Sunday 5 January 2020

From SebastianR: Off The Beaches (40 points)

The verdant coastal region gave way quickly to a dry and dusty plain. During my travels it became rapidly apparent that the islands biomes made little geographic sense and appeared to run on dream logic.

The land here was pockmarked with what appeared to be crashed spaceships and odd mechanical mega-fauna roamed the land, belching flame and generally causing a nuisance.

I fell into the company of an itinerant gunslinger who had harnessed the advanced technological bounty of this land and had made it his mission to destroy powerful and dangerous entities he referred to as the Iron Gods.

Our trail led us through a series of great rocks that had been hard enough to survive whatever natural or unnatural forces had weathered the plain. Eventually we came to a great mesa which I scaled so I could take readings with the phlebotimiser and wonder at the islands interior laid out below me. The phlebotimiser packed in within five minutes.


So technically I purchased this miniature with beer, but it was after the challenge was announced and beer is a currency so here we are.

Heroforge is really too expensive to justify buying anything from, especially once you factor in import duty which I'm told can be extortionate. Turns out, however, that I have a friend with a 3D printer, and it also turns out that expressing skepticism about the quality of consumer 3D printers in front of a certain type of 3D printer owner will trigger a kind of a defensive response that may lead you to getting some prints done as proof, for the cost of a pint or so.

This is Atticus von Hotzmann, my Techslinger from our ongoing Iron Gods Pathfinder campaign. Yes, he is a fantasy RPG character, despite the noticeably non-fantasy weaponry. I tried  my best to balance the design to meet the Conan meets Mad Max a e s t h e t i c (sic) of Numeria region of Golarion, but in all honesty I think I went too far into sci-fi - flintlock pistol notwithstanding. My original design had a renaissance-ish style helmet on and my fellow players mocked it (quite cruelly IMO) by singing the Whalers on the Moon song from Futurama.

I'm not entirely pleased with the colour I picked for the Proximity Helmet he's wearing, but I wanted something that stood out against his other gear. I might repaint it later.

There are two different prints as I couldn't choose between them, that's fine as Atticus is now packing a figurative golf bag full of ranged weapons.


Points: 30 for the challenge and 10 for 2 28mm foot miniatures.

MilesR: Sebastian - two fine figures in this submission and there is nothing wrong with mixing in figures with advanced weaponry into classic RPGs.  Of course I run a convention game entitled "DAK and Dragons" so may be biased.  I am amazed at the growing quality of 3d and resin printed figures/terrain and think we're probably 5 years away from that being one of the major ways we all increase of lead or PLA piles.  40 points for you!


  1. Nice work and story, Sebastian :)

    ps - i hadn't realised that the "a e s t h e t i c" had been deliberate when i edited your post on Friday night - sorry about that!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Nice 3D prints, I love the taunt the friend into printing them story. Beer is a currency unit, as is pizza. Just ask any college student who’s got his friends to help move.

  4. Haha, that's a great preamble to Mudry' Mesa. Atticus is brilliant. The pistol-wielding figure of him reminds me of 'Dr. Grordbort - Onslaught: Excessive Space Violence for Girls & Boys' - a great graphic novel that I think you'd enjoy. Good luck in the next leg of your Challenge Island adventure.

  5. Nice work on the minis. Sorry to hear about your phlebotimiser, hopefully you'll get it fixed soon.

  6. Great looking pair of miniatures!
    Best Iain

  7. Beer for figuers! a win win. Looks great
