Thursday, 9 January 2025

From GrahameH: 15mm Dixon Samurai and 15mm Essex Babylonian Chariots (900 points)

I decided this year that I would try and paint my 15mm Dixon Samurai. I purchased these when Dixon Miniatures used to attend shows in the UK so I have probably had these sitting in a box for more than 20 years. I have purchased a few new ones to complete units, but decided just to split what I had in two to try and make 2 armies. 

Each army is made up of three commands of six units. This leaves a few extra units which I will paint when the armies are finished. The army is based for Impetus. I find this basing can be used for multiple rule sets. Each infantry unit is made up of 16 figures and the cavalry units are 10 mounted figures. As you will see there are more units of Teppo (Arquebus) than there should be, but I went with what I had. 

Painting so many dots of colour on the armour in seven days took its toll. It greatly reduced my enthusiasm, as well as giving me back and neck ache. I won't be doing that again. You will see in the end I went for a lot of black armour to avoid some many dots.

The first command

Sub General (8pts)

The Ashigaru 

There are four units 2 with Yari (spear) and 2 with Arquebus (128 pts)

The Samurai (72 pts)

16 figure foot Samurai and 10 mounted 

Second Command 

Sub General (10 Pts)

Ashigaru Teppo Unit (32pts)

Ashigaru Yari Unit (32pts)

A Samurai Unit (32pts)

Two Ashigaru Units (64 pts)

A Samurai Unit (32pts)

Third Command

The General (24pts)

10 Mounted Samurai (40pts) 

16 Ashigaru Bowmen (32pts)

Artillery Stand (6 Crew and 2 Guns = 16pts)

Two units of Ashigaru Teppo Skirmishers each of 5 figures (20pts)

Ashigaru Teppo Unit (32pts)

Ashigaru Yari Naginata Unit (32pts)

Another Ashigaru Yari Unit (32 pts)

Ashigaru Teppo Unit (32pts)

Samurai Unit (32pts)

So that is the first Samurai Army finished totalling 702 pts. 

3 Generals
2 Mounted Units 
18 Infantry Units
1 Artillery Unit
2 Skirmisher Units 

I think that can be considered an army. The next one is made up of the same, which I am half way through. 

Just for a break between armies I also painted some Babylonian Chariots which have been outstanding for a year. These are 15mm Essex figures. 

Again based for Impetus. There are three Chariot units, 2 Sub Generals and 1 General. A total of 9 chariots Each chariot is made up of 4 hourse, 3 crew and a Chariot (16pts each) Total 144 points.

The Chariot Bases (2 chariots on a single base)

The Generals

Closer image of a chariot unit

Total Points (I think) 

Samurai Army = 702
Babylonians = 144 

Total 846pts 

From TeemuL: The latest and last Thursday member has arrived with a stylish points bomb! I tried to calculate the models and with the help of spreadsheet I got a total of 878 points. I'll give you 22 bonus points for all the flag-like things, dots and so on. That makes you the King of the Hill at this stage of the Challenge and gives you over one third of your personal target. That's the Thursday crew spirit!

And the models, there are lots of them. I have browsed through the comments of today's posts and there has been several positive comments about the 15mm minis, so I believe this one will be a big favourite. Did I say there are lots of minis in this post? And they are neat, they are detailed, they have bright and solid colours, worth the wait of 20 years, I'd say. I have wrote quite a lot, but actually I'm quite speechless. And positively terrified to know, that there will be another similar army in few weeks for me to minion... :)

From TomC: Back in Blue [Limbo] (220 points)

Hello everybody, belated Happy New Year, very glad to see a lot of great progress so far from fellow contestants, hopefully Santa has been good to you all over the year end! 

As always, thanks to Curt for organising the Challenge, to the Minion team for volunteering and to Tamsin for her helpful instructions (errors in following which being entirely my own fault!).

These will be a familiar sight by now for many challengers - Warlord Games’s Epic American Civil War infantry, certainly it seems I’m not the only one putting paint to these this year! These are from the free sprue attached to Wargames Illustrated a while ago, plenty enough to have kept me going!

