As I said in an earlier post; Greg has an excellent taste in figures, which happens to be very similar to mine... In one of my earlier posts I showed you guys my rendition of the Old World Mercenary General and Marco Columbo which Greg had painted (far better) for one of his earlier posts.
Look HERE for Greg's version
Now I wil show you my rendition of another Dogs of War (Mercenary) unit Greg has painted which was on my pile as well: The Alcatani Fellowship pikemen.
Gregs version can be admired HERE. While Greg has a bigger unit, I own two small units and am not entirely sure whether to combine them into one large unit or keep them separate. The banner is missing since I am loathe to do one freehand. Grim Forge miniatures do a set of all the flags for the old DoW range and I am going to order those and stick them on as soon as they come in.
There's not that much in the way of counting points since 12 x 5 points is 60 for the tally.
I am trying to get at least 1 30K post done for next week for another "I am Gregariuspost" and to save my honour in the 30K duel.
Cheers Sander
A cool part of the Challenge is seeing what & how other people are painting and I love that Sander and GregB can share and admire each others painting projects. Inspiration and motivation comes from so many different places and isn't it great that in this space we can be each others cheerleaders and friendly rivals.
When you get the banners from Grim Forge, you'll have to put up a photo for us all to admire :)
Add another 60pts to your scoreboard
Well Done!
- Sarah