Monday 11 March 2024

From TeemuL: A Boy Scout [Biography] (25 points)

13th stop at the Library sees me complete the 4th section so I should now be ready to open the Rare and Antique Books by the instructions from the Snowlord. But before that, let's take a look at this latest mini to my painted collection.

It is a British boy scout holding a flag. I have painted it with the colours of our scout group, so a blue shirt and a blue scarf - other colours can and do vary. Some time ago (after Brexit and China Tax) our scout group ordered some scout minis to paint for some occasion, but the delays on the post meant that these arrived late. Plan B was to use this as prizes on competitions. I participated the competition and our team got the second place, but by then the minis were stored somewhere and were not found. I got this last week in the end and realized it was the missing link of my Library exploration, I could use this for Biography/Autobiography section! I'm a scout and a miniature painter, so this should satisfy the autobiography requirements.

The paint job is basically basecoat, highlight and wash, although there might be couple of highlights here and there. The joy of painting a single mini is that you can do more things and try this and that and see how it goes. There are some personal links, my knife has a black sheath, brown grip and some brown metal at the end, so I tried my best to replicate that. The scarf and flag have the symbol of our group "an acorn", although it is very small on the scarf (Kaarinan korpiklaani). The hair colour is quite close to mine, but this is naturally the younger me, without the beard and glasses etc. I have never held our flag either. I have all kinds of badges on the shirt, but I didn't try to paint them, it would have ended in a mess... I do have a khaki shorts, which I frequently use and black "Wellington" boots.

I painted the acorn only on the other side of the flag, the front side looked so nice I was worried I was not able to replicate the result on the backside, so I kept it blue. The flag is cut from a youghurt container lid, so it is very thin and soft metal sheet and has a nice texture on it. I have used the same material on some other flags, too.

Unfortunately I don't know the manufacturer or even the store where this (and other similar) were purchased. I haven't even attached him to a larger base, just painted the metal base in khaki. I might use him as a civilian somewhere, but I'm tempted to create a diorama, if I get more of them. Let's see. However, he is done now in my books.

And here is the map, next stop Rare and Antique Books, unless I wander somewhere else in the mean time. 1 28mm mini and location bonus for 25 in total.
 Sylvain: Thank you for giving us a glimpse into your biography. Bit by bit, year over year, this is how we get to better know fellow challengers. Nice paint job on that figurine!


  1. Nice Job never seen a boyscout figure before

    1. Thanks Adam! Me neither, but unsurprisingly they exist.

  2. Thanks Sylvain! Learn and forget! :)

  3. Lovely job Teemu. Although I challenge you to try the badges one day before your eyes go! ;-)

    1. Thanks! I will try if I get another scout mini to paint. :)

  4. Great stuff, love the personal connection.

  5. Teemu I was a boy scout once, so this figure took me back in time. I especially liked the pose - eyes to the flag so to speak and somehow "forwards". nice piece of work.

  6. Excellent looking boy scout!
    Best Iain