I started these before AHPC XIII, for which my first entry was the commander and artillery piece, which also come on the frame. Seems fitting to open another Challenge with the rest! Having given these infantry a once-round of blue, I put them on hold for the duration of the challenge… and then the subsequent two years… still, not the worst offenders in my pile of potential!

I painted these the old-fashioned way and, for my sins, without any metallic paints, so I really didn’t do myself any favours in the planning phase! This was compounded by issues with the recommended paints, Night Blue (glossy, which I realise now I cannot bear!) and Andrea Blue (suspiciously thin), which led to me to redo the blues with various Citadel offerings.

Not content with the problems I’d caused for myself, I continued by being unable to find the paper banners which came with the magazine at the critical juncture. Doubtless, these will resurface at an inopportune moment, but for the meantime I did my best to freehand the stripes on Old Glory and cobble something together for the regimental banner. This was a combination of Games Workshop decals I took apart, reassembled and painted over. I appreciate that whilst this has some of the right elements (eagle, shield, NFL logo), it does perhaps look a little modern… at least there’s something on the flag!

I did some minor work on these before assembly, there are only a couple of variations of ‘strips’ provided by Warlord, so there is a risk of repeating stands quite quickly. I delayed this by cutting some of the strips in half to mix them up, if I recall correctly, there are a couple of points where this can be done with a minimum of grief, and I do think it helps break up the repeated sculpts. Probably not possible with the Epic Waterloo collection alas!

In terms of scoring, there are 100 wee lads in the unit, at 2 points a head being the going rate for Warlord’s ‘Epic scale’ infantry. The commander and gun above are just included for completeness, so 200 points for the submission, with an additional 20 for the ‘Limbo’ bonus category that these sadly neglected Federals hopefully merit! All in, should be 220 points?

As a final note, my laptop has failed and so I have resorted to the mobile for this post - apologies for any issues with it as a consequence!

TeemuL: Yes, Warlord's Epic scale indeed is 15mm or two points a head, so you got yourself a nice haul of points here. You have now accomplished your target of 250 points in just two entries and in less than a month. But don't worry, me, myself and the whole Tuesday crew encourages and expects you to continue painting until end of March.

The models themselves look nice, you have found a nice blue in the end. I hope you find your flags, too. Your cutting the strips and reorganising the troops a bit gives quite natural look on the force. I have to remember that when I make some experiments with that scale and the freebie sprues from WI magazine myself. :) Compiling a post using mobile phone is very painful, I feel you. I forgive you for not adding any labels and added couple of suitable by myself. Feel free to edit, if needed.

From PaulSS: Cold War BAOR supports [Limbo] (40 points)

Just like my last post this entry contains figures that were primed ready for painting in Challenge XIV but have remained in the box untouched, so I think are worthy of having been in Limbo.

Seven Days to the River Rhine has also had some of my gaming attention this past year so it was a chance to add these Pendraken Models to the BAOR forces.

A FV432M for indirect fire support and a trio of Milan teams.

Nine figures, three crew-served weapons and a vehicle in 10mm should score me 24 points, plus the 20 point bonus for the location.

TeemuL: Paul's second post today looks great, of course the infantry is very hard to see, when they are hugging the ground, as they should. And I'll count them as prone figures, too, so snipping couple of points away. But they are fitting for Limbo, of course, and I'm happy that after waiting for a year you have decided to paint them, since they look great, as I said. I think from 3 feet the excellent basing materials will make it realistically difficult for the opponent to see what they are actually facing at. :)

Let's see if we get any other entries today...

From MilesR: Post #1 French Foreign Legion in 15mm (84 Points)


Its a bit of a slow start for me this challenge and it's one where I'm focused on clearing out stuff from the lead pile (which is rather large).  First up are 42 15mm French Foreign Legion troops fro the 1960's

I actually forgot who the manufacture is - they could be AB or Eureka and I bought them maybe 4-5 years ago.

One of my friends at the wargaming club is doing an "AK-47" Republic project and these lads will see table top service there in his make believe African Nation.

The group has some heavy weapons in the form of a machine Gun, Bazooka and mortar but since these are super simple no points for them.

