Sunday, 2 March 2025

From SanderS: "I am Gregarius!" Part 2. (60 points)


As I said in an earlier post; Greg has an excellent taste in figures, which happens to be very similar to mine...  In one of my earlier posts I showed you guys my rendition of the Old World Mercenary General and Marco Columbo which Greg had painted (far better) for one of his earlier posts. 

Look HERE for Greg's version

Now I wil show you my rendition of another Dogs of War (Mercenary) unit Greg has painted which was on my pile as well: The Alcatani Fellowship pikemen. 

Gregs version can be admired HERE. While Greg has a bigger unit, I own two small units and am not entirely sure whether to combine them into one large unit or keep them separate. The banner is missing since I am loathe to do one freehand. Grim Forge miniatures do a set of all the flags for the old DoW range and I am going to order those and stick them on as soon as they come in.

There's not that much in the way of counting points since 12 x 5 points is 60 for the tally.

I am trying to get at least 1 30K post done for next week for another "I am Gregariuspost" and to save my honour in the 30K duel. 

Cheers Sander


A cool part of the Challenge is seeing what & how other people are painting and I love that Sander and GregB can share and admire each others painting projects. Inspiration  and motivation comes from so many different places and isn't it great that in this space we can be each others cheerleaders and friendly rivals. 

When you get the banners from Grim Forge, you'll have to put up a photo for us all to admire :)

Add another 60pts to your scoreboard

Well Done!

- Sarah

From Millsy: The Last (Almost) of the Kruleboyz (62 points)

G'day All,

This is my penultimate Kruleboyz post for this Challenge. There's one monster left which couldn't be finished to make in into this post so it'll appear sometime before the end of the Challenge instead. Just TWO more of these crazy yellow shields to go thankfully...

Shaman Muranduh!

I have still managed to finish the final ten Gutrippaz though, bringing the total to thirty which is a decent chunk of core troops. There's also a Shaman and Pot Grot offsider to add a magical/mystical flavour to the swamp. Goodness knows what goes into the pot given the colour, but I'm 99% certain it's not blueberries.

The tally...

  • 11 x 28mm infantry = 55 points
  • 1 x 40mm infantry = 7 points

Total = 62 points.

Artist: Aphrodite
Album: Aphrodite

Artist: Human Traffic
Album: Movie soundtrack

Artist: Midnight Oil
Album: Red Sails in the Sunset 

Thanks for looking!



Honestly, I know nothing of the Kruleboyz but I do appreciate their skillz in accessorizing! I like all the bits&bobs of the Shaman and the Pot Grot dude is prepared for anything
Be strong Millsy, you CAN paint two more yellow shields  and beautifully too :)

62 points to your scoreboard

- Sarah

From SanderS: More Old World stuff... (170 points)


The Old World is pretty much my main focus this Challenge as I have predicted at the start. While I am beavering away on my own armies (Brettonians, Dwarfs, Middenheim and Dogs of War) and my Mordheim project, I have also accepted another commission for an Orc and Goblin army.

 The first unit for this army is the one you see down below. Personally I love Night Goblins and these newish models are great to work with. The owner has asked me to give each unit one distinctive colour accent to recognize what models go in what unit, as you can see this unit's spot colour is red. 

Now in order to get these done asap I used a lot of tricks learned from this tutorial which I can not reckommend enough: 

Yes yes, I know technically she has more or less slapchopped the figures, but hey it works great! 

For my own Middenheim army I have been painting these handgunners and I really like the way they turned out. 

The blue is far lighter than is usual for Middenheimers but I like it a lot and I will stick with this for most of my more regular Middenheim units. When painting these I took some tricks from this tutorial and I can also assure you it is very helpfull! 

Again, working out the points is not hard on this on: 34 x 5 is 170 points so that means I am well past my 1000 points target for this Challenge and I am very very happy with that, since I did not succeed in scoring my goal for the last 2 Challenges.  

Cheers Sander


Congratulations on beating your Challenge Goal! Your Old World stuff looks great and the colour choices are aces! The minis look very vibrant and will be fun on the game table

170 points for you


- Sarah

From MartijnN: More Saracens, entering Hell, and some pointless buildings (Limbo, Gluttony, Lust)(159 points)

I have worked some more on my Saracen starter for Saga. Gripping Beast metals again. First up is the warlord, a really nice figure:

Being utterly unimaginative, I painted him up per the box art. Next, I painted a small unit of four bowmen hearthguard:

That leaves me with just one unit of mounted bowmen warriors to paint. Should be possible ;-)

Then, it seems time to finally enter the Circles of Hell. Or else I might never reach my target!

First, Limbo. These 6mm French Napoleonic figures from Baccus have sat on my painting desk for ages. They are not difficult to paint, but that's maybe why I keep putting it off. Anyway, they are my perfect entry into Limbo:

They are based for Blücher, the Sam Mustafa ruleset for big battle Napoleonics.

Next circle is Gluttony. I painted this serving girl carrying a large tray laden with food and drink. A great meal for a glutton!

She is a 3D printed figure designed by Iain Lovecraft.

Cher was famously "born in the wagon of a travelling show, my mother would dance for the money they throw". Next up are two gipsy dancers, again 3D printed figures by Iain Lovecraft. I think these seductive ladies are a good entry for Lust.

Finally, another figure that languished on my painting desk for a long time. Alas, it is not very fitting for the next Circle, but I decided to paint him up anyway. Once again a 3D printed Iain Lovecraft figure.

He does hide a nasty surprise behind his back. Perhaps he is a Witcher?

Finally, not for points, some 15mm ACW buildings. I have had these for at least 25 years, so it was about time to paint them. Yes, I know, it is a perfect waste of valuable Challenge painting time, but I wanted to try out a recipe for painting wood by Stuart from the Miniature Realms YouTube Channel.

I need to keep working on this technique, which wet blends grey, green and brown speedpaints, for I would like a more greyish look. Still, I think they look okay.

Anyway, that's it for this week. Scores:

5 28mm mounted @10 = 50

4 28mm foot @5 = 20

58 6mm @0.5 = 29

Limbo, Gluttony, Lust = 60

For a total of 159 points. And a 6mm squirrel.

All of which should enable me to still reach my target by the end of the Challenge...

It you stayed with me to this point, thanks for looking and keep up the good work!




Great paint job on the Iain Lovecraft figures! And well done on passing through Limbo, Glutoony and Lust/

I'm very much looking forward to seeing you catch and beat your Challenge target  :)

- Sarah

From Millsy: More Star Wars Legion (30 points)

G'day All,

Another small batch of Star Wars Legion miniatures for Mos Millsy. These are a mix of official miniatures (first pic) and gorgeous 3D prints (second and third pics). Great fun to paint and I can't wait to play some games with them. Gar Saxon's red piping isn't strictly accurate but I prefer this to canon.

I've also included a few shots of my Mos Millsy table set up for some Friday night gaming action. We played a skirmish gunfight game using a bunch of Star Wars characters and our fast-play home brew rules. Cad Bane proved to be as deadly as he looks, taking down all challengers.

A little 40K terrain may have crept in :-0

6 x 28mm infantry = 30 points.

Thanks for looking!


Star Wars goodness!!
Great photos and I love the vignettes. I can almost hear the movie soundtrack ....
Thanks for sharing and 30 points to your tally
- Sarah