Sunday, 23 February 2025

Monday Madness once again!

Yep, Monday again! There's not normally much to smile about but but being the Monday Minion puts the whole day in a different light. I have the benefit of seeing a bunch of cool new painted minis before everyone else. What more could you want?

Four Challengers this week have Monday subs...

  • More medievals from KentG
  • More Sudan themed work from RichardM
  • The Punisher(!) from StephenS
  • Hive swarm goodness from Barks

Enjoy them you luck people! I know I did.


From RhysH - Basileans and Werewolves

 Rhys' entry this week is more troops for his Mantic Basileans and two Wargames Atlantic Werewolves.

First up are three Elohi, monstrous infantry for the Basileans.

These are big models, 54mm. That's a 28mm Wargames Atlantic werewolf next to him.

Kings of War has a lot of options for unit sizes but three is a normal size for these guys.

Their wings are quite nice, even if the rest of them is a little bit bendy.

Next up are two battle cats for the Basileans. It's really one and a mount with no rider, but who's really counting.

The one on the right is from Vanguard and is noticeably better than the older one.

You can really see the armor from this angle.

They are both very dynamic poses.

Continuing the theme are nine panther riders. In the Basilean army the light troops are female and their fast cavalry are riding these big cats.

Lances and shields, but light armor.

Rhys followed the colors of the studio army with blue and white tabards.

Again, you can see the dynamism of the poses of these models. They are soft PVC plastic, but if they get re-done in hard plastic they will be pretty amazing.

The last entry is two Wargames Atlantic werewolves. I bought this box for Silver Bayonet and Rhys managed to talk me out of two of them for LotR/MESBG.

These are a new release, perfectly timed for The Silver Bayonet. They are a very nice modular kit with lots of options for posing.

Rhys went for a darker, grassier base on these than he normally chooses.

These stand the same height as a 28mm figure. Many werewolves are significantly bigger than the humans they turned out of. Rhys and I like the size on these.

This entry is: 

Two 28mm infantry x 5pts = 10pts

Two 28mm cats x 5pts = 10pts

Nine 28mm cavalry x 10pts = 90pts

Three 54mm Infantry x 10pts = 30pts

Total = 140pts


Oh what a bunch of nasty beasties! Well done!

You must have had alot of fun with these bad boyz ... I particularly like the wings on the Elohi Infantry. and werewolves are always scary, especially giant ones!

I'm looking forward to seeing what you next paint



From Millsy: More Age of Sigmar Kruleboyz (75 points)

G'day All,

Back to the Kruleboyz again this week. More yellow shields. Yay.

A boss and his buzzard

This post is composed of limited edition special character Haggok the Gutrippa Boss, another 10 x Gutrippaz with various weapons and finally Daggok's Stab-Ladz, a warband from Warhammer Underworlds. I've somehow managed to mix the minis in together unfortunately but it is what it is. At least they're painted!

Thankfully I am nearly done with the Kruleboyz as I've picked a pretty time consuming palette and it's taking a lot long than planned for each batch but the results are worth it. Just 12 more infantry and a monster left to paint now.

15 x 28mm infantry = 75 points

Artist: Depeche Mode
Album: Violator

Artist: New Order
Album: Substance

Artist: Dodie
Album: Build a Problem 

Thanks for looking!


Ok, Depeche Mode and New Order I know and love from my punky/goth girl years ... but I do not know Dodie. Discovering new music is always a joy so I will be investigating! Thx
I'm not sure what these  Kruleboyz figures are ... other than frighteningly well painted! I can see how intricate the minis are and your paint job/colour choices are super. The shields are terrifying!

75 more points for you

Well Done!
- Sarah

From Millsy: Star Wars Legion Tough Guys (67 points)

G'day All,

Something sci-fi for my second post this week for a change from all the fantasy stuff so far. These were great fun and I've done nothing else today but paint these pretty much.

Having picked up a couple of Star Wars: Legion characters cheap at CANCON I got bitten by the Mos Millsy bug again and bought a bunch of cool 3D prints of stuff you can't buy from the official line. I have plans to run western gunfight style games using the characters from The Book of Boba Fett so these guys are a must have (excluding Bossk). Fans of the series will recognise them I think...

Official Bossk mini and 3D printed Wookie

Boba's Bodyguards

I have the Shadow Collective box set which I will certainly be painting up but I much prefer this incarnation of the Pyke Syndicate goon squad over the more cartoony box set version.

Unfortunately the helmeted heads have really soft facial details so I've had to freehand the eyes. They're a bit googly but that's reflected in how crap they are at shotting in the show!

Anyone interested in picking some of these up head over to Garfie's Games on eBay. Great service, really crisp prints and a huge range. Apologies to your wallets!

  • 1 x 40mm infantry Wookie = 7 points
  • 8 x 28mm infantry = 40 points
  • Gunfighters! Seventh Circle: Violence = 20 points
Total: 67 points

Thanks for looking!

