Wednesday 3 January 2024

From Curt: Lesser Oni (Kappa) for 'Hametsu' (50 Points)

In 'Hametsu' there are a wide assortment of villains with which the heroes have to overcome, ranging from the Oni, to the fearsome 'Bosses' and over-the-top 'Raid Bosses'.   The lowliest of the low are the Lesser Oni.  These are essentially the luckless mooks within the game's monster hierarchy. Individually they are fairly easy to dispatch, but if encountered in a mob (which invariably they are) they can be quite dangerous to an incautious adventurer.

The Hametsu figures from Black Site Studio are beautifully designed, but I find the cost of shipping to Canada is prohibitive. So begun the long process of looking for viable 3d proxies online (two of the heroes were in my previous post originated as stl files). During my search I came across a series of models from Sharedog Miniatures depicting Japanese water spirits called Kappa, which I think will make fun Lesser Oni for the game. 

In doing a bit of research I found that Kappa have a shallow depression on the top of their heads which holds a small pool of water. If this water is spilled, or dries up, it makes them weak and sluggish. Yes, how wonderfully odd! The list of defensive measures to ward against Kappa is quite lengthy (and rudely funny), so I suggest you look them up for a laugh if you have a moment.

I decided to give my Kappa a sort of tree frog look, so I used blends of vibrant Citadel Contrast and Vallejo Xpress paints over a white basecoat. Overall I'm happy enough with the effect and they should stand out well on the tabletop.

For those who are wondering, the yellow on the front base edge denotes their arc of vision, which is a big deal in 'Hametsu' which is all about keeping out of sight and timely ambushes. I chose the bright yellow as I'm planning on gaming with these online and I hope the colour will help with on-screen identification.

These 10 Kappa-Oni should give me 50 points to add to my tally. 

Thanks for dropping in for a look!

- Curt


Fantastic work as always Dude! It is always a pleasure to share your dive into new projects, particularly when they turn up things like water spirits! The whole pool-of-water-in-the-head thing is a mix of awesome, off-putting and supremely entertaining, and it seems particularly appropriate to use these wash-style paints to do these models - with fantastic results, as they look fantastic. And creepy. 

50 points for you. And now, when I spill my coffee, I will be thinking of these guys...



  1. As you say wonderfully odd, I look at these and just go where the heck do you find these kind of minis, they are so cool and unique, love the paint job, another cracking entry

    1. Thanks Kent. As to finding, let's say that many work lunch hours are (mis)spent on mining MyMiniFactory. :)

  2. Great work here dude! So freaky!

  3. Very nice figures. Great implementation of the frog pallet. Not in the market for a new game but I will have to checkout my mini factory just in case…

    1. Thanks Tom. Yeah, MyMini is a complete time suck - you've been warned!

  4. Ido like me some Mythic Japan- and these look great! For the larger Oni there are a number of good options, including Zenit Miniatures and the miniatures for Bushido.

    1. Thank you Paul! I've already printed all my mainline Oni and they are getting painted now. So much choice out there.

  5. Good colour choices, Curt, but this time it is the blades, that caught my attention. Is there a simple technique or is it just the camera? :)

    1. Thanks Teemu! The blades were primed black and then painted with VMC 'Gunmetal Blue'. I then did a highlight of VMC 'Gunmetal' and a final edge highlight of VMC 'Steel'

  6. What a great new project Curt! Love these figures a lot, myminifactory is a dangerous site; you never leave without new miniatures. I am very excited to see where this new project brings you!


    1. Cheers Sander! Yes, MyMiniFactory is very bad for making time slip away. Next up for this will be the standard nasty Oni.

  7. Cool project and lovely paint jobs. I think I spy an Otherworld Priest lurking there too.

    1. Yes, it is indeed. I liked his more 'calm' pose vs other kung-fu fighters models out there.

  8. Great painting - they have some nasty weaponry and love the tone on the weapon blades. Cheers Jez

    1. Thanks Jez. It's all about the pokey/stabby bits.

  9. Really wonderful minis Curt! It's amazing what's available as 3D prints these days! BTW, have you seen the Blue Eyed Samurai series on Netflix? I can highly recommend.

    1. LOVED that series (though the ending was a bit anticlimactic). Still, I'm totally in for a Season 2.

  10. Ribbit! I like those a lot, even more so when I get to loot their corpses.

    1. As Kermit would say, 'It's not easy being green...' You will have that looting opportunity soon, I expect. :)

  11. This project is really getting going! Really like the transition of the colours from real life to the miniatures

    1. Thank you Jamie. Yes, I'm firing on all cylinders now with this.

  12. I thought you had painted the frog for a minute 😀 lovely figs

  13. At least it’s not turnips .. I think … looking good!

  14. Despite the bright colours, these are pretty disturbing!

  15. Great work, I love the inspired colour scheme

  16. Great looking Kappa, Curt. I like the palette you've used, it really suits them.

    1. Cheers Stuart. With you being in Japan you may have run across one of these in disguise (or not!). :) The colours were fun to work with.

  17. Well, at least it’s slightly less weird than turnips… Wonderful painting Curt, I love the little ponds on top of their heads!

    1. Haha, only slightly less weird, yes. I'll try harder next time. ;)

  18. Another great entry Curt, the base arc idea is genius

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. What a wonderful piece of mythological trivia and they certainly make for an excellent demon mob!

  20. Very cool and odd figures! I am enjoying seeing the progress of this project,
