Monday 11 March 2024

From PeterB - Into the final section with some more 2nd Ed 40K and friends - 145 Points

I've finally hit the last section of the library. As you can probably tell I am unnecessarily trying to cover every set of stacks. So first of all, Oversize books.

Having been playing some Gaslands, I felt I needed a vehicle with a bit more craziness. What can be crazier than a monster truck with oversized tyres. This beast is definitely going to be intimidating the other drivers.

The vehicle is originally a cutesy cartoon vehicle from a kids show and had a smiley face on the front. A no-prize to anyone that can name the character/show. Some additional bits added from the instruments of carnage sprue from North Star and it now looks the part.

Next up, we head to true crime.

In the Warhammer 40,000 universe, the job of investigating crimes and keeping the peace amongst the miserable masses falls to the local Adeptus Arbites. (At least from third edition 40K onwards anyway,) Amongst the underhives of the spire cities where gangs roam, they are mostly kept in check by these guys, keeping them from bothering the rich families of the upper levels. Quite obviously inspired by the Lawmakers from Mega City One in the pages of 2000AD, these Judges are also Jury and Executioner when required. 

Then we head to cookery. 

I struggled at first with this category, then a delve in my "to do" box and I found this Spartan taking a break on campaign. Not sure of the manufacturer unfortunately, it was a second hand gift from a friend amongst some other bits. I also pulled out some pots and fire left over from the Renada Viking House set and a bunny from Bad Squiddo Games. It looks to me like the soldier is wondering what he is going to cook that evening, then has inspiration when an inquisitive rabbit appears. Maybe he is about to cook up some carrot broth and will share the carrot tops with his new friend?

Next we head to self help.

As everyone knows, the keeping and caring of plants is also an excellent balm for the mind. I myself am not that green fingered but do enjoy planting the odd bulb here and there to make the garden look nice. Although after completing this project my fingers were indeed definitely a shade of goblin green.
Some of you old school 40K players may recognise these plants as inspired by all those magnificent battle reports from old White Dwarfs that have been the inspiration of my main project this year, 

Yep, you too can have dangerous alien plant life as terrain on your wargame table by shoving some cocktail sticks into polystyrene balls. (Some are actually egg shaped, handy it being Easter soon.) The whole project took a lot longer than expected due to the layers of cheap craft paint taking an age to dry and needing multiple coats. The balls were attached together with very careful application of hot glue, too much and the polystyrene would just disintegrate. PVA glue however just didn't cut the mustard.

Scale shot for reference

The cacti are around 3 inch cube and there are six of them, so probably 15 points?

Finally, not for any location, just a little bonus for those of you that were missing the back banners and skulls. I present Zodgrod Wortsnagga. (That is a mouthful of a name.) Zodgrod is a slaver amongst the Ork society, preferring the company of Grots/Gretchin. 

A member of my local club very kindly swapped some old school Orks with me for some Chaos Dwarfs, so I had to paint this chap up this week for my retro Ork army.

To the scores...

1 x 20mm vehicle = 15 points
5 x 28mm Arbites infantry. 5 x 5 = 25 points
1 x 28mm Spartan infantry = 5 points
4 x locations. 4 x 20 = 80 points
terrain points = 15 points
1 x 28m Ork infantry = 5 points

Total = 85 points 145 points
 Sylvain: Nice completion of locations this week! Your "Big Foot" vehicle is hilariously tire-obese. Fantastic submission.


  1. Thanks Sylvain. 1 location to go for next week now. Plans are already afoot!

  2. Great selection. I really like the Spartan and bunny vignette. Pretty sure that I've seen that truck filling up at a local gas station.

    1. Thanks Peter. The truck would take a lot of gas I bet!

  3. Replies
    1. Thanks Teemu. I just need some Orky huts now.

  4. All great stuff here. The space-cacti are inspirational!

    1. Thanks Dallas, it's been 30 odd years, but I finally got around to making them

  5. From arbites to terrain, lots of great old school 40k work. The poor bunny picked a bad time to drop by.

    1. Thanks Tom. I definitely am enjoying all this old school nostalgia.

  6. Love your Spartan vignette Peter -- but lets hope the poor bunny doesn't end up in that pot!

    1. Thanks Simon. I suspect he will. Soldiers have to eat!

  7. Peter, I liked the Spartan study while the spikey furniture (ouch) is spot on - simple but conveys some other world instantly.

    1. Thank you. I need to maybe visit my local pet shop for some plastic plants too.

  8. Lovely Spartan vignette, nice looking judges and an excellent monster truck!
    Best Iain
