Herr Ochmann put some great detail into the faces of these MM sculpts and I've got a few more in the pipeline. I particularly like his range of female adventurers and I've got a few of those lined up for the Lady Sarah challenges.
Stay safe!
Welcome to the Painting Challenge. Here you will find the fabulous, fevered work of miniature painters from around the world. While participants come from every ethnicity, gender, age and nationality, they have three things in common: they love miniatures, they enjoy a supportive community, and they want to set themselves against the Challenge. This site features the current year's event along with the archives of past Painting Challenges. Enjoy your visit and remember to come back soon.
Stay safe!
Back to my Battle of Little Bighorn project for the local game group. I've painted the eight dismounted Old Sweats from Wargames Foundry and tried to match the eight mounted troopers I had painted and posted previously. I shot the photos and noticed a couple of the little comedians had switched hats. So maybe Curt will give you a few extra points if you can quickly find the offending old time jokesters. I may go back and repaint, but for now they stay.
Wargames Foundry Plains Wars, Old Sweats. Eight 28mm infantry 5x8=40 pts.
Here they are.
My second step in the Challenge Island vaults took me to the Pit of the Pendulum, where something terrifying had to be painted and presented. After much consideration I had an idea: what could be most terrifying than a mythical Germanic, blood-thirsty, mounted Warlord charging against your small Vexillum detachment in the foggy border lands of the Rhine limes?
The three cavalry models here presented belong to the Wargames Foundry Germanic Tribes range in 28 mm. I like this range more than the Victrix equivalent. They have a sort of "cartoonesque" design style; but that also provides a lot of character to the models.
These three models will have a potential twofold use in my Infamy! Infamy! Germanic army, serving either as leaders or as part of the Nobles cavalry contingent (a calvalry unit = 6 models).
I'm also correcting a mistake made in my previous entry (Roman Archers). I mentioned that a Roman skirmish unit had six models when in fact it has eight (Barbarian units are made of six models). I have painted the two remaining archers and now the unit is finished.
With this entry I add 60 points to my overall Challenge scoring and 40 points to Rome and its Enemies duel.
Welcome to 2021! Pretty much the same as 2020... For now.
The next unit for the the Quatres Bras project is the 7th Dragoons - most of the figures for this project (and all of the 7th Dragoons) are 25mm Minifigs from the 1980s/early 1990s. The idea is to build up a big enough French army to take on the Anglo-Allied army that I inherited.
My dad followed a 25:1 ratio for the Anglo Allied army including the cavalry. Since I like to base them in 3s and think units of 12, 18, 24 and 30 work best on the table top I'm being a bit more flexible with the ratio - also, large cavalry units like this take me a long time to paint!
A lot of things didn't get done last week so that I could finish these guys before starting a new job next week - from the dogs being walked less to taking down the Christmas decorations. We may have eaten more fast food than usual. However, I'm mostly happy with the result.
I found it quite tricky to get the shade of green I wanted - back in October I nearly sprung for a set of Napoleonic paints from Foundry before the Challenge. Maybe later this year. The purpley red was a bit tricky too. With horses I made all the non bugler horses bays using a fairly simple recipe - I may change it up in one of the forthcoming regiments to have a bit more variation - my understanding is they tried for a degree of uniformity - at least on parade.
Anyone familiar with the N10 charging heavy cavalry horse may notice that I left one of the supports on the front legs. If you cut both of the supports then the front of horse slowly droops over time so a lot of my dad's cavalry has to be reset before each wargame. In some cases the hind legs eventually need repair.
Most of these figures are from a load that I scored for a great price this summer from a local wargamer selling off their French Napoleonic collection - since a horse, rider and postage comes to around $5.50 I was very lucky to find these. Calivers is great for filling gaps but even though I love Minifigs, the price for whole regiments is a bit tasty - even for the high nostalgia value.
18 x 25mm cavalry for a total of 180 points.
