Sunday, 9 March 2025

From SanderS: More Old World Goblins! (100 points)


Last week I finished the first unit of what is a rather large Orc and Goblin commission. Today I will show you a second unit, this time with a spotcolour of blue. 

These night goblins are not as much fun as the older metal versions but still quite challenging as far as details go. Specially the faces with really small eyes and enormous teeth are great fun to paint. 

Pointswise it's a no-brainer with 20 miniatures in 28mm gaining me another 100 points for the roster.

Cheers Sander


Hi Sander

Nice goblin horde & I particularly like the blue! Great use of colour to differentiate between units.

100 points to your roster!

Thanks for sharing


From Millsy: Another Batch of Star Wars Legion Stuff (69 points)

G'day All,

It seems to be the case at the moment if I'm not painting Kruleboyz then I am painting Star Wars Legion miniatures. Here's another batch of (mostly) bad guys to add to the collection. Truth be told these were not much fun. Too much black and I'm getting pretty tired of that now. Still, they're done now so there's that!

Moff Gideon and Dark Troopers

There was a temptation to give Moff Gideon the dark sabre but it was shockingly flimsy and I wanted to give it to Maul so he'll have to make due with a bad attitude and a blaster pistol. And a bunch of evil, robotic offsiders with rocket boots.

Moff's skin tone gave me all sorts of problems for some reason and at the third attempt I gave up and accepted it is what it is.

  • 1 x 28mm miniatures = 5 points
  • 7 x 28mm miniatures = 49 points

The Rest...

Maul (yet to be "upgraded" to Darth), Lando Calrission and Rook Kast (a Shadow Collective character I'd never heard of until I bought the starter box!)

Poor Lando is crazy cheap to buy in real life. I don't think he's particularly effective in game so nobody wants to grab him off the shelf. To be honest I only bought him for the sake of completeness.

Maul and Rook Kast are both pretty dynamic poses which is fun and beats the standing/walking poses most of the miniatures in the line seem to affect.

  • 3 x 28mm miniatures = 5 points

Total for the whole post? 69 dude!

Thanks for looking.



Hi Millsy

I do love all the Star Wars stuff! I especially like the evil  robots with the rocket boots. (How do I get a pair?)

Thanks for sharing these 


From DaveV: Even More Talisman Adventurers (Wrath) (35 Points)


Real life has a way of getting in the way of hobby related activities. That being said, my latest post for The Analogue Hobbies Painting Challenge XV shows a couple more classic, pewter Talisman figures from Games Workshop/Citadel, released for the board game back in the 1980's. 

Above, the Warrior of Chaos.

Long out of production, a friend found this figure for me on eBay, from the U.K. When I got it, it had thick layers of green and yellow paint over unprimed metal. I used paint remover, white spirits, and gun cleaner to get 95% of this gunk off, revealing mould lines and bits of flash. I went at it with a hobby knife and diamond dust files. I dug into my bitz collection and added an old Citadel plastic heater shaped shield, the ones with the hole in the middle. Some gap filling super glue and work with sanding sticks got the figure finally ready for priming. 

As with my previous entries, I used zenithal highlights to base coat the figure. I sketched in the basic colours with acrylics, then added highlights, shadows, and blending with tube oil paints. 

After painting, the shield got some suitable Chaos decals, aided by decal solution and Future Floor Polish. The elongated skull is a Citadel Dark Elf transfer, IIRC; I thought it would complement all the skulls and faces sculpted in the Chaos Warrior's armour. The Chaos script comes from a sheet of Chaos iconography from The Mighty Brush. I then chipped and weathered the shield with oils. 

The “steel” part of the axe/mace thingy I painted in NMM style, attempting to render a patina of age. 

Some chainmail links are missing from the figure's right elbow. Thinking that this had to be intentional on the part of the sculptor, I added some GW Blood from the Blood God over flesh tones, to show a minor wound. 

The figure stands a little taller than the other Talisman figures, creating an imposing impression. Below, the Warrior of Chaos compared to the Knight

I based the figure on a hexagon base to also be usable for Steve Jackson Games' classic TTRPG, 
The Fantasy Trip. This Warrior of Chaos leading the Sorceress, Assassin, and Thief would make an interesting (and evil) TTRPG adventuring party. 

