Sunday, 2 February 2025

Monday Madness


And with the weekend all those long hours with brush in hand...

This week is on the light side for the Monday crew although the usual cadre of volume painting Challengers hasn't missed a beat. This week...

  • A Mongol horde size batch of cavalry
  • Scottish people with pointy sticks
  • Stalwart Indians of the Commonwealth variety
  • One mahoosive hover tank
  • More camels and a thin red line



From TeemuL: The Mountain that Riders [Violence] (42 points)

Now that I have passed to the Circle of Violence I present you The Mountain that Rides. If you know, no explanation is necessary. If you don't know, then there is not enough space to explain. :)

Gregor Clegane also known as The Mountain that Rides comes from G.R.R. Martin's stalled fantasy epic The Song of Ice and Fire, which was adapted to the screen couple of years ago by HBO. These miniatures come from the books, not series, and therefore don't look like that actors. Westeros Wiki describes him as "The violent Gregor is a sadistic murderer and rapists", so I believe my claim for bonus points is valid.

Accompanying Gregor is Addam Marbrand, character I don't remember from the series and it has been years since I read the books, so I don't know how violent he is. Probably a lot, considering where he comes from... They both come from Cool Mini Or Not box Lannister Heroes 3, just like the three characters I presented earlier. Quite boring to paint, lots of armour and red cloaks. The size, material and amount of detail makes them resemble more toys than wargame miniatures. May be some freehand somewhere? Addam's shield for example, but since I don't know he is, I left it plain. Gregor's shield had sculpted details.

The armour of Robert Strong got some nice earlier comments, so naturally I decided to paint these guys differently and had lots of troubles. The red plastic still comes through here and there despite several layers of different metallic paints and thin washes. Quite ok, but not good enough for close inspections.

Based on the previous points claimed on similar minis I ask 7 points for 40mm Addam and 20 points for 54mm mounted Gregor. And 20 bonus points for Violence. Total of 47 points.


Ooh, A Riot of Red Violence! 

The Mountain, Gregor Clegane is definitely destined for this Circle of Hell as could be GRR Martin himself (his "stalled" series has left many a fan with very strong feelings)

Well done on working through the problems of the plastic minis and the results are super.

Sorry, but a 40mm mounted figure is 15 points not 20, so 42 total points to your scoreboard. :)

- Sarah

From TeemuL: Horticulous Slimux on Mulch (25 points)

Horticulous Slimux the Grand Cultivator of the Garden of Nurgle. I know many of the participants are eager gardeners, this miniature is a humble tribute to all of you. This is my second copy of the same miniature. First one I painted as part of Nurgle Daemon army for Age of Sigmar and I got this second one as a Christmas gift shortly after and decided to bring him as an ally for my Death Guard army for Warhammer 40000. I didn't have any daemons in my 40k army and I was struggling to figure how to paint him as a daemon, but still part of the army. Problem was solved by dropping out of 40k gaming... But since this was a gift, I felt obliged to paint it and year ago I assembled and primed it for previous Challenge, but never got further. Slimux has been staring at me for a year, so I decided I have to paint him and figure the colours while going. I have been painting him for a month, most often focusing on the other minis, because I didn't know what colours to use and how to paint.

In the end I followed the colours of my Death Guard army and tried to do my best with organic surface. I guess it is ok. Some of my Death Guard shown here: Death Guard. Hmm, six years ago... Time flies like a fly.... So the mount and rider are both quite white, that's basically white paint under Reikland Fleshshade. Then there are some greens to show connection to Nurgle and orange contrasts that nicely. And the combination of colours looks rather sick. Horns, nails, bones and similar are yellowish and woods are dark brown, looking a bit rotten I hope.

Rather new multipart plastic Warhammer 40k/AoS Nurgle Daemon special character. Barks and others, I'm quite sure you all are eagerly counting the skulls on this beauty! There are none...

I'm currently at the fourth circle of Abyss and next one would be Wrath, but I'd like to travel to Violence instead. I'm not fast enough to go through all the locations. Traditionally a female figure has been accepted as a passage to a different location, but this year devils and daemons are accepted, too, in the Abyss. Slimus is definitely a Nurgle Deamon looks a daemon enough, not sure about the female... In case he/she is a mortal and not a daemon, the Nurgling used as a bait is definitely a daemon. So I should be safe.

