During the previous Challenge I encountered a ruleset called "Wars of Insurgency" and the simplicity, openness, inbuilt campaign mode and multiplayer possibilities inspired me. Not wanting to scare away any players frightened by too modern conflicts, I created an imaginative conflict. You can read more from my rather slow progress blog: Delmonteland.

In short there are several factions to fight over the power vacuum in a former colonized country somewhere warm some time after WW2. The country is called Delmonteland and the main export is blood oranges. I have already painted some forces for a strong military faction, possible mercenaries whose loyalty to anything else but money and gold is not very clear or strong, and internation peace keeper faction called United Federation of Kindness. I have started a third force, consisting of natives of the country, whose part has been being the work force of the blood orange plantations. With this post I'm adding couple of warriors for that faction and some civilians.

These all are slightly converted Afghan Tribesmen from Perry Miniatures plastic range painted in imaginative blue-purple-pink. The unarmed people are civilians and they have some off-white in their colours, to give some hint about their neutrality, but mainly trying to create intended chaos on the table. If opponent isn't paying attention and mistakes a civilian to freedom fighter or vice versa, then it just adds to the story.

Like I wrote, these are natives of the country, forced under a colony rule some time ago, but now when the system is collapsing, they are eager to make their voice heard. And like every one else, they are ready to use some weapons to make themselves heard. These four warriors have WW2-era weapons from my bitzbox (originally German) making a strong contrast to previous warriors, which were armed with weapons from Tribesmen box (dating them to the previous century). So the bulk is using the old weapons inherited from their great-grandfathers, but these are most likely leaders, who have acquired some modern weapons.

These are the unarmed civilians. Play close attention, they are unarmed - do not make the mistake and take that sophisticated blood orange gathering tool as a machete, sword or knife, it is a tool. A bit of clipping and cutting here, there were not enough empty hands in the box. So they are the natives of imaginated country, or imaginatives. The brushwork here is bit sloppy, lots of washes, not that many highlights or details, no eyes, but that is somewhat intentional. They are not real historical forces, but they are not really fantasy either, they are a bit blurry, suggesting that they are just gaming pieces of a game. And I wanted to finish these guys quickly. :)
Points wise this is rather simple, there are 8 28mm minis, which should make 40 points in total. I really need to focus on the Dante theme next...
Hey Teemu
I just got home form work and was delighted to see this post in the drafts.
I love the pink/purple colour choices for your civilians of Delmonteland and also your creative raiding of the bitzbox. You say the brushwork is sloppy but I think it works well ... Afterall, it is imagination-land!
40 points added to your total
- Sarah