Tuesday 28 December 2021

KenR : 28mm Garabaldi Infantry Part 1 (90 pts)


I'm making the most of a few days off work to get going on this Project, the Artillery was a nice aperitif but its time to start doing the hard yards and get cracking through the Infantry for the Garabaldi Forces.

This is the first unit of 20 for the Army and represents one of the famous red shirted units that are associated with Garabaldis troops. I plan to do about 10 units in this manner before finishing the project off with some of the more exotic units from the Army.

The unit is made up of 24 28mm figures from Gringo 40 and they have been based 6 to a base with each base being 60mm x 60mm. The additional depth is to help protect the bayonets on the front rank of figures (something that I remembered on the first base and then forgot on the others 🤦)

Points wise I am only claiming 18 of the figures as one of the bases was done pre Challenge as a tester for colour and base layout etc so that will be 18 x 5 for 90 points.

I've tried to give the unit a ragged Campaign look with different hat types and colours as well as different colours of trousers. This is also my first full unit of Gringo 40 figures, larger than most other 28s they do paint up really well with some great faces. I think this will get more and more impressive as the Army grows.

I'll finish off with a picture of the Project to date. Next up will be another unit of red shirts, this time in a firing pose. I am going to try and plough through as many of this type of unit as I can before I switch to anything fancy. I've already got 12 of the next lot done so hopefully there will be another unit before the new year.


Beautiful work Ken. Like you, I really like these hefty castings that you're using for this project. It's always satisfying what a simple colour shift in headgear, trousers or coat can do to troops that are similarly posed. Lovely stuff.

- Curt


  1. These are great Ken. Changing the hat and trouser colours really brings a varied look to the unit. I had a good chuckle about you forgetting about why you’d gone for deep bases.

    1. Cheers Peter, I've remembered the basing for the second unit at least 😆

  2. Well done Ken those look great and I agree with a few days off getting in some hard yards and making progress with large numbers of core troops is a bit of a priority

    1. Cheers mate the core Infantry is always the hardest bit to get through 👍

  3. Oh My! These are really cool, I've often thought of gaming the Italian Wars of Independence and these figures are getting the juices flowing again... darn it - another period I'm going to have to find time to get into!

    1. Thanks very much, a much neglected period here in the UK, maybe its due for a resurgence 😁

  4. Great looking unit, well done! Looking forward yo see more.

    1. Thanks very much, lots more on the way, you can be sure of that 😀

  5. Great work on these Ken, I'll look forwards to the evolution over the coming weeks.

    1. Thanks mate, hoping to keep the momentum going 👍

  6. Great to see the infantry bases on the go ....

    Cheers Jez

    1. Cheers Jez, it's an ocean of Infantry bases this project 😁

  7. Excellent work Ken! You're certainly rattling through them.

    I'm guessing that there might be a IWI display game somewhere along the line?

    1. Cheers, I hope to do a refight of the Battle of Mentana next year, probably FIASCO onwards. 20 battalions of Garabaldi and 10 for the Papal / French side plus a tiny bit of Cavalry and some guns. Need to start thinking about Terrain, a summer trip to Rome would help 👍😁

  8. Great work Ken - nice of you to tempt so many of us with different periods. What size are those bases?

    1. Cheers Greg, they are 60 x 60, a little extra depth to protect the bayonets, well there is if you remember to glue the figures to the back of the base 🤦

  9. Great looking Garabaldi types! Will you be doing Irish for the Papal side?
    Best Iain

    1. Cheers Iain, the St Patricks Battalion wasn't at the battle I am going to do as a display but it's such a cool unit and I have the figures so ut will make an appearance 😀

  10. They look great Ken and as expected your off to the races!


    1. Thanks mate, while the Mojo is strong keep painting !

  11. Great work Ken! Nice to see some more uncommon subjects as well!

    1. Thanks, things are getting uncommon because I've done everything else 🙂

  12. Nice unit of redshirts, Ken! :)

  13. This is going to be a great looking force.

    1. Many thanks Barks, as Captain of team Tuesday you will definitely get used to it !

      Regards KenR

  14. Very colourful troops from an interesting period. Well done.
