Tuesday, 31 December 2024

From GregB - Imperialist Pike & Shotte Regiment for Thirty Years War (120 points)

Imperialist foot regiment and officer base - figures from Warlord Games' "Epic" range.

I've kicked off Challenge XV with submissions that touch on a familiar theme - GW's "30k" setting. For this final submission for 2024, we switch gears rather significantly, although the number "30" still makes an appearance...for this post we run the calendar back about thirty-thousand years (give or take) to the early 17th century in Central Europe an the conflagration which would come to be known as the Thirty Years War. This is an Imperialist/Catholic Infantry Regiment comprised of a solid pike block and a pair of supporting musketeer groups, along with a command base. The figures are resin sculpts from Warlord's "Epic" Pike & Shotte figure range.

Weapons leveled, ready to receive the charge!

The Thirty Years War has interested me for a long time, but I never quite titled into it - but I finally succumbed earlier this year. These figures provide, IMO, a satisfying "block" look for the pikemen while still offering many fun details to pick out. I tried to paint these in such a way that they look mostly uniform, but still have variance in different hats/caps/bags etc in order to provide a bit more of a varied look that seems more appropriate for the period.

Another view of the pike block.

A single frame provides the entire foot unit with 80 models all together. 70 of the figures are in strips of 10, and then 10 individual pikemen with their weapons forward to provide a bristly-looking front rank for the pike block. The strips are clever, providing a nice, compact look to the formation. The cavalry/artillery box is great too (stay tuned for more on that), and the collection has been augmented by a few specialist units in plastic-resin. Really the only thing I don't like is the "Epic" brand name...for grognards like me, "Epic" is the 6mm Horus Heresy game from GW, and nothing else :)

View showing some of the rear detail. 

When Warlord released these figures, they also did a re-issue of their "Pike & Shotte" rules which appears to be intended to be specific to this scale, but in fact provides some very useful updates to the rules - changes they just sort of skate across pretty quickly but are actually very important, particularly the idea of the mixed pike/shotte unit just like this one, making it much more clear how units like this would act/perform on the tabletop - an oversight, IMO, in Warlord's original "Pike & Shotte" rules. 

Musketeers ready to support the pike...I tried to mix up some of the hat colours. The fellow in the red hat is probably some kind of dangerous independent thinker...

This project is definitely a "slow burn" one for me - and with the advent of "Never Mind The Matchlocks", I might just try out 28mm for kicks - but I'm hoping to get a good start on a decent Imperialist/Catholic force during this edition of the Challenge, while saving the hopeless Protestants for Challenge XVI. My ambitions are modest here - looking more to run smaller games featuring rear-guard actions and other such encounters, as opposed to hoping to run White Mountain or anything like that. I figure a few blocks like these on each side, along with some cavalry and supporting guns will do the trick. 

Rear detail of the musketeer figures.

I also still have a lot to learn about this period - for all I know, I put the wrong flags on? These seemed like Bavarian Catholic League flags...I think...but whatever. We have chaps with pikes, and other chaps with muskets...let's go!

Mounted officer & Imperial ensign. 

Lovely little details on these figures.

For scoring purposes, I have a bit of a conundrum. There are 80 figures all together in the unit - but only 60 count for the Challenge (the mounted officer was also pre-Challenge, so he doesn't count either). These figures also have their own specific size, noticeably shorter and slighter than 15mm castings, but also larger and more detailed than 10mm castings. Some Challengers have scored these as 15mm figures...if that is the case, then this would be 120 points. But if they are 10mm, then these would be 60 points. I'll take them either way!


Stunning work Greg! I remember visiting you this autumn and seeing one of your test units for this project and agree that Warlord has hit it out of the park with these figures. 

I love the compressed nature of the strips, which is often missing in 28mm units. These guys should be packed together, giving eachother support and not making it easy for the enemy (well, except for the muskets and gunners, but whatever). Your brushwork is inspired, with just enough detail to draw the eye, but not so much to make them odious to paint. The command stand has clearly allowed your brushes to sing. Beautiful work and I very much look forward to seeing more from this project in the coming months.

I looked back to confirm and we are scoring these as 2 points per figure so 120 points for your tally. Well done!

- Curt

Ready - From RhysH - Dunlending Warriors (150 pts)

I'm putting this in as Rhys' first post of the challenge. We've been playing LotR (also known as MESBG) since he was ten years old. We're both very excited by the release of the new rules as they seem to have adjusted a lot of things to the way we play anyway. Rhys is also very excited by the new army building, largely because his army (Gondor) seems to be largely unaffected.

aWe got the War of the Rohirrim starter set for Christmas, then got it again because we got a "really good deal" that we just couldn't pass up. Rhys laid claim to the Dunlendings, Wulf and General Blargh (Targ, I'm not sure why he dislikes the name so much).

This is Wulf, on foot and mounted. A very cool model.

GW leaves me cold with their business practices and they make models too complicated, in my humble opinion, but their plastic heroes are really nice. Also there should be a third picture here but it was so blurry it wasn't worth including.

The legendary General "Blargh"

This is another very detailed model. Difficult to assemble but great looking once done.

