Sunday, 19 January 2025

From RichardM: More from the desert - but separated by 1300 years (234 points)

Entries from two projects this week.

Firstly, a small continuation for the Sassanids with two skirmisher bases of slingers.  As previously, they are based for Impetus and are quite an effective weapon.  The figures are from Aventine Miniatures and are their generic slingers.

Then moving onto the first of the Sudan project.  It is a 10mm project using the figures from Pendraken. I am not going to slavishly stick to one of the various campaigns in the Sudan - so over time there will be red, khaki and grey coated British infantry, Egyptians, cavalry and the Desert Column (which makes an appearance today).  

I intend to use the Sands of Sudan rules published by Carlo Pagano based on the work of Peter Gilder. One of the attractions of the rules (especially with the 10mm figures) is that the units are large - 60 or 72 figure British Infantry battalions for instance and 48 camels in the Desert Column regiments.  

I have plans for various desert buildings / huts, oasis, Khartoum and its walls as well as a ‘Nile’ with all that should accompany it - paddle steamers, native boats and of course a crocodile.  I may paint some of the terrain during the challenge (once I get to 1200 points goal).  

First up then are some Beja warriors - and I have discovered how hard it is to photograph 10mm figures, especially when they are dark skinned.  

Then the first of three Desert Column camel regiments for the British - there will eventually also be Mahdist, sitting and baggage camels.  

The points tally:

Sassanid slingers:          6 * 28mm foot             30 points
Beja warrior foot:          60 * 10mm foot           = 60 points
British camels:               48 * 10mm mounted   = 144 points  

Total: 234 points

From Millsy:

This is such a cool post Richard! I'm a big fan of all things desert and colonial stuff too so this really hits my sweet spot. Carlo's rules are really well written and full of flavour and will give you great games with your new collection.

I'm just amazed at the quality and consistency of your paintwork at 10mm. My initial thought was they were 15 or even 20mm given how much detail you have packed in. Presumably you will do dismounted camel riders too at some point?

Super stuff mate. Can't wait to see the Beja!


From CarsonG: First post (114 points)

Hello everyone!

My first post contains 2 very different projects that I have been focused on. 

An Old World Chaos Dwarf of the original Big Hats

6mm Carthaginians for the Hannibal rules

Points=35 for the Chaos Dwarfs, not sure on the 6mm


From Millsy:

Well done Carson for squeezing in a post before the dreaded cut! I was starting to think we wouldn't get to see anything from you so I was pleased to see your draft waiting for me this morning.

I love a good Chaos dwarf and you've done a lovely job on some proper old skool stuff. Do you have enough for a full army? If so that'd be a treat to see.

You 6mm are the pick of the post for me though. Carthaginians are cool at any scale and en masse in 6mm they really look the business. It looks like 158 infantry to me from the photo which comes to 79 points all up (0.5 points per infantry fig).

Nice work mate to kick your Challenge off. Now keep up the momentum!


From GeoffT: Inconstant, WW2 Indian Army in Malaya (30 points)

Hello Challengers,

The British Indian Army of 1941 started WW2 under trained, under equipped and poorly led.  As such they were found wanton when faced with the onslaught of battle hardened Japanese veterans.  Thus I have chosen them for the theme of Inconstant.  By 1944, the remarkable Sir Slim had transformed the Indian army into a highly professional and effective fighting force.

As my preferred WW2 game, Chain of Command moved sourcebook from Europe to the Far East theatre, the game has become a lot more real.  Being Australian, a number of my relatives fought in the Far East, Middle East and Pacific, and the game suddenly seems much closer to home.

These two are an Indian Vickers team.  The figures are by Eureka.  Indian troops are often depicted in wargames with beards and turbans.  However, a significant number were clean shaven and wore the Brodie helmet as seen in photographs of the time.

I added lurid green tufts to emphasise the contrast between the khaki far east uniform of the time and the green of the jungle, a problem for the allies in the campaign.

I shall pick up a few more of this range at Cancon, Australia’s largest wargames convention on the coming fortnight, and time pending will paint enough for a squirrel.  I’ll also be looking for a background for photography, rather than using an old piece of packing chipboard, which has a good colour, but can cause the camera to focus on the chips.


