Thursday 10 February 2022

From GeoffreyT: Citadel Miniatures Imperial foot Knights and the letter F (Coruscant) (30 points)

From Istvaan V, I deviate into the middle ring to visit Coruscant, where I tackle the theme 'Imperial'.

Since the 1980's I have slowly accumulated a Warhammer Fantasy Battles army for "The Empire".  It consists predominantly of 2nd/ 3rd Edition slotta base 28mm Citadel miniatures from the Fighters and Ogres "C series" released in the mid 1980's.  I supplemented this with some 5th edn dogs of war units from the 1990's and some oddities I have collected along the way.  The Citadel "C series" fighters and ogres are some of my favourite figures of all time.  The nostalgia ramps them up a notch too.

I collected these two from a private bring and buy miniatures swap-meet in October.  They are a small, but perfect addition to my collection.  

Each one I have in my 80's citadel collection is painted differently, as was the fashion in the era.  It makes it easy to add to the army, as I can just use old school painting and basing techniques and they fit right in.  Here the armour is simply done in two layers of metallics.  This will match stuff I painted decades ago.

For this claim I have

2 x 28mm figures = 10 points

+20 points for Coruscant

Alphabet soup challenge: F is for Fantasy Foot Knights

Just the last three letters to chase now, X, Y and Z.

That odd sound you can hear is Millsy dissolving in delight. I like the colours on the axeman and the determination on the bareheaded champion. It's great that you can slot these in to your venerable collection.



  1. Some classics here! These are great.

  2. Hi Geoff:
    I love these old school minis with the square bases, they take me back.
    Cheers, MikeP

  3. Absolute classics. I have the same fighter and painted just a couple of years ago for Frostgrave. Nicely done.

  4. Love me some old school. These look great

  5. Good to see some Oldhammer love again, good job, Geoff!

  6. Oh, I love seeing some old school Citadel models. These take me back. Awesome.

  7. I really enjoy seeing the older minis, as they are all new to me! I’m slowly learning to identify the different types and styles. It’s fascinating.
