Monday 27 December 2021

From Mike W: 28mm Cheyenne Braves (80 points, Squirrel)

Well this is my first entry for AHPC XII and its good to be off the starting blocks early for a change, in previous years I've waited until the new year and then found myself struggling to do all the points at the end of the challenge.

So these 16 x 28mm figures are from two Wargames Foundry Blister packs dating back at least some 16 or 17 years.

The first eight are the 'Plains Indian Dog Soldiers' set...

... whilst the second eight figures are from their 'Plains Indians Young Bloods' set.

The Dog Soldiers were one of several militaristic societies created by Cheyenne braves and they played a key part in the resistance to American expansion westwards. One of their traits was to literally pin themselves to the ground they were defending by tying themselves to a stake in the ground using a blanket or breachcloth!!

First Two Dog Soldiers, note the long 'scarf' on the right hand figure for staking him to the ground!

As ever  I undercoated these figures in white, then added on leather tones followed by flesh. Feathers and headdresses were repainted white and black tips to all feathers added.

Two more Dog Soldiers, note the Coup Stick held by left hand figure, to count coup,
a brave had to touch an enemy with the stick, without killing him 

Wooden shafts to weapons, rifles,  bows  clubs and pistols were painted ad appropriate before painting each figures hair dark grey.

Two better armed Dog Soldiers, one with a repeater the other with an ex Army Sharps Carbine.

I then gave the grey hair a black wash to give it some toning and shading and then added maroon hair bindings to their braids.

Last two Dog Soldiers, one with traditional bow and arrows, the other with a captured Colt Revolver.

All flesh areas were given an undiluted  flesh tone wash   hen the leather areas were given a mid brown wash (both Army Painter) once dry weapons were given a light black wash.

Two Young Braves, one bow armed, the other with an old flintlock musket

All figures were completed with a matt varnish, painted on for a thick protective coat and then bases were finished with a fine sand and grass clumps.

Two more Young Braves, this time armed with a club and a flintlock musket

More Young Braves, this time with bow and club

Finally the last of the Young Braves, with spear and club


16 X 28mm Foot Figures = 80 POINTS


Welcome back to the Challenge, Mike!

Just so you know, it's 'Free Fire' until January 3rd (post as much as you like, when you like), so I'll be tending the group until then.

Great work on these First Nations warriors. Even though they are getting long in the tooth, I've always had a soft spot for this Wargames Foundry range of miniatures - they have such great character (especially those 'dog soldiers') and wonderfully dynamic poses. 

Well done Mike!



  1. Very nice sculpts and painting, may be a group shot next time?

  2. Nice work on these Cheyenne Mike. I am old enough that I think of these venerable sculpts as being new….

  3. Great looking Native Americans, nice work!
    Best Iain

  4. Off the mark Mike, great start to the Challenge 👍

  5. Wonderful collection so far. I bet you feel a bit of a crunch as the challenge goes on- see your target is 3000 pts!😮 Incredible!

  6. Wonderful first post! I look forward to seeing more of your collection!

  7. Good to have you back, Mike! :)

  8. Grand work on the ancestors, Mike! I like the colors and the leathers! 👍