And the points... Is this a cavalry model? Or vehicle? Vehicle with a crewman/daemon? Or two crewmembers? How many points? Well, at least 10 for a cavalry, but Mulch is rather big, so might be counted as a vehicle, too. The oval base is 105x70mm. I'll leave the decision to knowable hands of minion Sarah.


Hi Teemu

If I were to see this creature-thingy in my garden beds,  I would feel the need to either crush it with my spade or to spray it with some sort of toxic weed killer. Actually, I lie ... I would shriek and hope Curt would come to my rescue!
I rule that it's very much a 'vehicle' and am adding another 5 (Minion's Whim) for the 'yuck' factor and I allow you to pass on to the Violence circle of hell.

25 points to your tally

- Sarah 

From DaveV: 28mm Flame Drake (a.k.a. 4-hex Dragon): 40 points

Dragons are traditionally known for their Greed. One series of fantasy novels assigns differently  coloured dragons to all of the Seven Sins. The Violet Dragon of Lust is a YA novel, an allegorical tale of a knight fighting an undying violet dragon. This WIZKIDS model, though not using that novel as its inspiration, caught my eye immediately when I saw it sitting on the shelf at GameKnight Games, here in Winnipeg.

The plastic model came pre-assembled and primed in white primer. Not my usual undercoat, but I forged ahead to paint it in a purpley-red scheme. I sketched in the basic colours in acrylics, adding shading with various GW and Army Painter washes, emphasizing the shapes of the scaly hide and picking out all the myriad claws, horns, and teeth. I then used tube oil paints both as washes and for some wet-on-wet blending. I tried to render the thin, leathery wings differently from the scales.

I based the model on a diamond shaped piece of thick plastic card. Below, the finished model compared with a cardboard counter from the Wizard microgame, one of the components of The Fantasy Trip:

As with my previous entry, it is based specifically for use with Steve Jackson Games' system, The Fantasy Trip ("TFT"). Such a large model takes up four hexes on the gaming surface; centaurs and horses take up two hexes, and humans, elves, or dwarves only one hex. So, this is a "4-hex Dragon". Larger in-game dragons cover 7 or even 14 hexes. (Note, the grey-edged parts of the base correspond to the model's 4 front facing hexes.)

I ended up super gluing on the groundwork; white glue just contracted as it dried and pulled away in a thin film from the plastic surface. 

Giants in TFT are 3-hex creatures. Below I have another couple of such monsters, pre-painted models from em4, ready for basing and groundwork. Also on the cutting mat can be seen the next 6 Talisman figures in my painting queue (the Sorceress, Assassin, Thief, Halfling, Druid, and Ghoul).


Painting Challenge Total:

The Flame Drake is larger than a 28mm cavalry figure, about the size of a small vehicle or walker.

(1 x 28mm vehicle) + (Lust) = 20 + 20 = 40 points


Hey Dave!

Beautiful Greedy Dragon! I love your attention to all the details of the scales, teeth, claws etc. The dragons pose is really dynamic and I think your colour choices have really helped emphasized a dragon in motion.

Well done!

40 points to your scoreboard


From Millsy: Star Wars Legion Death Troopers (30 points)

G'day All,

A second quick post this week for some Star Wars Legion Death Troopers I nabbed on the cheap at CANCON. These guys took very little time to paint as you can imagine. They're black*, with just a few not-black bits.

6 x 28mm infantry = 30 points

* Yes, I know. Black.


Hi Millsy

Black on black .. an easy straight forward painting scheme but  while they DO look the business  - the question remains as to whether they can aim and hit their targets? 
Good luck on the gaming table ;)

6x 28mm figures = 30 points added to your scoreboard

- Sarah

From Millsy: Age of Sigmar Kruleboyz (163 points)

G'day All,

So I couldn't paint any more black without a break. Instead I switched tack and although I am still painting fantasy miniatures I've changed game and faction.

This week I've been painting Orruk Kruleboyz for Age of Sigmar. With the exception of the leader on big beasty this is the Age of Sigmar Spearhead force plus Da Kunnin' Krew for Warhammer Underworlds. I have a bunch more to paint and based on how much I enjoyed these the next batch will be along quick smart...

Killaboss with Stab-grot and Murknob with Belcha-banna

Whoever names these things smokes some great stuff. Whoever sculpts these things is a genius. And whoever designs the sprues and does the instructions should be incarcerated. The two big lads are enormous and top out over 40mm, towering over Grot and their Orruk minions.