I also managed to finish the Talisman Centaur. It's a neat, single-piece model, painted in similar fashion to my other Talisman figs, with the horsey part basically successive thin glazes of GW washes over the zenithal highlights.  

I think this figure will make a good addition to the party I plan to run through the old TFT programmed adventure, the Treasure of the Silver Dragon. There are a lot of outdoor encounters in that module.  Below, the Elf, Prophetess, Knight, Warrior, and Centaur


GW seems to have gotten their concept of Chaos from the fantasy works of Michael Moorcock. No matter which deity they worship, Chaos Warriors all seem to be bloody exemplars of Wrath.

Painting Challenge Totals:

(28mm figure + 28mm mounted figure) + Wrath = 15 + 20 = 35 points  


Hey Dave!

Lovely to see more of these Talisman figures …what great looking miniatures!

What a load of prep work on the Chaos Warrior, but definitely worth the hard work.

My favourite though is the Centaur … the ‘horsey part’ is really well painted and I do enjoy the centaurs Mohawk-like mane

35 points to your scoreboard


From SanderS: "I am Gregarius Part III!" (20 points)


As I have been promissing for a while now, I finally got round painting something 30K related! 40K has been a game I have played very avidly in the past, but what with all the changes in rules have kinda lost track off it. I am not actively playing 40K at the moment, but I still love the Lore and figures so while not fighting on the tabletop, I do actively collect and paint several armies. A few years ago I also got enamoured by the new Horus Heresy (or 30K) miniature line and started collecting a force for  the First Legion, my beloved Dark Angels. 

For two Challenges now Greg has been showing us his gorgeous 30K Son's of Horus troops and last year it triggered me to put most of my kits and troops together, but they have been lacking a paintjob. This year I was sure I was going to get a headstart with the painting but hey the hobby-butterfly came calling and I ended up painted a lot of other miniatures than 30K.

So as to not loose too much face in the 30K model and please the Lord Primarch Gregarius; I hereby present my first painted 30K Dark Angel Land Raider!

Now the observant watcher will have noticed that I made a big boo-boo: I left all the moving parts free/ separate so they can indeed move, but in doing so I mixed one of the sponsons up with one from my Kratos Tank so now this Land Raider features one Sponson that's not supposed to be on there. I will fix this for sure sometime soon. 

Whether I will be able to get more 30K stuff done this Challenge remains to be seen, but I do not think so. Pointswise 1 vehicle in 28mm is 20 points.

Cheers Sander


Hi Sander

Hobby butterfly is not a bad thing … I think we all enjoying seeing our challenge-mates bop from one project to another 😊

Nice looking 30k vehicle and I like that you’ve chosen to leave the moveable parts move-able. Leave the extra part in the Land Raider … perhaps it will make the vehicle extra fast?


From Millsy: Kruleboyz Marshscrawla Sloggoth + Army Shots! (35 points)

G'day All,

Here it is, the very last unit for my Warcry / Age of Sigmar Kruleboyz! I now have a complete Spearhead with extras and all that's left are big kits and stupidly expensive limited edition models so it'll be like this for a while I think.

The Marshscrawla Sloggoth is a gruesome monsta (sic) that the Grots (aka goblins or gobbos) ride like the wealthy members of the Raj once rode elephants with howdahs. There's certainly worse jobs going around if you're a Grot.

Chained and crawling low to the ground at all times so it's passengers aren't tipped out the back like a skip load, it's no wonder the poor beast looks unhappy with his lot. Even so, that's no excuse for poor personal hygiene. Check out that old man ear fuzz! Ewwwwww!!!

His Grot handlers use a range of man catcher type equipment to snare their prey and then chain them at the back for return to wherever they came from. Are these poor unfortunates prey food for their ride? Food for their larger Kruleboy cousins? Or is this all a pointless exercise and really just something to pass the time?

I've made a few upgrades to the out-of-the-box kit adding the shields to the sides and an extra head from my spares box. Without these it seemed a bit weedy and didn't have enough yellow to look the part amongst the rest of the army. There's also a sneaky Stormcast Eternal sinking inexorably into the mire on the base.