10 points for a 28mm weapons team,

20 points for the ‘Inconstant’ theme.

Kind Regards


From Millsy:

Nice to see some Eureka minis getting some love Geoff! I'm hoping to pick up a few things from them at CANCON this year too.

I think you've really nailed the skin tone here, something I am working hard on at the moment myself. I like the fact these are clean shaven too, as opposed to bearded as you point out.

Nice work and a cool 30 points added to your total.


Monday Mayhem

Never a truer word spoken!

It seems that back to work has finally slowed down the Monday crew with both Kent and Kerry taking a week off. I only just sneaked a small post in myself so I feel the pain too guys.

Nevertheless we still have plenty of goodness for you to peruse...

  • Indians, Moluscs and Wyverns!
  • Camels!
  • Boarsmanship!
  • Carthaginians and Chaos!
  • And one beefy blob!

Enjoy peeps.


JeremyM - Wrath Aliens Another Glorious Day in the Corps [130 points]

I managed to fit in a little bit of painting this week in between craziness at work, tearing myself away from a video game (just one more level…just one more), and the NFL playoffs. Perhaps the -40 windchills helped a bit with that. But I have to admit my goals this week were pretty limited hence the pretty basic figures you’re about to see.

I’ve long been a huge fan of the Alien and Aliens films (and some of the others as well…yes I enjoyed Romulus…no I thought the AVP series is trash….but I still occasionally find myself putting that trash on). I of course had to go all in on Gale Force Nine’s board game based primarily on the Aliens film, Another Glorious Day in the Corps. It's an okay game, the mechanics aren't the best but do capture some of the feel of the film, but the instructions are really lacking and there are times it doesn't work that well. I may look at some alternate options on boardgamegeek. 

So given that we are starting in hell I thought the aliens are pretty fitting for the wrath theme…as bloody hell they are angry little bugs in the films. I decided to paint the aliens with a blueish hue. Apparently the original film and the dvd version in particular have a really strong blue tinge to them…and the aliens purists are a bit up in arms that they colour corrected the newer 4k versions to be more neutral. I still like the blue so the basic aliens get that.

The stock aliens and their 'little brother' eggs.

The game also comes with an expansion to add 4 different types of alien warriors. To help very subtly differentiate them I painted more in a greenish hue, and used fluorescent green for the text on the bases. Hopefully they stand out enough on the board now.

The 4 special aliens

I also have the queen expansion “Get away from her you bitch!” and decided a more royal purple was appropriate for her. Two face huggers complete the photos. They are pretty small, so I think maybe I’ll count the two as being a single figure for challenge purposes. I should note I am not counting the eggs. While they are alive and have a pretty crucial role to play in the game as well as the films, they don’t really move at all so terrain seems more appropriate to me.

The queen, a couple facehuggers, and a few eggs

The whole 'happy'....rrr 'angry' family all together

Well now I’ll have to turn my attention to the far more detailed painting for the marines which might involve a big excuse to rewatch the movie for the 80th time!

22 28mm figures x 5 points = 110

Wrath circle   =     20 points

Total = 130 points


Hey Jeremy!

Your Aliens are awesome! Great choice on the blue-ish hue - really helps evoke the  space alien-ness of the creatures. I get scared even just just thinking of the face huggers.

And you don't need an excuse to watch the movies for the 80th time, just .. remember, In Space No One Can Hear you Scream

130 points added to your score board


From SidneyR - Lust: The Potentially Simmering Rivalry of Ping-Xi and Pong-Li (40 points)


"They're just the latest fashion.  Everyone, and I mean everyone at the Imperial Court has taken a pair of Chinese bodyguards into their retinue.  They're just the most adorable addition to the Castle.  They're strong, totally unemotional and just completely uninterested in calligraphy, or the tea ceremony.  They just... stand there and....and stare at me, all day long.  I tell you, I feel completely safe with Ping-Xi and Pong-Li in my apartment."


