Tuesday 11 February 2020

Lee clambers atop Snow Lord's Peak

Lee a couple dozen tiny pachyderms crest Snow Lord's Peak, looking much like a gargantuan Alexander traversing the Hindu Kush.

This week's Snow Lord Peak brought to you from Mount Joffre, Alberta.

The Snow Lord gets down on his haunches and gazes at the lilliputian phalanx of elephants. 'Wow, Lee, those little guys are just amazing. I've been watching your work with these little guys these past few years and I have to say, colour me impressed.'

Lee, chuffed with his handiwork, rubs his hand together to keep them warm,  'Thanks mate. Say, where can I stash these wee chaps?'

'Put them by the pond. I have a few of Tamsin's teeny lizardmen still hanging about. They can get them sorted from their trip up.'

Afterward, while enjoying a couple of cigars, a good scotch and admiring Snow Lord's new landscaping, Lee asks the fated question. 

'So, I hear there's some treasure up here... You don't happen to know where it is, do you? Perhaps I can offer you some sort of boon in exchange?'

The Snow Lord looks at Lee appraisingly, 'Sure, I think we can strike a bargain.' He looks over to the tiny elephants having a bath the shallows of the pond. 'I think I have a challenge for you. You've built a well-earned reputation working with these tiny guys, but I think you need to break the mould and give us something upsized to enjoy. Something big from Big Lee. What do you say?' 

Lee smiles, 'You're on.'


Well Lee, Let's see what you come up with that's a little more el grande in scale.



  1. El Gran Lee in a heroic quest
    Good luck old boy

  2. Something big from Big Lee? That'll be a 10mm figure then! ;)

  3. Just found the perfect model in my Lead Mountain...no idea how it came to my collection cos I don't remember buying it. Another "Ooo shiney" moment from my past will finally get a lick of paint.
