Tuesday 28 December 2021

From TeemuL: B Movie Mayhem and Escape with a Star Yacht [Babylon5] [Sarah's Star Yacht] (70 points)

Wise and learned Elrond showed us the way and found ourselves on the nearby planet Babylon5, the place of Opera and also Cheap Fun. They might mean the same thing, but usually not. On our Voyage it was mostly Cheap Fun - using b movies as inspiration to create non-licensed miniatures is pretty cheap, but fun.

So here we are, a mixed group of Pulp characters, which I picked up from the Crooked Dice sale a year or two ago (I have supernatural ability to buy miniatures when they are on sale - my less supernatural ability is to buy miniatures when they are not on sale). I primed them before the Challenge started, they are varied enough to fill (hopefully) some thematic goals or just pure fun to paint. They ended up being both.

There is a Jack Booted Sadist and a Time Lift Security Lieutenant pointing with his hand (vice versa in photos), both in blues and greys to match my previous TLS and other characters from the range Danger 5 and extras.


Schahführer Eric Köhner is wearing white shirt and camo trousers like his minions Nazi Lizards and Nazis.

And finally two villains from Outer Space, Otherwordly Invader and Inhuman Servitor (vice versa in photos). I had lots of fun painting the various browns on the Servitor and using bright colors on Invader (and Servitor's super high tech pistol).

I'm quite sure I purchased 7TV pdf rules some time ago and I have quite a lot of suitable miniatures as well, so I might need to try it out someday. These models should fulfill the requirements of Babylon5 and 28mm Pulp Squirrel.

Apparently Babylon5 was not the place where we wanted to go, so we quickly moved on Sarah's Star Yacht, accompanied with none other than young Princess Nirnadel from Middle-Earth. She is Mithril Miniature M32, invented by ICE for MERP (quite a lot of codes and acronyms for a fantasy model, but since this is a scifi challenge, I couldn't resist myself). There is not much to told of her background, like mentioned, she is not created by Tolkien, but ICE to use as RPG character: Princess Nirnadel.
I mostly painted her at the same time as I did Elrond, but since I needed her later, I held her back (I could have used Jack Booted Sadist as a ticket to Star Yacht, but it didn't feel right). I ended up using quite light colours on her and used my general brown fantasy basing technique. It is really nice to paint their older models every now and then, they are not filled with details and you can actually paint, not pick up details. I used stronger contrasts here than on Elrond, so the tones on the gown(?) are easier to see.
Red lipstick, red jewel...

Princess Nirnadel hopefully provides me a trip from Babylon5 to a hostile sounding Klendathu.

So here we have a total of 6 miniatures about the height of 25/28mm for 30 points.
Then 20 points each for Babylon5 and Star Yacht for 40 points.
That would be 70 points total.

My personal Squirrel count: 3
- 20mm Napoleonic
- 28mm Sludge
- 28mm Pulp


Wonderfully characterful miniatures, Teemu! I particularly like that Servitor with the snazzy ray gun. It's funny, Princess Nirnadel would also be a great candidate for a Barsoom princess (vis a vis John Carter of Mars), though perhaps she has a bit too many clothes for the setting.

Great work Teemu and good luck on hostile Klendathu!

- Curt


  1. Nice work Teemu, I do especially like the Captain Scarlettish figures.

  2. Thanks Paul, although Captain Scarlettish is unknown to me. :(

  3. That’s a good bunch of space opera figures Teemu. Loving these old Mithras figures. You had me perusing their site, but waaay to rich for my wallet

    1. Thanks Peter! They have clearance sales every now and then, so you might get something rather cheap.

  4. Replies
    1. Thank you, it is nice to have some variations between uniforms and such like.

  5. I really like the basing of these figures Teemu. I also enjoyed the colours you chose for the Invader.

    1. The basing I do is very simple, but looks good. Paint the base black. Mix white wood glue with same water and paint the top of tje base with an old brush. Dip into sand. Wait until it is dry. Paint the base with brown(ish) wash. Let dry. Drybrush grey.

  6. Really like the first two Captain Scarlet types( a marionette tv sci fi series from the early 1970's in the Uk) lovely work all round though!
    Best Iain

    1. It could very well be, that those miniatures are inspired by Captain Scarlet then. Thanks Iain!

  7. Great work Teemu! A nice characterful bunch!

  8. A great collection of figures Teemu.

    1. Thanks Ray, it is nice to paint some "random" miniatures every now and then instead of the same all the time.

  9. Top work mate, 7tv is a brilliant game, well worth trying out 👍

    1. So I have understood, now I just need to find a victim/volunteer to try it out with me. And learn the rules first. :)
