some character to her. Dark cloak is useful when travelling here and there in Middle-Earth. Huorn (Mithril M190, Huorn - Killer tree) is a living tree, much like Ents, but not quite. I used dark browns and light browns on him, very little light grey on final highlights. Used traditional paints on it, Contrasts on Dis.

These Rohans are Contrast jobs, too. During last Challenge some one was fixing broken Lotr minis and painting them. That inspired me, since I have got several broken Lotr minis, Rohan especially. So I glued a broken javelin and two broken arrows (another got broken and lost after priming, but I can live with that). I cut off the shied knob and the first three were ready to go. The rider got an unbroken horse and I replaced his broken spear with a banner. And the warrior who had lost a shield and broken his sword got another banner and a horn - horrible green stuff "sculpts". He will be an arrow magnet in games, if anything! Boosting morale and helping to win fights all in same figure, but he was fun to create.

I'll say 6 28mm minis, Dis is smaller and Huorn taller, but average is there and then one 28mm mounted for 40 points. And 20 points for Limo. I guess these will be my last minis for 2022, but there should be some dwarfs coming up next Wednesday!


I'm quite enjoying the unfolding story (screenplay?) in your LotR movie, Teemu! I have a real soft spot for Mithril Miniatures' vision of Tolkien's world. Their softer, more elegant designs gives them a more introspective look somehow. I really enjoy them, and your brushwork on both the Dwarf maiden and her Ent companion really do them justice. (Note: I need to pick some of these up.) I also like how you've reconstituted some of these Rohan warriors so that they can fight orcs another day. Great work and fine painting!

- Curt


  1. I particularly like the banner!

    1. Thank you! It is green stuff, pressed very thin and cut to a banner shape. Simple Rohan symbol.

  2. Nice work Teemu. I also like those Mithral figures.

  3. Hello!
    Love the dwarf maiden ... is she bearded behind the veil? Enquiring minds need to know!

    1. Well, I have been thinking about it, but I guess we need a new movie to explore that. :D

  4. Great thematic post. Excellent female dwarf and sidekick.

    1. Thank you Bruce. Female dwarfs are rare as huorns.

  5. Thanks Curt! There are lots of more Mithril minis coming from me, so have your credit card and mithril/ebay site ready. ;)

  6. Looking awesome Teemu, and what a story to follow!

    1. Thanks Tom! You are not alone following the story, I'm there with you. :D

  7. Lovely work, Teemu! I like the odd couple.

    1. Thanks! You need a brilliant screenwriter to create an odd couple like this. :D

  8. "During last Challenge some one was fixing broken Lotr minis and painting them. That inspired me..."I'll take credit for that even though I am sure I was not the only one.😁

    1. I'll give you the credit unless someone challenges you. :) Broken Lotr minis are quite common, they are not sturdy enough for WHFB or WH40k players.

  9. Nice paintwork overall! Great work all around!

  10. Nice work mate. Love the backstory!

  11. Nice minis and great work - I'm beginning to think the 1990s could count as vintage - tempus fugit and all that

    1. 1990s was quite a long time ago, I started painting minis in early 90s.