As I venture deeper into the chamber of challenge, I came across the Golem's Haunt. This location requires something that is re-animated, stitched-together, bolted-together, re-created from steel, clay, earth, etc.
Hmm, what to do.... Dig's through pile-o-shame looking for something.... Ah! How about painting something that is both a golem itself and a reanimator as well!
May I present to you the Necron Canoptek Reanimator.
This model is a relatively new one to the Necrons. It is a huge model based on a 65mm base and standing over 125mm tall. Being a Necron it is animated metal so fits the requirement of the room, but is also used by the Necrons to reanimate other models that die, keeping the endless tide of Necrons flowing over their enemies.
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Shown with a normal Marine for scale |
I once had a Necron army years ago when they first came out. However it was all the old metal models and were painted back when I didn't even know that you NEVER EVER use paint straight out of the bottle. So as I got to be a better painter I sold off the old army thinking that I would paint up a new one at some point...
Fast forward probably 10-12 years and I am finally getting back to that project, with this first model for my replacement Necron force. There will be more to come throughout the challenge.
I did not want the standard all silver and black for my force, nor did I want the standard green glows on the models, so I started looking for something else, something I liked painting and would look good. I glanced over, saw my Spartans in their glorious bronze and crimson and a colour scheme was born.
I am going to keep all the under armour and mechanical parts the simple metal and black that necrons are known for, and to keep painting fast and simple. However, I am going to paint all of the upper layers of armour in bronze and all the glows in crimson red and yellow highlights.
The painting method is to get all the metal work done (both bronze and gunmetal) then wash it all with Agrax Earthshade (I put that shit on everything!) to tone down the shine of the metal and give it a worn / dirty look. After that I start off at a deep crimson on all the gem type areas and then shade them up through 4 different reds and 3 different yellows, adding glow effects around them to bring some warmth to the otherwise cold pallet. I then added a few alien coloured plants to the base, to both add some colour and to allow me to distinguish units later on (one unit can have purple flowers, another blue, etc).
Overall, I am really happy with how the model came out and can not wait to paint up some more Necrons to go with it. The effort vs reward on this scheme is very high (at least in my mind) as it is both quick and attractive looking. Many more Necron's to come over the course of the challenge!
Hoi There!
We're all supposed to enter some painted figures as an entry fee and here's my submission for that. Last Challenge (and mostly during the Quarantaine Challenge) I have painted a lot of Star Wars Legion figures as part of a commission for a friend of mine called Roel. At the same time Paul Scrivens-Smith was painting up his forces and we started a "discussion" through the replies-section on both our posts and on facebook.
These figures are inspiring and so I liked painting them a lot. As it happens I stumbled along a young firm in Belgium doing legit prints for creative 3D designers which has a lot of Legion compatible figures LINK. I ordered some stuff and along with the order came the two figures presented below, that I will be entering as entry fee.
First is Lama-Su, the Creator of Clones, the sculpt is a very close likeness and paints up a dream.
Second up is a Republic Jedi General, not unlike Fantasy Flights games Obi-Wan figure this one has a general's battle armour but a clean shaved face so it's not a different version of Obi-Wan himself.
The light-sabre is supposed to be purple, but that isn't very clear in the pictures.
The third and last figure for today is a TIE-fighter pilot-ish figure, I have painted him as a Royal Guard fighter pilot. I am not sure whether it is intended as such but I think it looks cool and every 'un knows: "RED UNS GO FASTA!" ahum anyway this figure is not part of the entry fee, it's a gift for my friend Roel who might be able to use it in his games of legion for sure.
All the figures were incredibly well cast, very crisp and without any air-bubles. The service was prompt, shipping fast and packaging good too. I can recommend the firm Perikles.be wholeheartedly.
As for points, I believe it was Tamsin herself who pointed out to me that these figures are more akin to 40mm ones and as such I have put them at 7 points each netting me 21 if I am not mistaken.
Cheers Sander