Wednesday, 8 February 2017

KyleC - Green Arrow Gang and Hollywood Tiger! (45 Points)

More Batman game models here.. just for some reason many of them were poor for photo taking :(

Lot number 3 here is the Green Arrow gang, along with some new henchmen for Penguin it seems.

First up, and who I would assume to be the leader is the TV Series Green Arrow. Very hard to paint up a model that is primarily one color! So it was all in the texture on the painting for him to get it finished!

A right pain to put together however, and to clean the mold lines off of that bow of his. So bendy there as well!

Now I don't know much of the game so I am not sure if you can have 2 versions of Green Arrow within a single gang if they come from different timelines in the genre. But this is more of the comic book Green Arrow version. I were more yellow into this one, less dark, and have fun painting him up.

Again the mold lines and assembly caused me to spout a few sailor phrases, and that bow is going to be bent and broken if not cared for well enough by the owner... and the arms didn't quite line up properly to the body but with paint it all worked out.

I have no idea who this guy is aside that his name is Speedy on the box. Never seen him but then again Green Arrow was not a huge super hero that I kept up with. Box art was red, so this was a struggle to keep it red without going into Pink. So more oranges and yellows were used over white highlights. Slight issue with the arrow placement as the glue didn't set until the arrow dropped past the bow hand. So it looks a bit off, but still plausible ( I mean he is a super hero, so maybe that is his way of shooting? ).

TV star here again. Diggle is the name.. running around cleaning up Green Arrow's messes is his game. Never watched the show past the first few episodes so don't know much about him. Again just copied the box here for colors.. Tried to do some variations to the browns, but looking back I think I failed in that here.

Captain Cold. Apparently also a TV character? Though which I do not know. The boxart has him much older, but somehow my painting of his face made him look like a small kid on an adult body. Maybe his power has frozen him in time? I dunno.. but he was a lot of fun to paint up all things aside. Comes out as a henchment for the Penguin crew as far as the website states.

Heat Wave! Another villain from the TV series.. and someone else I have no idea who or what he does. Just painted him in a suit of olive green colors like the boxart.. and tried some basic OSL on the gun there. Though his face came out more like Vin Diesel than whomever he was supposed to be.. Again can be used by Penguin, so that crew is quite large now for the client.

And then from this above painting, I received what was told to me to be a Tiger tank to paint up for another club mates German forces. Though looking at it we found that this is not a real Tiger, but the Hollywood Tiger tank instead. In any case it was a fun little exercise to play around with, and something that gave me ideas on how to paint up the rest of my personal German tanks for my DAK/regular German forces.

And that is that.. 6 28mm figures and a 28mm tank! Am slowing down now, and will be more so in the coming weeks due to life.. and lack of major units/armies put together to work on as well ( I hate assembly.. but am alright with painting ).

ByronM: Great work Kyle, I especially like the red guy, although I am in the same boat as you not really knowing much about him.  I just like the shading on the red a lot, it shows depth and highlights without going into either black at the low end or getting pinky at the high end, good stuff there.  The others are nice as well, he is just my favourite.  

As for the one with Vin Diesel's face, wow.  Not sure someone could sculpt it on purpose to look more like him if they tried.


  1. Kyle, I figured I would comment on this, but leave it out of the main body of the post...

    As for the models and assembly, I feel your pain. For what Knight Models charges per figure, they should be about 10x better than they are (cleaner mold lines, better assembly points, WAY more detail, and far crisper detail), I realize they must have licensing fees, but that is no excuse for figs that many times look in person like they are from the 80's or 90's. Love the game, and the new figs are getting better, but they charge higher than GW pricing for figs that are not even 1/4 as well done! I almost always feel cheated when I get their figs, if the game wasn't so good, I wouldn't bother with the figs at all.

    1. I fully agree. After painting up 3 crews ( sort of? ) I had a check on their site to see their prices to maybe get one for myself. But holy Christmas batman those are f***ed prices for such models. I am hopeful for some of them, and if I see them at a show and have some bills left might pick some up, but I can't see myself buying them online anytime soon. Just happy that the person whom these are for likes the paint works, and got them at a steep discount!

  2. I have to confess that super heroes are not my thing, and I find the ones armed with bows to be the worst of all, but your painting here is top shelf. Colour grades and shades etc are all excellent, and whatever issues you had with the figures, it was worth the trouble in the end!

    And the Hollywood Tiger! Had no idea they made a model for that! Just goes to show that literally every single Tiger tank ever will be available to us gamers who love them!

    1. Many thanks for the compliments on the bow armed heroes. I suspect they will suffer in games if knocked over, but that's a post-Kyle problem so no worries there :)

      And yes.. was surprised to see that this was an alternative Tiger, and that so many variants of them exist. Still learning on this all the time it seems!

  3. Awesome work Kyle. I'm with Greg on most superheroes, especially ones who feel compelled to wear odd suits and masks. Nonetheless, these figures are wonderful. The skin tone on Diggle is brilliant, as is the sunburned face of Heat Wave.

    I have an old model of a Tiger that looks just like this one (with the turret too far forward and being too snub-nosed), unfortunately it does not have the hipster cache of being Hollywood inspired - it was just a crappy model. ;)

    1. hahaha.. I am sure we all have such a model in our collection that we picked up at some point, and then revisited later on to go WTF is this? And why do I have it???

  4. Lovely highlighting and shading on the green and red.

    I was staring at the Tiger, trying to work out why my subconscious was protesting...

    1. Yeah, many seem to have. Was picked apart at the club as well for a while until we realised what it really was. Now to see how it performs if/when it gets onto the table ;)

  5. Nice work ,nice to see someone else doing batman stuff.
    I have to agree with Byron on the price vs quality for the KM stuff.
    Luckily I got a bunch when cool mini was clearing them out.

    1. If I could find a clear out of the models from KM I will probably pick them up. But at the moment, from a retail price perspective, not going to happen. Which is a shame, cause the game mechanics does look interesting..

  6. It's the 'Kelly's Heroes' Tiger, an ex-Yugoslav Army T-34 with a bodgied-up turret! Great movie though, tremendous fun; "Again with the negative waves, Moriarty!"

    1. Yes, seems so. I don't have enough experience on the German vehicles to have spotted it at the beginning.

  7. You did a good job painting these guys in primarily one colour and still making them interesting.
    As for the Hollywood Tiger, not sure why someone would make such a thing, but hey ...

  8. Very well done! I really don't get why Warlord did that ridiculous joke of a "Tiger" but you've done a great job on a lousy vehicle.

  9. Lovely work on the superheroes and tank
    Best Iain