Front view. I look forward to painting my copy of this.

The two heroes were the things he was most excited about but he was also looking forward to the Hill Men. These models were not fun to build. they are all very dynamic, which is marketing speak for fiddly and difficult to assemble. With the exception of a couple of the archers they are all running, which means one, unsupported, contact point on the base. Happily I bought one of those alligator clip model holders from GW a few years back and it held them steady while they dried.

Two handed weapons and spears.

You can see their totally epic dynamicness here.

Archers. Note the two lazy gits just standing around while everyone else sprints.

Lots of fur and grey leather.

Much running. Very haste.

Sword and Board.

Their swords are cool and interesting. Some of them have Isengard swords.

You can see the Isengard style blade on the dude in the back.

These are the rest of the dudes. A late entry enabled by Daddy being "lazy" and "slow" in getting his work posted.

I really like the work he did on the torchs.

Running away after their attack failed.

All in all, these are very nice models. Well detailed and much better than the old (ancient) LotR minis. I'm hoping we get this treatment for all of the factions' core troopers as they are often really bad sculpts.

26 x 28mm Foot Figures x 5 pts each (130 pts)

2 x 28mm Mounted Figures x 10 pts each (20 pts)

Total = 150 points


Aaron and Rhys, it's great to have you both with us again!

Rhys, you've done a great job with these Dunlending warriors. What a load of minis - good deal indeed! I especially like 'Blargh' (so much better than Targ) an the fellas with the burning torches. The people of Rohan have their work cut out for them, unless of course they get some reinforcements...

Well done and Happy New Year!

- Curt

From ChristopherS: 28mm ACW Causalities 35pts.

Hello fellow AHPC participants it's nice to return after a couple of years off. It did feel odd not being a part of the event and watching from the sides so it's good to be back as it's tradition after all! Since I'm notoriously slow in getting entries in it's no surprise I'm slow in getting my first entry in.

I've decided to start off with some ACW casualty figures as they are very much needed, but haven't got to them yet for reasons unknown. These will likely be my first of two batches as I will need more.

The figures are from Redoubt miniatures which are probably my favorite ACW figures as they really do pack a lot of character and are very painter friendly. The figures are large so you really can't mix them with other ranges very well, but in their own units work great.

I can't say what I'll do next because even I don't know, but I have been keeping the ACW theme going pretty well this year so an odds on favorite that will likely be next. I can't even prep for the challenge, because in the past 70% of what I prepped went back in the box in favor of something else!

I think I just managed to slide under the door and get this in before Curt hands things off to his minions.

All in 28mm so that's 3 standing for 15pts. and 8 kneeling or lying for 20 pts. giving a total 35 pts. 

Happy New Year!


It's great to have you back with us Christopher! 

Great work on these casualties stands. I always enjoy your vibrant and saturated colour style and these don't disappoint. I look forward to seeing more ACW from you over the coming months.

Happy New Year!

- Curt

From PeterA: 28mm Medraut, Lust & 15mm Imperial Fist Breachers (65 points)

My second entry is a bit of a mix. First up, is my entry for the Second Circle of the Abyss - Lust. Earlier this year, TFL released Midgard Heroic Battles, a set of rules for fighting "Historical, legendary and fantasy battles in an age of heroic deeds", perfect for fighting battles in the Age of Arthur. One of my aims during the Challenge is to complete some Romano-British and Saxon units for Midgard, but in the meantime I have painted up Medraut, or Mordred, whose lust for power led to the strife of Camlann and the ruin of Arthur's Britain (or so Bernard Cromwell would have us believe!). As such, he seemed a perfect candidate for the Second Circle. I have actually used the Welsh spelling from Patrick McCormack's books - The Last Companion, The White Phantom & The Lame Dancer - which are fantastic re-tellings of the Arthurian story, taking more inspiration from Welsh legends and tales. Well worth a read!

The figure is actually a Victrix plastic Saxon from their Early Saxon Armoured Warriors box set. Victrix also do a Late Roman set which I am using for the Romano-British, but I wanted a less 'Roman' looking figure for Medraut (and I wanted to use the fancy 'Sutton Hoo' style helmet!). Hence a round rather than an oval shield as well. Each figure comes with several options for weapons; I have opted for a sword and a couple of javelins. The shield is decorated with a Little Big Man transfer - I take my hat off to those who hand paint shields but that is way beyond my skill level!

Painted using mostly AK 3G paints, although his red tunic was painted using a red from the newish Army Painter Fanatic range, which I am finding very nice indeed.

Part two are 20 Imperial Fists Breachers for the Horus Heresy. I have loved this setting since Epic Space Marine came out in 1989, but 6mm (or whatever scale GW's Legions Imperialis is) is too small for me these days, so these are 3d prints scaled up and printed out at 15mm for me by my son. These are in Mk III armour, the sexiest type of Space Marine armour! They are quickly painted mainly using Contrast paints: white primer, a wash of GW Aggaros Dunes to add some shading and then a coat of GW Imperial Fist Yellow - nice and quick, as I am going for the mass ranked effect rather than trying to paint each one as if they were 28mm figures. Having said that, I did try and paint a muzzle burn effect on the melta guns! The shields could do with the Legion symbol on them but see my comment above about me and hand painting heraldry - maybe I will get some of GW's transfers at some point in the future.

