Tuesday, 4 March 2025

Roll green Tide- DavidB( 360 points)

I only had a few days off of work and with the passing of of my stepfather and my mothers hospitalization, I have been burning the candle at both ends in tending to issues and their home and animals. Looking at the delightful chaos on my desk, I was surprisingly able to maintain focus for a few days and mainly kept to a limited palette of olive drabs, browns and blacks mostly Vallejo paints.
Every model that follows is a 3D print from Windham Graves and sourced from his profile on thingiverse. His files are for both FDM and Resin prints. I wish I had a resin printer as he also has files for wine bottles and wine crates among other things. I liked rather much the rabbit hole of all the most splendid and unusual and very odd trucks and machines from WW2 and the cold war. A bonus is all the models print on the build plate like a more magical summon of old airfix model kits. I was able to just fill my wet palette with paint and blast through a small foothill of models. I still hate painting vicks and these still need final weathering, but I need some decals from adepticon first.This has also reduced some, not all, of the haphazard stacking on the desk and cabinets.

Up first is my favorite armored car ever. Some people want the luxurious Rolls Royce of any era and the most discriminating wish for the ever classic Silver Ghost. I have always wanted the olive drab machine with the turret and pickup bed! Now I have two from the inter to early war era and the upgraded one with the extra wide tires to slice through sand and mud. 

I was looking for another scheme to paint as there was a lot of olive vicks on the paint desk. I found the blue grey scheme i thought was a desert camouflage, but was a dazzle pattern from late WW1 and interwar period. with speed and agility, this is quite a respectful scout vick but had no anti armour munitions. It did have a decent production, but the British built far more AC than this with better multirole abilities. Now this one is as rare as the silver ghost....until I print more.

The humble matador is the British prime mover and has a lot of torque for a 4x4 truck. I like the matador far more than the bren carrier and do have a few more printed models with cover and like this one without. 

These are still on the road today, although more as this one in a repaint and hauling salvage or working on farms. 

WW2 shifted the world into industry and forced skilled British carpenters into other trades. There was enough skilled carpenters to make the cargo boxes for these trucks and the mosquito! I should have painted the box green, but I had more fun painting natural wood and painting another color than olive drab.

The British motor pool for now.
The Stuart is my favorite tank of all time because of GI Combat comic books and the haunted tank. The Renault f17 is a close second. although it is a small tankette with a two man crew, The French made it, I am certain, thinking of glorious cavalry charges. There are pictures of crew smiling around their machines coated in soot and mud with toothy grins on their faces. Although a horse can run faster, from a grunts perspective it would be exhilarating to jump ditches and splash through pastures and fields with this little machine.

This little machine could easily rip through small European towns and follow narrow goat paths in the wilds. 

without looking, it seems its top speed was something like 15MPH which isn't too quick, but its engine was also pushing an armored machine and is still quite fast for the technology of the time and what renault could do. More surprising is this tank served in militaries up to this century although I am sure that those machines had better guns and engines.

They were used by many nations and quite a few ended up serving the Axis powers as well. I can equip these three with the standard machine gun, or upgrade to command turret and small field gun...very small field gun.
Now the Green Tide is rolling. Five halftracks to begin the green Tsunami. Tulane University in Louisiana started the Roll Tide as their school mascot is the green Tsunami. Tsunami is a suitable word to describe the flood of industry and logistics that prove the Axis powers could not prevail. British and French forces held out long enough for America to arrive. American military was not large for the start of the war, but as industry and training began in earnest, those soldiers went abroad in vicks as fresh as themselves. Good designs got upgrades and were shared with allies. Logistics works a whole lot better if only parts for a few models of trucks and tanks are needed. likewise fuel and ammunition. Most forget that the Germans invaded France and Belgium with splashy, impressive machines, yet the bulk of troops and supplies were moved by horse, cart, wagon, and even bicycles. I have loads of files for the Axis forces, but the sheer multitude of trucks and armor from many nations made their logistical chain an unwieldy nightmare.

These are going to be a rifle platoon rides for an Old Ironsides mechanized infantry unit.
to shepherd the convoy they have a half track with anti air flak and twin 50 cal.

I was using them to do an on the fly test for olive drab, so the paint does vary among them. It does show the difference in paint from batches of paint and wear in the war though!
a Diamond T deuce and a half with a jeep representing the platoons HQ. 

I will print more Diamond T and even jeeps, but I do plan a few vick purchases to find some crew hence the jeep is a covered file as no crew is currently in my collection.