Man-skewer Boltboyz

Three chonky Orruks with shootaz ready to skewer some man-things and spit roast them for dinner.

Beast-skewer Killbow

I think the guy who names these things might also be the guy who does the song titles for The Offspring. I might even rename my Killaboss to "Killboy Powerhead". This thing was a bugger to paint even in sub assemblies but it looks the business.


I mistyped this as "butrippaz" initially and was tempted to leave it. I have two more units of these, one more with stickaz and one with choppaz.

Da Kunnin' Krew

It's fair to say I've become obsessed with Orruks and am buying up everything there is in the range. Didn't need these for AoS but they will make a great Warcry warband with a couple of Butrippaz Gutrippaz thrown in. Two more 40mm beasts and a bunch of mooks for da sneaky stuff.

Points for the Point God!

  • 4 x 40mm infantry = 28 points
  • 14 x 28mm Orruk infantry = 70 points
  • 1 x 28mm artillery(?) piece = 10 points
  • 7 x 28mm Grot infantry = 35 points
  • 1 x Fifth Circle: Wrath bonus = 20 points
Total = 163 points

Plus 6 skullz lurking in the swampy reeds and grass.

Artist: CamelPhat
Album: Spiritual Milk

Artist: The Offspring
Album: Americana

Artist: Hylls
Album: Once

That's everything for this week. Thanks for looking!


Oh wow!
 I have no idea what exactly I'm looking at but the minis are super cool and the paint job is fab! I'm a big fan of purples&greens so I'm predisposed to like these scary bad boyz and their nasty weaponry.
Congrats on passing through another level of hell ... what will see next?

AHPC XV Skull Duel, Canto III

After his death from malaria, Dante was buried in a Franciscan basilica in Ravenna in 1321. His remains were not to rest in peace...

In 1329, forces within the Catholic church tried to have Dante's bones burned at the stake for having written the anti-papal text Monarchia. Florence, which had exiled Dante, requested his remains in 1396 and 1430 and again in 1476- and were denied by Ravenna each time. In 1521 a delegation arrived to retrieve his body- but the Franciscans had secretly exhumed him and hidden his body in a box in a wall of the church.

The regretful Florentines eventually officially apologised for exiling the poet and cleared his name with a posthumous re-trial in 2021. They had made their first official memorial for the poet in 1829- which remains empty to this day. 

The caption is a line from Inferno:
Let us honour the greatest poet.*
The women represent Italy and Poetry.

Stefano Ricci was the sculptor of this ripped Dante
(and his perfect nipples).

But the saga of Dante's bones is far from finished!

Skull Tally

  • DavidB 93
  • PeterB 54
  • Curt 49
  • MikeW 39
  • QuinnM 12
  • PeteF 11
  • DallasE 8
  • GregB 7
  • BruceR 3
  • TeemuL 1
  • Barks 0

There have been some big movements in the tally. We've got skullz on belts:



Skullz on heads:



DavidB (also skullz on scenery!)
Skullz on the body:




Skullz everywhere!




Skullz of the week:


Okay, so it's more the Oldhammery goodness than any one particular skull, but still... there are over 20 skullz on this mighty warrior, without counting the scabbard.

To enter, tag your post with 'Skull Duel' and state in the post both how many skullz you have painted, and what your running total is. Feel free to enter the duel at any time in the Challenge.

* The next line is "His shadow, which had departed, now returns..."

Sunday's with Sarah

Hello Everybody!

Well, what a wild weekend! Tariffs, Trade Wars and who knows what else... I've never spent so much time reading grocery store labels and I'm pretty happy that there are whole lot of great Canadian wines to imbibe and  that weed is legal! 

I wanted to share this photo: light pillars - an atmospheric optical phenomenon in which a vertical beam of light appears to extend above and/or below a light source, an effect created by the reflection of light from tiny ice crystals suspended in the atmosphere. 

This photo was taken early Saturday morning, our house aka SnowLords Lair, is just to the left off the frame.

I'm currently reading The House of Odysseus, by Claire North. A re-telling of Penelope's time on Ithaca while waiting for the return of Odysseus. The story is told by the Goddess Aphrodite, an unreliable narrator who has plans of her own! 

I'm thoroughly enjoying it,  especially since Curt and I have just watched the Ralph Fiennes/Juliet Binoche 'The Return'.

There are some great posts ahead, get your beverage of choice and enjoy the talents of the Sarah's Sunday Team!

- Sarah