It seems that I have some catching up to do in my various side duels, so hopefully this post will help me catch up after taking an involuntary week off.
First of all, I have some additions for the Turnip28 side duel.
These two models are 'Toadies', the somewhat talentless junior officers in my growing Turnip28 army. To signify their lofty rank, the duo are sporting the largest headgear they could find. There will be no mistaking them for the rank and file. The two figures are converted from Perrys WotR minis with a few extra growths added. The toady in red has a head from a British Napoleonic Hussar and arms from some Victrix British Infantry. The other model is all from the Perrys WotR kit. To make the growths, I driller a couple of holes in his back and inserted two short bits of wire. I then covered the wire with Vallejo Plastic Putty, adding a small amount to the shoulder of the other toady too.
Every good commander knows that artillery is the king of the battlefield and that is true in Turnip28 too. (I guess). So, I converted what is known as a Stump Gun.
The gun and most of it's carriage comes from a ship's cannon by Firelock games. The wheels and the ammo box were some spares I had in my bits box from some previous project or other. Finally, the crewman is more Victrix parts with some wire and putty growths on his back.
For scoring for the Turnip Side Duel, I have 25 Turnip Points.
I have previously scored a Squirrel point for Turnip28, so these models don't add anything to that duel.
I am also entered into the Skullz Duel, so time to add some noggins to my tally.
These terrain pieces are all from Reaper's Bones line. The two columns above stand about 7cm tall and feature small panels at the base packed with skulls and then a ring of skulls up near the top.
There are about 19 skulls on average in each of the inset panels. All of the terrain pieces here were painted in black and then given lighter and lighter drybrushes of grey. I added some brown wash to add some variety. In the case of one of the pillars below, I added some rose bushes to brighten it up a bit.
Of these pieces, the small, square piece in the centre has a skull on each of its 4 sides, while the central pillar has 2 skulls on each of its 3 sides.
So, in total this should add 178 skullz to my tally. Not bad for a days work. Points wise, these are nowhere near being even a small percentage of a challenge terrain cube, so I leave it up to my minion to score them. For scale purposes, the statue holding the shield is the same size as a 28mm figure, plus the plinth.
And that should bring me on to the Squirrel Duel.
First, a squad of 5 WW2 Japanese infantry from Warlord Games. These will be added to my Bolt Action army for the battles of Imphal and Kohima.
Next we have a brood of 5 Genestealers for Warhammer 40,000. There are rumours that Tyranids will be getting new models in the starter box of the next edition of 40K, so I wanted to get some of my older Nid models done.
Some battle-worn Tau, also for Warhammer 40,000. I quite like the Tau minis, but find their usual bright colours to not really fit the grimdark aesthetic very well. So, I have opted for simple colours and lots of weathering on the armour.
And finally 5 Teutonic crossbowmen for Saga. These models are all from Fireforge Games. They are quite simple figures to build and paint. I still have loads more to do before I have enough for a game though.
So there we have 4 more Squirrels for my scoresheet.
And finally, I need to pay up for another trip in Lady Sarah's Limousine. I intend to head over to the Casting Couch for next week's entry, so I have another model from VOID, this time one of the lovely ladies from the VASA range.
Just noticed that line of paint on her shoulder. I'll have to paint over that. |
And that brings me to the end of the post, so it is time to tally up the scores.
24x 28mm minis @5 points = 120 Points
1x 28mm artillery piece @10 points = 10 Points
6 decorative columns = ???? (Help me, oh great and all knowing Minion)
1x Limo ride @20 points = 20 Points
TOTAL = 150 Points + ????
My side duels:
Squirrels - 15
Anglo-Saxons, Vikings, Dwarves, Fire Giants, WW2 Polish, Daemons, Viridians, Vasa, Junkers, Turnips, Necrons, Tau, Genestealers, WW2 Japanese, Teutonics
Skullz - 186
Turnips - 85 Points
See you all next week.
That is an extremely eclectic output and the genestealers are fantastic. Still don't understand the turnip thingy but more great scratch building. the columns will score as 28mm figures