Saturday 1 January 2022

From Curt: Kalista, Leshevult Priestess (27 Points)

First, Happy New Year Everyone!! I hope 2022 brings the very best to all of you.

Okay, I've finished my tour of Arda and I now need to get to Skaro to meet a rather strange doctor, so I'm hailing Captain Jenny of Sarah's Star Yacht for a quick hop. 

Here is Kalista, a priestess of Leshevult in the whimsical game of 'Moonstone'. Our group as been enjoying a lot of Moonstone over the past few months, having great fun with all the varied characters and scenarios. Sarah and Natasha have been working as a team, often running this trio of witch sisters from the 'A Witch in Time' boxed set.

Zorya 'The Dawn Witch', Antonia 'The Noonday Witch', and Danica 'The Dusk Witch'
To be clear, these lasses are not for points as I painted them earlier this summer (and still need to properly write them up on my home blog), but I thought I'd show them off to you so you can see how fun the sculpts are.

These ladies use a lot of blood magic for their mischief, which, as you can imagine, is quite nasty as it requires a fair bit of self-harm and oodles of magical power. They often end up too weakened, and are then susceptible to other troupes' attacks later in the game.

Well, now we have Kalista who can ally to the witches, providing them with both healing spells and additional arcane energy. This will alter the dynamic of their troupe, and I look forward to how  the girls adapt their tabletop strategies to use her.

I found the raw casting of Kalista to be rather dull and not very dynamic, but, like many first-homely minis, I warmed to her as the colours went on. Being a druidic priestess, I thought I'd paint her in natural tones, perhaps amped-up for additional colour on the tabletop. 

Kalista, being nearly 40mm, will give me 7 points, plus another 20 for Sarah's Star Yacht to Skaro.

Thanks for dropping in for a look!

- Curt


  1. Thanks for showing the witches, great sculpts. And the colorful druid looks great, you will have some happy (cake eating) gamers there!

    1. Thanks Teemu. Yes, the girls have really taken to Moonstone, which is nice as it's great to have the ladies join us at the tabletop.

  2. she is stunning, love the way to get the faces just right

    1. Thank you Martin. I find that if I'm okay with the face (the first thing I do) then I can enjoy working on the rest of the figure.

  3. Your choice of colours on her is awe inspiring yet again, they make all the details and textures come out excellently. Also I imagine her having a sore neck/ head from the antlers she has to wear all the time...

    1. Cheers Sander. Yes, those antlers would be a going concern, I would expect.

  4. Smashing colour scheme, really works for the Druid. I really like this sculpt - understated yet dangerous looking (I prefer it to the KS limited more animated sculpt). Now I just have to work on NOT buying more moonstone having seen these…..!

    1. You know, you're right Jamie. I wasn't that enthused with the sculpt originally, but after painting her I think it's much nicer than the Kickstarter redux.

  5. Great brushwork mate


  6. She’s a corker Curt, excellent colour choices. I look forward to avoiding her on table.

    1. Haha! Yes, I think most of us will be giving her a wide berth on the tabletop.

  7. She is a force! I can’t wait to have her on side with the Witches!

    1. Haha! Yes, I think you'll very much enjoy what she can bring to your strategies. :)

  8. Oooh! She’ll be fun🧙‍♀️

    1. Yep, I think you'll be a terror with her in tow.

  9. Fine brushwork as ever dude. Great stuff.

  10. Great work Curt - I particularly like the flesh tone.

  11. Just beautiful work Curt. I especially like the feathers. Is that blue contrast paint or a shade? Something else?

    1. Thanks Millsy. Like a lot of my stuff, it's a bit of a bodge, really. For the feathers I used Atherimatic Blue for the mid section and Wyldwood Brown for the tips. For her shawl I used a base of Terradon Turquoise, hit it with a thin wash of nuln oil, and then higlighted it with vallejo Blue Green mixed with the turquoise. I typically always thin my Contrast Paints with a bit of Contrast Medium as I find I get better control of the colour application, and can do interesting 'fade/blending' effects when its all wet-on-wet.

  12. Lovely work Curt. There's some very clever and subtle use of complimentary colours happening on these pieces.

  13. Some super looking figures there Curt and the classic trademark perspex base 👍

    Regards KenR

    1. Cheers mate, though I think others were using these silly bases long before me. Still, happy to claim 'trademark' status. ;P

  14. Gorgeous looking druid,fab painting!
    Best Iain

  15. Very nice, and thanks for telling us a bit about these rules.

    1. Thanks Barks and you're very welcome.

  16. For some reason „enjoying a lot of Moonstone“ sounds wrong on so many levels… now I imagine you as some kind of Skaven Overlord or the like.
    Anyway, that‘s some excellent painting of course!

    1. Thanks buddy! Sarah will confirm that I often imagine myself as an evil overlord, so it's not really a big stretch.

  17. Wonderful figure and painting, Curt! :)

  18. Nice work, Curt! Great choice of colors especially on the "grass" skirt! The swish sound when she moves will be a distraction for adversaries! ;)