For my entry for "Lust", I admit I was unsure what to prepare.  I did have a lovely pair of Games Workshop Chinese (or maybe Japanese) bodyguards based up and undercoated, and a Citadel female Samurai to accompany them.  And, Ladies and Gentlemen, the attraction of figures undercoated and ready to paint won the day.

So here we have Ping-Xi and Pong-Li, experienced and no doubt well-travelled Chinese bodyguards brought to the Imperial Court of Japan by Lady Machiko.  They'll be perfect for another frivolous game of "When the Last Sword is Drawn", my skirmish game of swordplay in medieval and Edō period Japan.  Maybe they'll prove to be dedicated and selfless guardians of Lady Machiko's honour. 

Or, just possibly, there might be something in the way that they both look at her as she pours some tea from a beautiful pottery tea service?  I always felt there was bound to be some kind of romance lurking with two bodyguards and an attractive female noblewoman.  One wonders if Ping-Xi or Pong-Li, or maybe both, have fallen for the unusual allure of Lady Machiko's blackened teeth?

I also added a 3D-printed large Japanese-style tree to the submission.  There was no reason for this, other than it gave me the chance to make the submission a little more points-worthy.   And, of course, it allowed me to take some ABBA-style "Knowing Me, Knowing You" photos of Ping-Xi and Pong-Li in front fo the tree, looking in different directions before they slaughter each other in a deadly context for Lady Machiko's hand.

The figures for Ping-Xi and Pong-Li are about forty years old, being from the "Oriental Heroes" range originally created to accompany the AD&D "Oriental Adventures" supplement published in 1984.  They've spent the years since 1984 in bubble-wrap until I finally painted them.  The metal studs on the leather armour of Ping-Xi and Pong-Li were horrifying to paint.  All of 58 tiny studs on each of the figures.  Good job Lady Machiko did not employ a whole regiment in studded leather armour.

I did remember to paint one base with black edging, and the other in brown edging.  Otherwise, Ping-Xi and Pong-Li might get mixed up.  I hope Lady Machiko can tell them apart.  Or, maybe, its more entertaining if she can't.

And finally, as this is me, here's two more ludicrously self-indulgent character cards to add to your Japanese collection for Challenge XV.  And yes, they are different figures in the Characters' photographs.   At least I think they are...!

For the points, there's 5 for each 25mm figure.  I feel it's a bit unfair asking for the usual points for a terrain addition - so maybe 5 points for a painted tree (and tree roots!) is fair?  And 20 points for "Lust".

That would all add up to a symmetrical 40 points.

Hello Sydney!

Sooo beautiful and one of my favourite entries so far! 
Your hypothesis of  bodyguards Pong-li and Ping-Xi both being in love with Lady Machiko would be an excellent plot point in a Shogun-like series.
I am looking forward to seeing more of this project.

40 well deserved points for you

- Sarah

40 points for you!


Sundays with Sarah Part 2

 Hello Everyone!

Welcome to Sundays with Sarah Part 2

Despite the Polar Vortex, I did have to venture out and work today. Upon arriving home much  to my delight more of my team Sundays had entries to post!

 And I'm super happy to see some first postings .. I don't want anyone to fall to the dreaded cut.

Apologies for the late posting, but better late than never!


- Sarah

From Millsy: More 28mm Arabs (60 points)

G'day All,

It's been an odd couple of weeks with a lot of stop-start stuff going on. Back to work after a month off meant the backlog was bigger than normal, and then there was commission work to knock off also taking up free time.

That meant I started but didn't finish several things. This was compounded by having real issues with a box of Gripping Beast Arab Heavy Cavalry which were really poorly made. I think the die is getting old and tired as it's the only thing that would explain the amount of flash, misfits and gaps in this kit. I've built several before and never had so much trouble with it.

First world problems aside, today I present...

Reaper Miniatures - Legends of the Sands

The Reaper Miniatures' Legends of the Sands box set is something I bought a looong time ago with this project in mind and its great to finally be getting some paint on the minis. In total there are 12 in the set and I've painted 2/3 of them for this submission.

Leading my force on foot is Sultan Suleimillsy the Ambivalent, who judging by the rather camp nature of the sculpt has more interest in things artistic than militaristic. At least he has nice threads. Stylin!

