Wednesday 29 December 2021

From PeterD Istvaan V Discussion in Pictland on Heresy (30 points)

I have these two 28mm figures from my Beowulf RPG game having a spirited discussion on the nature of Heresy.  In Beowulf alignments differ from standard D&D, as PCs and NPCs can be aligned with the Book (i.e. Church)  the Old Ways (Pagan religions) or be Neutral (undecided or decided that they are both full of it).  To represent the Book and Old Ways I have an Irish Priest and a Magus.  Both are by Gripping Beast and both come in the same Pictish Command pack.

Padraig is part of the Celtic Church which was very active at the time.  Lots of scope for Adventuring quests here with the likes of Saints Patrick, Columba and Brendan.  They prompted my all time favourite line fro the old WRG army lists:   Saint Columba was given the main credit by contemporaries for the Ui Neill victory over King Diarmait in 561 AD, decisively out-praying Saint Finnian on the other side. It turns out that the battle was sparked by a copywriter dispute between Finnian and Columba.

Clearly Patrick is outspoken on his views and the cast has lots of character.  With his pot belly, bald head and stringy pony tail I am pretty sure that I've been buttonholed by his doppelgängers who needed to tell me about their unbeatable Blood Angels army or the lyrics from some gawdawfull forgotten prog rock band from the 70s.

Oengus on the other hand is clearly of the Old Ways and not having Padraig's BS.  In my Adventures he should do as a Pagan Holman, evil sorcerer or lead singer from some gawdawfull forgotten prog rock band from the 70s.  he also needs to have that mold line trimmed on his left hand, not sure how I missed that until now. 

I will need official confirmation from a vet or the Skullometer, but I believe that's a horse skull that he's sporting as a hat.

That's two 28mm foot figures plus a Challenge location for 30 points by my math.  I am not sure if fantasy side duel is a go, but if so I'd like to claim the 10 points towards my total in it.


Great work on these two theologians (or music fans), Peter. I had to laugh at your modern description of Patrick - we all know these people, they are a recurring type! I look forward to the future post where the inevitable bloodshed ensues. 

Hmm, claiming these as a fantasy entry seems a bit of a stretch, but I leave it to Darrell to adjudicate as it's his circus.

- Curt


  1. What a characterful duo! Well done and a nice story about the heresy, too.

  2. Thanks Curt. Padraigs character came through as I was painting him. I’ll await the DMs call in the legality of calling these fantasy.

    1. I just don't see what makes them 'fantasy'. If it's just because you plan to use them in a RPG setting then that seems rather thin to me.

  3. Lovely pair of religious fruitcases!
    Best Iain

    1. Thanks Iain. I’ll mark you down as Neutral then?

  4. Wonderful!
    "As a compromise, let us celebrate the winter solstice and the birth of your messiah at the same time."

    1. Exactly! No new tunes, stories or holidays just ones that you steal from other people!

  5. ‘ lead singer from some gawdawfull forgotten prog rock band from the 70s’
    I actually laughed out loud! Great figures Peter - they tell a story in themselves.

  6. Very Nice two colorful characters!

  7. Some great looking characters Peter 👍

    1. Thanks Ken. I expect that you might meet similar types in a Yorkshire pub.

  8. Skull-o-meter says… Yes!
