Wednesday 9 March 2022

From PaulSS - Ork Warboss and Deff Dread (39 points)


I'm on the last leg of the Ork Combat Patrol that I've been painting on my Cornwall vacation.

First up is the Ork Warboss in Mega Armour.

For this one I kept quite a bit of rust to match the rest of the force, but the bulk of the mega armour is done in contrast colour black with some edge highlighting done in VMC Pale Sand.

I really like how the 'uge choppa came out with rusty blades at both ends.

The final piece in the set is a Deff Dredd.

This is really where my choice of the rusty theme to the force really came in handy. The whole thing was basecoated in a 50:50 mix of VMC Gunmetal Grey and VMC Saddle Brown. Once dry it was washed with AP Strong Tone.

Once the wash was dried I painted the not-rusty areas in VMC Pale Sand and then washed that with VMC Black Grey before starting applying the areas of contrast paints.

The kit comes with plenty of extras, I glued in the top set of arms but left the lower arms unmounted. The default loadout is a pair of big shoota's seen in the above photos, but I've also painted up rokkits in the photos below.

This configuration includes shoota and extra combat arms, I also have burna options done.

This is the completed Combat Patrol. Warboss, two units of Boyz, Deffkopters and Deff Dredd.

The Ork Warboss is massive, even bigger than the Ork Boyz, so I'm claiming as a 54mm figure and a 20mm figure for the Grot gunner. The Deff Dredd will be a 40mm vehicle adding 39 points to my running total.

American Civil War Duel Totalizer: 136 foot, 2 mounted, 4 horses (825pts)

Napoleonic Duel Totalizer: 8 foot, 2 mounted (100pts)


Great job Paul - wow, I love that Warboss in particular. I think I need to paint some 40k orks now. Well done.



  1. Lovely stuff, Paul! The rusty Dread looks, well, very rusty! :)

  2. Rusty trusty dread looks good, but may be couple of colourful glyphs to break the rusty area?

    1. Thanks Teemu, I did some of the cabling in colour too

  3. The Deff Dredd is something else! Great stuff!

  4. Awesome Deff Dredd and Ork boss!
    Best Iain

  5. Love the rust look, thanks for telling us the paints/system you used to achieve the look I plan to 'borrow' the formula. :) Great stuff!

  6. Never seen a Rusty Orc before - brilliant idea

    1. Thanks, it was a bit of a cheat but I like how it came out

  7. @Greg
    Thank you, they have been fun to do

  8. I like your rusty patrol. It has real Gorkamorka vibes.

    1. Thanks Barks, was going for a GorkaMorka/Gaslands vibe

  9. More lovely Rusty ork stuff, love it.

  10. Great Ork vibe. The rust is spot on.

  11. oh man the textures on the Dred really make envious, very Orky!

    1. Cheers Sander, it's easy enough to do if you give it a try

  12. Very nice these, I don't know if realistic is the word but they look very cool!

    1. Thank you, I don't think green-skinned power armoured space thugs can ever be considered realistic