I will also print up more of both for terrain and other purposes. After WW2 a lot of the old military trucks were used to revitalize industry and replace horses on farms. I will reprint many of the trucks and use them as civilian vicks in other games

People do wonder why halftracks are no longer around. the M4 is perfect for moving a squad of men around, but is small for cargo capacity and complicated in repair and maintenance. The Matador' which is my mental picture everytime I hear the word Lorry, is powerful, maneuverable but very compact and top heavy. Although a beast, it was easily mired in mud and snow especially in convoys.  the 6x6 Diamond T  was powerful, fast, and if mired in mud, the morass would also stop infantry in waist deep muddy molasses. It's only limits were the small roads in European towns. The Red Ball highway was dominated by these trucks.
Now my favorite tank the M3 and M5 Stuart. These will be the scout arm of my Old Ironsides force. I already have a warlord games Stuart painted in an earlier AHPC  as the haunted tank. these match totally fine with that model. I added stowage on the tanks mainly for visual interest and cover some of the limitations on FDM printing...the stowage is from a lot of different 3D files I used to fill my stowage bit box.

such a tiny little tank and it did quickly excel in recon units replacing AC use in the US military.
I do have the deerhound and greyhound AC files, but although printed I haven't assembled them yet.

The M5 has improved engines and stowage internal than the M3
A squadron of Shermans with a bog standard, a firefly, then an easy 8 variants making the troop.

I spent the most time building and painting these tanks the last two days.

I will make more and perhaps spend a little more time in placement of the stowage and improvised armor on the hulls. 

So this is the start of my Old Ironsides and friends. I wanted to get them done before adepticon and where I will acquire troops to play WW2 games. I have seen Bolt Action tournaments there and they do not hate on the 3D prints and are more interested in force lists, sportsmanship, and painting. This is a lot of vicks( I still hate painting them) but now I just need infantry and a few other bits to make a force. A lot cheaper than GW stuff too. I am going to focus from Kasserine Pass to the Italian Campaign. This will let me collect not only the Old Ironsides, but also add the French Foreign legion, Devils Brigade, Thunderbirds, but also Italian and German troops. Although the rule of cool means several illustrious units will be added  even if they fought in other theatres.
for now though I can buy several packs of infantry without regret and a few WW2 rulesets!
18 allied tanks and trucks for 360 points

Sorry to hear about your family woes David- I trust things look up soon
- Paul

From GregB - Legion Cataphractii Command Squad for 30k Thousand Sons (15 points)

Legion Terminator command squad for the XV Legion Astartes. 

Sadly not too much to share painting-wise this week - but at least the figures are rather large chaps! We have a Legion Command Squad wearing terrifying Cataphractii terminator plate and resplendent in the colours of the XV Legion Astartes, the Thousand Sons. These are multi-part plastic 28mm figures from GW's "Age of Darkness" range for gaming the Horus Heresy setting. 

View showing the not-quite-net-zero-compliant power systems of the armour.

Since it is AHPC XV, I am making an effort to get my XV Legion collection to the next level in terms of size/capability. This command squad will help in that regard, bulking out the command element on the table. They accompany their boss (usually a Praetor or Centurion) to battle. I try to have a command squad like this for each Space Marine Legion I collect, because they all feature a silly banner, and I just love the large, silly banners in the Horus Heresy. They really capture the blend of dark-age-war-approach with high-tech-weapons that is a cornerstone of the delightful absurdity that is 30k!

Banner bearer, ready to inspire his brother Marines.

Closer look at the banner bearer.

The Legion Command squads are supposed to wear similar armour to the commander they accompany. As my Thousand Sons have gone to battle so far under the leadership of a Praetor in Cataphractii Terminator armour, his command flunkies would need to have the same kit. I have plenty of plastic Terminators sitting around in the shelves, and the banner was an easy swap in from the standard Space Marine command accessory sprue. The excellent Thousand Sons decal sheet from Forge World had a handy large-sized transfer that fit the big silly banner perfectly, and I'm pleased with how it all turned out.

I love this pose. "Hey, over there - someone shoot that guy!"

The Cataphractii Terminator armour is one of those systems that reads as terrifying in the lore and the stories but never matches up to that sort of experience when you actually deploy them on the table in the game. In a game system where "points" are used to create balance, the Terminators cost far too many points relative to what they manage to achieve in a given game. That said, they look super cool - the Cataphractii armour variant in particular is just delightful in its air of slab-sided menace. 

Another dramatic pose - figured a drama-adjacent sort like this fellow should be in the command squad...

The big, dramatic banner provides some morale and associated buffs for fellow Thousand Sons Space Marines on the table. The chap carrying it has a nice big power sword to smack people with, while the other two - "chosen" - act as general bodyguards, with combi-bolters to and power fists to deal with matters arising on the battlefields of the grim and dark far future.

Some great waterslide transfers do the heavy-lifting on the big, silly banner...

An additional advantage for these sorts of units in the Thousand Sons is that nearly all of the members of the Legion have spooky psychic powers, which they use despite the serious risks involved in messing with the warp with no problems at all everything always works out just fine...it provides these chaps with an extra edge in the battle, particularly in the company of their scary boss. Terminators can already be a handful, but Terminators with spooky powers? Whatever happens on the table, rest assured it will be dramatic!

A photo with the boss! The Praetor was not painted as part of the Painting Challenge, but still fun to pose him with his brand-new set of command flunkies!