I used army painter SpeedPaint 2.0 for thses and I'm still trying to figure out if I like it or not.

Anyway, I'm finally on the board with 84 points!


SPECIAL EDITION - Hello everyone - Wednesday Minion GregB here with a Thursday appearance! Thursday Minion Teemu has kindly allowed me to drop this in today, as it was intended to be Miles' opening post for his AHPC XV run, but ended up delayed due to a misunderstanding on my part. Thanks Teemu, and apologies to Miles!

Very nice Miles, and I have to admit I experience an extra layer of intrigue around "AK-47 Republic". These are the Peter Pig rules, correct? They seem so...well, kind of mysterious, kind of understated. I think this is a system that divides the table into squares/sections in some way? They seem to have a whole suite of rules for different eras, but I confess they are a mystery to me and have not tried them. 

So with all of that in mind, I will be keen to hear your thoughts on "AK-47 Republic". I'm sure the imaginary regime involved with these French Foreign Legion soldiers will be completely upstanding and face no complications at all...

84 points for you - and apologies for the delay!! Great opener Miles! We'll get you back to standard Wednesday timing next week!


From DaveD: Ardennes project [Limbo] (76 points)

Cough, splutter, wheeze, rasp - that damn Lurgy has me by the throat at the moment. My first post of the New Year sees a revisit to the 15mm Ardennes 44 project. I have been acquiring things for a few years to create a winter themed table. While of course it hadn’t snowed at the start of Battle of the Bulge it wasn’t long in coming. So what the hell, let’s jump right in creating a whole load of new terrain and figures - storage wars can be dealt with later - I hope.

What better to start the Germans figures off for this than Skorzeny’s Kommandos kitted out in captured American kit and sowing confusion and panic on the roads, or maybe sneaking off to kidnap Ike .

2 sets of Jeep /crew stands with signposts and a separate foot figure stand - which way to Bastogne?

Next up a wrecked up Sherman 

While rooting around in the stash for these I also found Oddball from Kelly’s Heroes - issued as Eightball by Battlefront as a limited edition tournament marker. Well he might just be in search of a bank over winter so that’s along too .

A longer gun, large speaker and a mad Canadian going Woof - what’s not to like. 

So here they all are :-

In addition I have something for the Limbo bonus round. Pre Covid I had sourced a second hand Faller church that I wanted to use for this project. It’s been picked up and put down many times over the years as it needed repairs and more of a paint job than I cared to do. That  has now been done while doing the rest of the buildings for this table over the last few days along with the winterising of it . 

I raised the height a little with 3mm base and 4mm foam board to make it look better optically.

Stained glass painted - daft but fun.

Lighting added too . Yes bonkers 

The 8x4 table is progressing nicely now. With the 9 buildings all being completed this week and winterised (I am sticking to my original winter paint/terrain plan regardless of points awarded), the roads and trees were done pre Xmas. I still have fences, hedges and a stream to complete and of course some troops. I will be looking  to repurpose some of the summer project excess in due course.

I did mention storage wars, and I have been working on that too. I had an empty 48L Really Useful Box that was pretty deep (around 300mm ) so I had the good guys at Pendraken make me up some stackable box inserts which the majority of my trees and small terrain will go under and stack and fill the box. I should get pretty much everything terrain wise in the one box I hope.

Pleased to have got the scoreboard moving as I have had the dread lurgy for nearly 3 weeks and it’s been a proper nasty bout which isn’t easing much - so I haven’t commented on posts much but I will try and catch up. Now to decide what’s next .

Scoring :-
4 x 15mm Vehicles = 32
6 x 15mm for figures = 12 
8 passengers - 8 
Bonus round Limbo  = 20 

Huzzah! Cough, splutter!

TeemuL: Winter forces seem to be a theme this year, which is very fitting for a winter challenge. Unfortunately lurgies and coughs seem to fit the winter, too. It seems to affect your math skills, too, but I'll correct it for you. :) And then give you couple of bonus points for stained glass and overall effect.

Nice powder snow on your Ardennes project and I envy your winter table and storage war solution. Especially the church look very frozen, a great effect.