Tuesday 3 January 2023

Tamsin's Tuesday Tablaeu


"Good Morning Ladies, Gentlemen...and Ray. I hope you have all settled in now and familiarised yourselves with the studio lots. As the Senior Studio Tour Guide, I am here to answer any questions you may have and to provide weekly updates on the progress of our apprentice directors and producers."

"As of this morning, 48 of our apprentices have released a total of 103 films between them, which have grossed $6,417 million on release. That's simply terrific, don't you think? Hopefully the other 35 apprentices will have their first productions on the silver screen shortly."

"Today's list of productions include:

"By Limo to Ligurna", a modern B&W movie by MattW

"Fodder and Fennel", a Turnip 28 story by AlanD

"Zombies Are Forever", a Bond-spoof by ForestP

"The Red Apple of Moria", a Tolkien/Disney mash-up by KerryT

"Lords of Sable & Argent", a medieval production by SimonG

"Angels of Darkness", a potential IP-infringement by SanderS

"The Panzer Under The Bridge", a WW2 update on Billy Goat Gruff by BenitoV

"One Mule for Brother Millsy", a 'Nam update on the classic Eastwood movie by DaveD

...and maybe more to come later on today."

"Well, I'd better head back to the office to ensure the releases all go out to the theatres on schedule."




  1. Thansk for taking care, Tamsin. My neves on edge awaiting your opinion on my models today

  2. Thanks for being such a diligent minion, Tamsin!

  3. Looks like a good day for the Tuesday terrors

  4. I hope you're having a good day of it, Ms. P!

  5. Thanks for all your hard work Tamsin
