Real life has a way of getting in the way of hobby related activities. That being said, my latest post for The Analogue Hobbies Painting Challenge XV shows a couple more classic, pewter Talisman figures from Games Workshop/Citadel, released for the board game back in the 1980's.
Above, the Warrior of Chaos.
Long out of production, a friend found this figure for me on eBay, from the U.K. When I got it, it had thick layers of green and yellow paint over unprimed metal. I used paint remover, white spirits, and gun cleaner to get 95% of this gunk off, revealing mould lines and bits of flash. I went at it with a hobby knife and diamond dust files. I dug into my bitz collection and added an old Citadel plastic heater shaped shield, the ones with the hole in the middle. Some gap filling super glue and work with sanding sticks got the figure finally ready for priming.
As with my previous entries, I used zenithal highlights to base coat the figure. I sketched in the basic colours with acrylics, then added highlights, shadows, and blending with tube oil paints.
After painting, the shield got some suitable Chaos decals, aided by decal solution and Future Floor Polish. The elongated skull is a Citadel Dark Elf transfer, IIRC; I thought it would complement all the skulls and faces sculpted in the Chaos Warrior's armour. The Chaos script comes from a sheet of Chaos iconography from The Mighty Brush. I then chipped and weathered the shield with oils.
The “steel” part of the axe/mace thingy I painted in NMM style, attempting to render a patina of age.
Some chainmail links are missing from the figure's right elbow. Thinking that this had to be intentional on the part of the sculptor, I added some GW Blood from the Blood God over flesh tones, to show a minor wound.
The figure stands a little taller than the other Talisman figures, creating an imposing impression. Below, the Warrior of Chaos compared to the Knight.
I based the figure on a hexagon base to also be usable for Steve Jackson Games' classic TTRPG, The Fantasy Trip. This Warrior of Chaos leading the Sorceress, Assassin, and Thief would make an interesting (and evil) TTRPG adventuring party.
I also managed to finish the Talisman Centaur. It's a neat, single-piece model, painted in similar fashion to my other Talisman figs, with the horsey part basically successive thin glazes of GW washes over the zenithal highlights.
I think this figure will make a good addition to the party I plan to run through the old TFT programmed adventure, the Treasure of the Silver Dragon. There are a lot of outdoor encounters in that module. Below, the Elf, Prophetess, Knight, Warrior, and Centaur,
GW seems to have gotten their concept of Chaos from the fantasy works of Michael Moorcock. No matter which deity they worship, Chaos Warriors all seem to be bloody exemplars of Wrath.
Painting Challenge Totals:
(28mm figure + 28mm mounted figure) + Wrath = 15 + 20 = 35 points
Hey Dave!
Lovely to see more of these Talisman figures …what great looking miniatures!
What a load of prep work on the Chaos Warrior, but definitely worth the hard work.
My favourite though is the Centaur … the ‘horsey part’ is really well painted and I do enjoy the centaurs Mohawk-like mane
35 points to your scoreboard