Hello Millsy!
Love the Star Wars goodness!!! Well painted, great colours and well, it is Star Wars so always will be aces with me ;)
But the Wookie is my fave ( living with the giant doggo Huckleberry is what I imagine a juvenile wookie to be like)

67 points to your scoreboard
- Sarah

From MartijnN: More ASOIAF and more Arabs (140 points)

 We're in the middle of the Challenge Doldrums, and somehow I seem to have been stuck there for some time. However, I have not been completely idle and I finally managed to finish some units. 

First up are some more Gripping Beast metal Arabs for Saga. These are four hearthguard heavy cavalry. I'm not too fond of painting horses, so it was perhaps not a brilliant idea to choose a warband that consists mostly of horsemen, but I think these came out okay. I tried to use some varied (speedpaint) colours, and went easy on the Agrax Earthshade for a change. 

They are nice figures, with quite some detail on them, and painted up nicely. Only 13 more horses to go!

Next, I have been working further on the A Song Of Ice And Fire Starter set. I painted a unit of Stark outriders. They have a fairly Anglo-Saxon feel, and I tried to achieve some uniformity while keeping them as varied as possible.

I am actually pleasantly surprised by the quality of the figures. They are made from a sturdy hard plastic and have a considerable level of detail. The poses and the proportions look very natural to me, and arrayed on their movement trays they look fairly impressive.

Finally, I painted another Stark infantry unit, the Umber Berserkers. They look pretty cool with their two axes and the fur coats draped across their shoulders. They were fun to paint, and took less time than I feared.

Now, let's just hope I'll actually like the game... If not, I can always play Saga with them ;-)

Anyway, there we have it.

8 x 28mm cavalry @ 10 = 80

12x 28mm infantry @ 5 = 60

For a total of 140 points. One month to go, I might yet make it to my total!


Hello Martijn!

Glad you are finding your way out of the mid-challenge doldrums ... February has been a tough month for a lot of folks!

I do like your Arabs .. I like that all four cavalry figures have a bit of yellow - really ties them together as a unit. I have never painted a horse but I do think yours are nicely done with good colour variation.

The Stark Clan look awesomely fierce and ready to do battle. Interesting sidenote, I read an interview with the costume designer for Game of Thrones and she said that when trying to figure out out to dress the Starks, they decided to dye/distress/age Ikea fur rugs to use for cloaks!

140 points to you and Im cheering you on to meet your total goal! 


- Sarah


From TeemuL: German halftracks (20 points)

Keeping up my tradition to post something every week, here's a small entry of two German halftracks. I was on holiday for a week and these were almost ready a week ago, just final touches today.

These are older models, part resin, part metal. Sd Kfz 250/7 (8cm) painted in rather late war scheme to match the rest of my collection. I have worked mainly on Operation Bagration, but this particular model doesn't appear in the army lists. May be I use them as objectives or something like that. I might add some identification later, if I figure out what to do with them.

My rushed finish shows quite ugly, the Reikland Fleshshade was pooled in several places.

There is a mortar and a machine gun on each.

Group shot with some earlier works

Two 15mm vehicles and 4 crew members, but only painted the upper part of them, so only 1 point each, 20 points in total.

Hi Teemu
You may have been rushed in the painting of these half tracks, but I think they look 'the business'!
The colours look great and work well with your earlier models.
If there is one thing I know about gamers, is that painted models will always be found a use ... it may be later rather than sooner, but these half tracks will find their way to a game table!
 Curt frequently tells me that he's unearthed minis from years ago and has just the right idea/plan now ... hahah ...

20  points for you

From DaveV: More Talisman Adventurers - (Gluttony) (50 points)

My latest post for The Analogue Hobbies Painting Challenge XV are six more classic, pewter Talisman figures from Games Workshop/Citadel, released for their eponymous board game in the 1980's.

 Above, are the Ghoul, Halfling, and Assassin.

As with my previous entries, I used zenithal highlights to base coat the figures. I sketched in the flesh tones with acrylics, then highlight, shadow, and blend with tube oil paints. The rest of the figure is mostly acrylic or oil glazes, with details like spot highlights with oils.  The “steel” parts, are the burnished pewter of the figures, glazed with acrylics (Assassin's blade, Sorceress' medallion, and Druid's sickle).

I based the figures on hexagon bases to also be usable for Steve Jackson Games' classic TTRPG, The Fantasy Trip.

Below, the Sorceress, Thief, and Druid. 

I have now painted two dozen of the 50-odd pewter figures I have collected over the last 37 years. Twelve of those just in the last few weeks, LOL!


I am considering for my next Talisman figures the Gladiator, Satyr, Centaur, Warrior of Chaos, Gypsy, and Scout

One of the interesting characters from the game is the Ghoul. These loathsome fantasy creatures traditionally feast obscenely on the dead – and not just the freshly dead. Their other habits are too disgusting to describe. I thus submit these figures for the theme Gluttony.

Painting Challenge Totals:

(6 x 28mm figures) + Gluttony = 30 + 20 = 50 points 


Hi Dave

Terrific figures and such a lovely paint job! I am in awe & wonderment at your use of oils, glazes and acrylics - very effective. The Talisman figures look great individually but en masse are superb. 

The Ghoul as representation of Gluttony is a good choice ... loathsome and obscenely hungry!

Looking forward to seeing which Talisman figures appear next 

Another 50 points to you!
