We're in the middle of the Challenge Doldrums, and somehow I seem to have been stuck there for some time. However, I have not been completely idle and I finally managed to finish some units.
First up are some more Gripping Beast metal Arabs for Saga. These are four hearthguard heavy cavalry. I'm not too fond of painting horses, so it was perhaps not a brilliant idea to choose a warband that consists mostly of horsemen, but I think these came out okay. I tried to use some varied (speedpaint) colours, and went easy on the Agrax Earthshade for a change.
They are nice figures, with quite some detail on them, and painted up nicely. Only 13 more horses to go!
Next, I have been working further on the A Song Of Ice And Fire Starter set. I painted a unit of Stark outriders. They have a fairly Anglo-Saxon feel, and I tried to achieve some uniformity while keeping them as varied as possible.
I am actually pleasantly surprised by the quality of the figures. They are made from a sturdy hard plastic and have a considerable level of detail. The poses and the proportions look very natural to me, and arrayed on their movement trays they look fairly impressive.
Finally, I painted another Stark infantry unit, the Umber Berserkers. They look pretty cool with their two axes and the fur coats draped across their shoulders. They were fun to paint, and took less time than I feared.
Now, let's just hope I'll actually like the game... If not, I can always play Saga with them ;-)
Anyway, there we have it.
8 x 28mm cavalry @ 10 = 80
12x 28mm infantry @ 5 = 60
For a total of 140 points. One month to go, I might yet make it to my total!
Hello Martijn!
Glad you are finding your way out of the mid-challenge doldrums ... February has been a tough month for a lot of folks!
I do like your Arabs .. I like that all four cavalry figures have a bit of yellow - really ties them together as a unit. I have never painted a horse but I do think yours are nicely done with good colour variation.
The Stark Clan look awesomely fierce and ready to do battle. Interesting sidenote, I read an interview with the costume designer for Game of Thrones and she said that when trying to figure out out to dress the Starks, they decided to dye/distress/age Ikea fur rugs to use for cloaks!
140 points to you and Im cheering you on to meet your total goal!
- Sarah