Scoring-wise, we have three 28mm infantry models. Chunky models perhaps, but 28mm infantry all the same, and so we have 15 points! That's it for this week...I'm hoping, as all Challengers hope, to be making a last big splash prior to the end of AHPC XV...but real life may not agree, so we'll see. But thanks for reading, and keep those brushes going!


wrath DavidB(80 points)


Wrath is this stop for Circle of Hell, it is also a chance to clear more minis from the haphazard piles I have on my desk. To keep the post shorter, I will focus on a few miniatures for this entry. I tried to focus on just the phobios kill team, but somehow 30k white scars got added since I am incapable of focus.* this is why I won't do the squirrel duel as it is far too easy. It would be better to attempt a duel where i have to focus on one period, game, army! ;) 
White Scars can definitely be wrathful, however there is different measures of wrath. There is the shock and awe of artillery and bombing runs bringing wrath from the heavens.The wrath brought by whole legions of troops scouring all before them. There exists another wrath. When you also need to send a message that no matter what your opponent does, they cannot hide, they cannot prepare, all their defensives and armies are for naught as you can just send forth a small team to wreck them. A small team that is sent to kill a general or political leader, wreck a command site or radar station, maybe raid and destroy an important site. I have painted a Phobios strike team before for the Iron Snakes, but these are White Scars and will also give my 40k force Infiltrators and Incursors. Phobios kill teams can include reivers as well. This 10 man team lets me add two units of infiltrators and plus up the Incursors which will give my White Scars additional options in deployment before battle and close support for the outriders...when not lending options for a White scar kill team. 

A few basic troops. 

just bog standard infiltrators. I did use bare heads for most and added dags and splashes of red. Some of the White Scar bare heads for 30k were used. One of the marines above has the bare head from the storm-seer. I wanted them all to have a more special heroic look in kill team and even raided my bit box for additional marine decorations and medallions

an infiltrator commo troop as well as icursor sniper and another veteran specialist that can sub as a sgt in 40k games

a mechanicus trained demolitions troop and a medic

a signal specialist that can double as an infiltrator commo upgrade

The 30k praetor bare head was used for the Sgt. I went entirely the rule of cool for this killteam.

the praetor has an ornate mk3 suit while the stormseer has a newer mk6 suit of armor...and a snazzy staff.

I only was able to finish this praetor and storm-seer from 30k. In the Horus Heresy, the White Scars took Imperial guard tanks and led an all out blitz on the Lions Gate spaceport held by the Deathguard. Only a few Scars on other duties were left behind. It was a very wrathful charge. The lead Stormseer died unleashing his powers against traitor forces. speeders, bikes, and chapter thunderhawks and fighter craft did CAS runs letting the tanks, rhinos, and landraiders punch through defenses. The White Scars brought wrath to the Deathguard. They were fighting brining battle to their foe instead of hiding behind the walls of Terra. Jaghatai khan wanted to lead his marines in a charge to the foe and most including him thought they would die inflicting damage on the forces of Horus. Mortarion was banished to the warp as Jaghatai brought him down, but the great khan himself was brought near death in the duel. 
Traitor and loyalist alike felt the fall of their Primarch. The deathguard lost all hope and many despaired at the corrupted forms they had become. The White Scars went the other way. In their grief they fought in berserk, wrathful, fury. Only a terran born praetor was able to make them stop their pursuit of the despairing Deathguard. Jaghatai wasn't dead but very grievously wounded. In one wrathful charge, the White Scars achieved a sliver of hope for the besieged imperial forces but at a great cost.

two 30k heroes- 10 points and 4 skulls
ten 40k marines for 50 points and 34 skulls
20 points for wrath and new skull tally of 133

In a prolific week, this is the first of 4 seperate submissions from David this week. White Scars have always been cool despite them being a blatant copy of genocidal maniacs. Then again, they fit right in with the other happy-go-lucky denizens of grimdark universe

- Paul

From DallasE: Star Wars Legion Imperial Troops (49 points)

Scrambling a bit for something to submit this week... I pulled a squad of Legion 3D prints out of a box. I've had these for a few years, but hadn't yet gotten paint on them. I think it's because they're slightly larger than the rest of the models I'd painted for Star Wars Hoth/winter gaming. In any event as long as they're segregated in their own unit they should be fine.

I had a bit of deciding to do on the colours. Black uniforms would've made sense, but then how do you contrast the belts and holsters? White didn't make sense. So they got grey uniforms and black belts and holsters.

Of course most of 'em also have these funky backpacks and chest armour. Internet sleuthing found these to be snowtrooper stuff, so they were painted white. I could see these guys as a squad of special-ops guys outfitted with some snowtrooper gear for a Hoth mission.

The Imperial insignia was a challenge to paint and on these models is pretty... "impressionistic." Oh well.

The helmets and goggle lenses got a coat of gloss varnish as well.

So these guys are done, back to some historical 15mm or 28mm vehicles next week I think.


7x 40mm SW Legion infantry (7 pts each) = 49 points 


Impressive that you just had these guys lying around. They look the part Dallas, but does that mean they can shoot any straighter than their stormtrooper shipmates??? :-)

- Paul