Monday 1 January 2024

FromJimG: A Trio of Dwarves — Fantasy, Children's Books, and New Acquisitions (75 points)

Happy New Years all!

As the song goes, "All is quiet on New Years Day."

Today I have a trio of dwarves, all for different topics in section 1.

First up, we have the Reaper Bones model of Thain Grimthorn, the Dwarf Cleric.

My family has started working our way through the massive Frosthaven over the winter holidays, and I am tempted to paint up all the minis in the game. Thain here is an attempt to work out the simplified, moody style to match the character art on these minis. 

Basically this is just a simple slap-chop with contrast paints. I'm not sure whether I like the style or not. Particularly, I'm not sure how to get enough contrast in the face. 

Moving on. I have a second Dwarf in a chibi style from CMON's Arcadia Quest.

What's nice about painting chibi minis is that they have exaggerated features which makes it easier to paint their faces. I tend to work with NMM for chibis since they are already in such a comic style. 

I painted this guy up like slayer from the Old World. That might make "Children's Books" a bit of a stretch, if you know the lore; but his big baby art style just screamed kiddos to me. Hopefully it fits close enough!

Finally, my last offering of the week is for New Acquisitions: a Hearthkyn Theyn from the Leagues of Votann. I've been painting them up in a cyberpunk style with glowing green accents.

The Leagues of Votann (aka Squats 2.0) are the newest faction to Warhammer 40k. And the Hearthkyn Salvagers is an even more recent addition to the Kill Team line up. I picked these guys up in late October.

In November I painted up an entire Kill Team for a local convention. Unfortunately, I realized that I needed more flexibility than the models I had originally assembled. So that's where this most recent space dorf comes in—hopefully she'll give me some advantage on more open boards.

Again, happy New Years to all of you and yours!


3 x 28mm footsoldiers = 15 points
Fantasy Books = 20 points
Children's Books = 20 points
New Acquisitions = 20 points
Total = 75 points
Not two (or three?) dwarves are the same. and your submission is a brilliant demonstration of how different they can be, while still being called "dwarves". I like how you accentuated the unique personae of each figurine with its "natural" background. The zenithal highlights are well done and bring out lots of details and texture. Scoring 60 additional points with 3 sections of the library gives you lots of bang for your gang. Well planned!




  1. Wonderfully bold, saturated colours. Nice work!

    1. Thanks! I picked up a few of the second generation of Contrast Paints and really like the vibrant pigments they have.

  2. Very brave on the styling which is awesome to see! Am trying things like this myself and seeing what works and what doesn't. For the first one it might be worth going and picking out the details a.bit more with some neutral colours in the midtones and shadows to make the details pop more. Great work here overall!

  3. A trio of very bold dwarfs! Well done!

  4. Very cool use of colours. Really like the vibrant yellow and pinks!

    1. Thanks! The yellow is the Bad Moon Yellow by Citadel IIRC. Much more saturated and easier to work with than other yellows I've used.

  5. Chibi, the only minis I paint the eyes!

  6. Nice work on the dwarves. I rather like the chibi dwarf.

  7. Wonderful lighting schemes. Well done Jim.

  8. Wonderful lighting schemes. Well done Jim.