Points-wise I guess this counts as a vehicle and crew for a total of 35 points. What's 15% of a Stormcast Eternal worth, if anything at all? Only Sarah knows!

I'm absolutely stoked to have this final piece completed and ready for the table. Here's a few gratuitous shots of the entire force...

1 x 28mm "vehicle" and 3 x 28mm crew = 35 points.
I really need to make better choices when it comes to painting time ROI!

Artist: John Butler Trio
Album: Three

Artist: JOOF Editions Volume 6
Album: John OO Fleming

Artist: Paul Kelly
Album: Nature

Thanks for looking!


Hello Millsy
Oh wow, the Marshcrawler sluggoth is wondrously horrific and the whole combined force look quite fierce and I would think are also quite smelly. The extra bits added to the sluggoth definitely add impact and add to the storytelling aspect of the mini. Very cool!

From Martijn: Final Saga Saracens and Blackbeard (Greed)(105 points)

This week, I have painted up the final unit of mounted Saracen warriors from the Gripping Beast Starter. I know that there are many out there who can paint the complete starter set in a day or less. and far better too, but I am very happy to have actually completed this small project!

Once again, they are really nice figures and enjoyed painting them. Even though they are cavalry ;-).

I mainly used contrast paints again, and Geek Gamers' base ready for the basing.

So here is the complete warband:

For this week's theme, I had to find something suitable for Greed. Looking through my backlog I found this Lovecraft pirate figure. I painted him up as Blackbeard, the famous pirate captain. I gave him a uniform coat he pinched off some unfortunate victim. I think he is very fitting for the Greed theme.

So, that leaves us with:

8 x 28mm mounted @10 = 80

1x 28mm foot @5= 5

Greed location bonus = 20

Grand total 105


Hello Martijn

Lovely post!

I particularly like your greedy pirate … Blackbeard looks very charismatic, deadly and proud of his captured spoils 

The Saracen’s are also well done, I really enjoy their colourful robes and the dynamic poses of the figures and the entire war band  looks deadly.

- Sarah

From TeemuL: Peninsular British (80 points)

Earlier in the Challenge I painted the last base of my Highlanders and promised more. There was a small problem, I noticed I didn't have any bases for the next units. So I ordered more and received them, thank you Warbases - it was surprisingly easy this time, getting a package from UK to EU. Anyway, there was another issue. I had bought two boxes of Victrix British Peninsular Infantry from a marketplace, but both of them were little used, so not all the minis were there. One box was Center Companis, another Flank Companies. And when I did the calculations, I had exactly 72 soldiers, which means exactly three units of 24. Because I wanted to some unity in units, I had to assemble all the 72 minis to know which kind of poses I actually had and what kinds of hands etc, how many commanders and so on. Quite a task when someone should focus on actually painting minis during the challenge, not assembling a horde of minis.

But in the end it worked out, I had three units to paint, some of them had more commanders or flags than others, but that doesn't worry me too much, the units were not 24 strong in the real life anyway. Here I present the first four bases of the new unit of my retirement project, Napoleonic Peninsular Wars.

These are mostly assembled from Centre Companies box. Luckily those boxes were quite identical, one had curved swords and the other had straight swords being the main difference. Based on the information on the box, I decided to use blue details, which means they can be Foot Guards, 1st Royal Scots, Kings German Legion or 4th Kings Own and possibly several others, too. Since I already painted some Highlanders, let's say these are 1st Royal Scots. After more research I may need to change my mind...

These are a combination of Contrast and traditional paints, clothes and backpacks are mainly Contrast paints, others painted in traditionals with a odd wash here and there. I was looking forward to have white pants, but decided to try light grey in the end, using watered down Basilicanum Grey Contrast paint. I'd say there are ok for a game, but not for a historical diorama. Luckily I'm aiming for the first.

Let's see if I can make some progress in the Heaven this week, but if not, this is still a nice 80 points for, coming from 16 28mm plastic minis.


Hi Teemu

Wow! That’s a lot of minis to organize and assemble!

As a retirement project I don’t think you can go wrong with Napoleonics … beautiful uniforms, large & small scale battles and once you’ve completed armies in one scale you can replicate in yet another smaller scale (looking at you Mr Snowlord … haha)

Well done Teemu and another 80points to your scoreboard