Each to their own as they say and he has plenty of well oiled muscle to do the rough stuff on his behalf, plus an evil wizard/vizier type for the ad hoc genie summoning and general magical misbehaviour.

Finally, there's a "hashashin" assassin who does the dirty work behind closed doors and stands for the Ninth Circle: Treachery bonus.

Total: 8 x 28mm minis + bonus = 60 points.

Artist: The Presets
Album: Apocalyso

Artist: Lichtmond
Album: The Journey

Artist: Sunlounger
Album: Armada Collected: Roger Shah presents...

Thanks everyone for looking and Sarah for minioning my stuff!

Hi Millsy .. or rather Suliemillsy :)

I am unfamiliar with your musical selections, but I will definitly fall down that rabbit hole tomorrow!

These Arabs are great, the colours super vibrant, especially the purple and that floral pattern has a certain whimsy which is appealing.
I can envision these characters in many game settings, from pulp to historical.

 Using the Hashashin to reach the 9th circle Treachery bonus is a great interpretation. 

Another 60 points to your score, Well done Sir!


Ready. From ScottR Early War French for Flames of War

 A couple of years ago I was fortunate to be given an Army Box of the Flames of War, Early French.  I spent the next few years tracking down the metal and resin tanks, trucks and extras.  So over time I have managed to collect everything that was available from Battlefront.

This is a pretty Big project and I had planned to get it all done and post up.  But life and work soon take over.  So in order to get a post in before the first deadline, I have to do a Part 1 and Part 2.  So Part 1 will be all the the trucks and the first half of the tanks.

To get the project rolling I did open every blister, cleaned them up including sanding and removing as much flash as possible.  It included 164 infantry figures which included the gun crews, mortars and HMGs.  Plus 71 vehicles made up of Trucks and tanks.

The blisters to be opened for cleaning and prep.

So this took a couple of days to open, clean and glue together.

The work begins, Day 1.

So two days and all the blisters are now cleaned, built and undercoating.

Day 2, final build and a mahogany brown base coat.

So pulling out the trusty airbrush I undercoated the whole collection with MIG paints Mahogany Brown. This was a slow process doing each piece individually.

Next up was choosing a base green that would suit the French Armour vehicles of the period.  One of the things about 15mm is colours tend to darken too much so i wanted a colour that would add a bit of brightness to the overall look.  So I chose Gunship Green from Vallejo as the base for the vehicles.

Base Gunship Green for all the vehicles and British Uniform for the French Infantry and crews.

So next up was choosing some suitable camouflage patterns for the vehicles.  I decided that all the transports i would keep as the base green with just a highlight to help them stand out.  

A bit of brown camo for the recon vehicles.

Detail work done, wheels, canvas, crew, tools and seats.

Now the final wash and clean up with a Matt finish.

Last step Decals and another varnish coat.
Next up the tanks and reconnaissance vehicles, tankettes etc would have a camouflage pattern.  So checking my bookshelves, online for inspiration I got started on the tanks.

Base Camo down for the armour.

Decided to do the guns as well.

Along with the detail work, I magnetised all the tank turrets.  Well I magnetised the small turrets on the recon vehicles as well.  With a gloss varnish after the wash I added the decals.

So the downhill run. 

Last of the decals for the armour is done and the final Matt Varnish coats to finish off Part 1.

Ok so here is Part 1 complete.  Just ignore the mortar crews at the top, never got them based so they will be in Part 2.  When Part 2 is done i will do a small final post worth zero points just as a photoshoot of each platoon.  But for now hope you enjoyed Part 1.

So ended up with 52 x 15mm vehicles for Part 1.  (Points ?)

Hi Scott
Oh wow ... this hurts my head! What a whole lot of little vehicles which must have been tedious and fiddly to prep and assemble and then to do camoflage and then add decals ... madness! 
Full disclosure, I know nothing of Flames of War  and even less of French Army vehicles, but these look super good.

8pts 15mm vehicle x 52 = 416
I do see that there are seated figures in the vehicles, but as no 'body count' provided I will just round up to 450 points. 

- Sarah