Tuesday 23 January 2024

From ThomasG: Green Orks and a Pretty Pink Princess (30 points)

Welcome back one and all to the tales of Tom and all things orruks, orks and uruks! Although not intending to turn my entries this year in to a gallery of the brutish denizens of the fantasy world, I can't tell you just how much fun I'm having with them; and to kick things off this week, I've returned to GREEN for my orks, and as you can see below, some more green and a dash of pink to tantalise the senses.

As the companion to Zoggrok Anvilsmasha (last weeks smashing success) this here squig (short for squiggly beast) is my moment of artistic freedom, having made it here with muted and earthy skin tones, now we can see my madness in full colourful panoply.

As a rule, all of my squigs end up pink, mostly as that is the most contrasting colour to green according to my colour wheel, but also because my 3 daughters think it is hilarious. My son however, he's not so sold on the matter, so instead tells me they look like bubblegum bubbles, which only serves to spur me on! 

The squig was initially a tricky model to decide l decipher as the large areas of skin, juxtaposed with the scales made of a harder substance, were not easy to texture right. But with a few different applications of painting styles the results speak for themselves! Pow, pretty and pink... well one of the two anyway. 

Next we come to some, as we younger sort like to say, "OG" Orks! These boyz are green, mean and like to eat beans... I guess, I'm not sure it just sounded better than lean, which they certainly are not. These 5 boyz are part of a larger squad of 20 which are taking me far too long to paint up, especially as these guys get me to the half way point in the unit that I bought this time last year! 

They are painted up to be part of the Bad Moon Klan of orks from Warhammer 40k, which is denoted by the yellow detailing, and are joining an army of pure hobby love. Back in 1999 I bought my first models in Harlow, Essex at a shop called Marquee Models, and they were then called "Space Orks". Not a lot has changed in their design since then, which only makes me love revisiting this army all the sweeter. 

Individually they have their differences, and they are by no means competition pieces, but I have such a love for these little fellas, I can't help but put in a dash more effort than I do for other troops. Please enjoy their close-ups, and think up some particularly orky names as you go through. 

There is an additional theme I have for the army; all of the braces are bright red to represent my love for 2-tone ska and they each wear a blue fancy as orks believe blue brings good luck. The bases have a bright green covered in a cracking medium to give the feeling their raw orkish WAAAGH! energy is breaking up out of the ground. 

And here we are, at the end of all things green this week. This coming Thursday (25th) is my 37th birthday, and have been lucky enough to be able to pick my presents this year, as such I've got 13 more orruks to join my growing force, represented by my first two posts, and 1 ginormous boar-like creature the size of a tank! I can't wait to share those with you all. 
Now, George Daws, what are the scores! 

6x28mm = 30pts
Total = 30pts

Thank you all for reading, and I'll catch you next time. 


Waaagh! As a Tolkien purist, I am not necessarily fond of green skins, but I suppose they can be forgiven on space thingies and besides your greenskins look fabulous! That bubble gum squig is quite adorable too, though I fathom that petting it might not be the brightest idea. I look forward to the boarish one! Very well done, Tom, 30 points it is.


  1. Great work Tom. Your son is right, it is a bubble gum pink squib. Nice work on the yellow, always tricky and love the 2-tone shout out.

    1. Thank you Peter. Can't go wrong with a bit of ska in your life.

  2. Great job on the Orks, they look really good.

  3. Bad Moons FTW!! Great work Tom.

    1. Absolutely! Flashiest and with the most dakka, what's not to like! 🤣

  4. Great looking Bad Moons, Tom! The Pretty Pink Princess is brilliant.

  5. I love your painting on those orks- just the right amount of Bad Moon yellow.

    1. Cheers, I don't like to over do it with the yellow.

  6. The pink ones are the most dangerous. Fabulous work with the more traditional pallette on the space orcs.

  7. The pink squigs are a great colour!
