Monday 12 January 2015

From AlanD - 15mm German Infantry Zug for Battle Group Barbarossa (66 Points)

Phew! Just got these finished, along with an undercoat on the lounge room ceiling. Some of the PVA on the bases isn't entirely dry, which explains any white patches you can see.

Here is a platoon (Zug) of German motorized infantry from 1941 for use in Battle Group Barbarossa. Figures are From Plastic Soldier Company.

Someone was asking about the basing of figures for Battle Group. The rules have individual figure removal, but it would be a bit of a nightmare to base figures individually in 15mm. So it's a compromise, but I usually keep rack of casualties with miniature dice when I'm playing the game.

Ideally I wanted to paint the figures with a mix of M1935 and M1940 tunics, but I didn't have the right colour for the 1935 uniform. Next time! This platoon of 33 figures should earn me 66 points, and mean that I am over half way to my Challenge target.


  1. Very tidy work, Alan, congrats on your 50% milestone!

  2. Another nice submission from you Alan. You've been a quite a streak these last weeks. Congrats on being over halfway there this early!

  3. I like these a lot, lovely animation and lots f detail all very well brought across with your brushwork


  4. Before I get too distracted I will need to paint some 15mm Germans and these will be a great resource for me to get the colours right. I do like what you have done. Top Notch mate.

  5. Excellent work Alan and enough to take you past me (until Saturday).:)

    1. I'll enjoy the rare lead Tamsin! But I'm sure the forges of Isengard are hard at work as we speak...

  6. Cracking along nicely..another top entry

  7. Nice work Alan. I really like your irregular basing.

  8. Very nice looking minis! Judging from these I guess should have gone for the PSC figures instead of Battlefront for my Barbarossa project too. They've come a long way from their first infantry sets.

  9. Lovely 15's , Dux! I actually like the basing you used as it seems more clumped and sporadic and not straight and liner!

  10. Great work on those. I really like how you've presented the miniatures on the bases and the overall paintwork.
