Saturday 21 January 2023

From Barks: Warriors of Minas Tirith (Books) (80 points)

Controversial opinion, but I think The Lord of the Rings would make a decent film. Here are my first Gondorian soldiers. They are not my favourite design, but they are clean and recognisable and nice sculpts. I painted over the embossed shield design in pale grey, as I felt white was too stark. The hardest bit was painting the faces after painting the helmets.

A dozen defenders of Denethor

Spears and shields

Swords and shields

12x 28mm figures (60 points)
Book studio (20 points)

We really should have had a Lord of the Lord of the Rings side duel.

Hmm, that is an interesting idea, the Lord of the Rings as a film. I think if you were careful with it, you could probably even make it a two-parter. Personally, I think that Daniel Radcliffe would make a reasonable Frodo. You'd need to get a jolly good director in to really make the project work though. Someone who could be trusted to remain true to the source material and not just milk the books for all they were worth. 

Your Gondorians look all set to take to the field against the forces of Sauron, the light grey on the shields suits the dark look to the armour and uniforms.


  1. Yes, Danny DeVito as Gimli might work, but then he might end up as a comic sidekick, and no dwarf should be treated like that. I like your duel idea, too. Challenge XIV?

    And nicely painted warriors of Gondor, the grey shield design looks cool.

  2. These look great, love your shields. On the subject of the films, if they do make them, as long as they don't over milk the subject and try and make three films out of the Hobbit.

  3. Replies
    1. ps, I'm still waiting for part 2 of the Lord of the Rings; it's 44 years since part one was released.

    2. The half graphic and almost too scary for young Teemu version? I guess I should watch it again.

    3. I haven't seen that one...

  4. They look great. They tried to make LOTR films a couple of times in the 70s and they were terrible, they’ll never make that mistake again.

    I’m curious why paint the faces after the helmets and not the other easy round

    1. I started by spraying the whole thing gunmetal...

  5. Great looking defenders of Gondor, Barks.

  6. I feel the same way about the Warriors of Minas Tirith Barks; but they do paint up fast and well which is a bonus. When you consider how many of us paint MESBG minis during the challenge, a side duels is probably a good idea.

  7. Great work Barks! I'm in agreement with the uninspiring Gondorians (maybe that was the whole point, with a people in decline). Painting faces after doing the helmets?! What possessed you to do that?

  8. That's quite a hot take there Barks! Nice work on the models though :-)

  9. Everybody knows that LOTR is sadly unfilmable. However, if they ever could and try a stop-animation your Gondorians could definitely star in it, Barks!

  10. Those are superb, well done Barks

  11. Super stuff Barks, you have given me a idea for my entry now!


    1. Well done, Barks! They look splendid and the pale grey does read well as white. Having painted gondor troops before, I betcha did the faces last just to push through all the same armor, leather, and sir are a masochist! ;)

    2. Luckily, David, there were only twelve...

  12. Fun stuff. A grind, but the minis are well done.

  13. Great looking warriors of Minas Tirith!
    Best Iain
