Saturday 21 January 2023

From ScottR 15mm Australian Vehicles for NAM by Battlefront. 168 Points

 Hi all and here is teh second last of my Australians for the NAM game by Battlefront.  You saw the infantry and in this painting session i managed to get teh vehicles done.  I had them started by basing tehm with a darkish green.  I wasnt very happy with this a sa base so I went back and did them with a black undercoat.

So with the re-undercoating done.  I needed to find a suitable colour.  I did a bit of investigating through teh RAAC Museum in OZ and found that in the 60 the Centurions and M113s which where new to Australia where done in an Olive Drab base.  I wanted one that was a little less brown than a normal Olive drab so i chose the AK Paints version.

I then did the first coat followed by teh first higlight or modulation.  First modulation was the Olive Drab with a bit of sand mixed in.

The second modulation was using AKs Faded Olive Drab.

After the modulaion was complete I then airbrushed the tracks, exhaust pipes and added stowage of jerry cans and baggage etc.  From here the vehicles were taken to the work bench for a bit of touch up and to paint the crew.  Once this was complete.  I sprayed a light mahogany brown around the track areas, sides, front and rear to look like the rtedish dust found in Vietnam from the dark red soil.  I did it fairly light just to add some tone.

Once this was done the vehicles were airbrushed with AKs satin varnish.  This was left to dry so the decals could be added.  The decals were taken from a couple of references.  These included the red and yellow 'Tac' (Tactical plates for the unit and the Green for the !st Australian Task Force or 1ATF.

The next set were a mix of the squadron and troop markings.  The squadron is the yellow circle on the side of the turret.  The troops is the yellow shiled with the red kangaroo.  There is another with a kangaroo holding an umbrella but couldnt find the mpeg to make the decal.

Great work on these pieces of heavy armour, Scott. The various shades on the armour as well as the decals you have applied (those must be pretty difficult to do at this scale), really add a lot of life to the models. 
As for scoring, I count 20 vehicles as well as a few commanders sticking out of various hatches, so I have assigned points for those. 


  1. Nice work on the AFVs, Scott! :)

  2. Great result on these tanks, Scott!

  3. Fabulous Scott, what a great looking Battlegroup.

    I found the article that I posted on TMP years ago and will post today (Sunday ) on my blog for 2nd Cavalry regiment, plus RAEME and engineer m113 names and the FSV vehicles.


  4. Excellent work, Scott! I like the color and weathering on the vics very much. I especially like the command tank with tent, don't see that to much in wargame minis and it nice to see one of those portable sweat boxes in miniature! ;)