The figures are individually based on coins and they are then mounted on an MDF movement base which has magnetic sheet stuck on it - this way I can remove individual casualties if needs be, moving the unit is nice and quick and I can also use the figures for smaller size skirmishes.

Points wise, I think this works out as 65 points:

- 1x 28mm figure (5) 

- Lust theme bonus (20)

- 20x 15mm figures (40) - this also gets me up and running in the Horus Heresy side duel, although I have some way to go given the rate at which GregB is churning our amazing figures!

I hope everyone is enjoying the festive season and a Happy New Year to all when it gets here!


Mordred (Medraut) is a fabulous entry for the 'Lust' theme. Good one Peter. I love the mini you've chosen and you've really done him justice with your brushwork. Great photos and background too!

I also really like your 15mm Imperial Fist Breachers. Many of the guys here in the Canadian Prairies have been doing 30K in 15mm for a few years now. It's such a great scale for the 'period' with the ranges and vehicles looking more 'right' on the tabletop. And you're absolutely right, the MkIII armour is the best. :)

Happy New Year!

- Curt

From PeteB - Airfix Medieval Soldiers - 54 mm - 50 Points

Earlier this year I've painted two of these figures and now I decided to paint the five others I have in spare for this challenge. Didn't paint the eyes on these ones because I found it a bit tricky, they are to small to make it look good, and I didn't want to ruin the faces. I chose a simple red and white patern to paint them so they would fit with the other two. A lot more colors were added on the small details.

All seven!

I hope the pictures are better as in my previous post. Used a darker background and extra light. I hope you like them.

And I wish you all a Happy and Healthy 2025!

Points: 5 x 54 mm foot figures = 50 Points


Lovely work on these Airfix lovelies Pete. The white and red is very sharp. I especially like the big fella working out with the stone and the archers with their heads held back about to loose. Great work!

Happy New Year!!

- Curt

From Kerry T: Men in Black II or Deja Vu - or out with the old and in with the new (240 points)

Morning, afternoon & evening all

Men in Black II, Deja Vu....

Now that line sounds like the start of a poem so maybe I'm a poet but I don't know it!

Seriously its new year and as the saying suggests - "out with the old and in with the new"......

 Thus, I give you "Men in Black" - but hang on that was my first entry in last years AHPC

My entry on 26/12/23

But red and blue as just so passe this year and so now its onto Men in Black II

My entry 31/12/24

There's no photo shopping here I promise just a bit of paintwork though I thought it might be fun to try and take a similar photo to last year. Last year's post is here https://thepaintingchallenge.blogspot.com/search/label/Kerry%20T?updated-max=2024-01-05T03:43:00-06:00&max-results=20&start=14&by-date=false

Today's entry is my latest attempt to continue to grow my Moorish/El Cid armies and are from Artizan Designs range of Moors. So more Moors (shall I get my coat?)

More specifically they are my fourth unit of Black Guard infantry and 3rd Unit of Hashim Black Guard Cavalry in a project that I think was started in 2011 when I first saw  the then Musketeer Miniatures Armies of the Caliphate range. That range is now available from Footsore. It sort of started with a Crusades project and then sort of wandered off into Spain and I've quietly been adding units from several manufacturers over the years..

The picture below shows a unit of Blackguard spearmen, 24 strong

Led by the Imam

I managed to rescue that flag after sticking it on upside down at first

The obligatory running away photo

All in a line

Next up is the accompanying cavalry, just 12 figures strong

The cavalry prepare to charge

I'd not realised I had run out of printed flags so quickly painted some

The cavalry ran away as well

Its funny how usually we rush to finish a project but in reality we all know that no wargames project really finishes, it just gets added to after lying dormant for a while. As time has gone on I've come to realise that this is one of the hidden pleasures of painting. An old blog post highlighted the state of play with my Crusades/Reconquista project in April last year


Now that I've acquired a resin printer there's no doubt this project will continue to grow slowly as my roving eye has been caught by the siren call of Reconquer Designs though I doubt any more will get  painted this challenge. Perhaps that's how it should be, no mad rushing around, just a quiet plod over years adding units that take your fancy once the core troops have been completed. What I'm really pleased about though is the appearance of the recent Midguard rules. Played my first game 2 weeks ago with my mate, I lost but managed to kill off El Cid.

So if you feel daunted by the enormity of a project my advice is just plod along quietly and before you know it you'll get there, that is of course if you're like me and like collecting large armies to play big games

Blwyddyn Newydd Dda to you all

In summary
24 x 28mm Foot figures @ 5 points = 120 points
12 x 28mm Mounted figures @ 10 points = 120 points
Is this 1 Squirrel or two? Can't recall the rules

Many thanks


Beautiful work Kerry on these two units of Moors. They really look the business, ready to give El Cid a run for his churros and hot chocolate. Well done and Happy New Year!

- Curt