Wednesday 6 March 2024

From DaveD - It’s a bitsa week - (67 points)

Bit off an odd weeks production with bitsa this and bitsa that . 

One of the guys at my local group was off loading a few unpainted Sherman’s and an M26 Pershing at our last meet up so I nabbed them to do for the winter collection .A rattle can of Tamiya TS28 olive drab ( rattle  can of choice for my US armies)  , some track colour, oil wash and decals and they were ready for “winterising”

First up 4 heavily winterised M4s , for hunting/hiding from that King Tiger I showed earlier .

Some of these models are Battlefront and some I think are old Skytrex as they are hefty chunks of lead .

Unfortunately one of the tanks turns out to be a British Sherman version , however I am not that much of a rivet counter . If looks like a Sherman, quacks like Sherman, has stats like a Sherman, (burns like a Sherman - ed) it's  a US Sherman in my army .

The “whitewash” on the tanks was done with an old tin of enamel white just thick and dry enough to drag across with a large brush.

feeling chilly yet?
In addition I have completed the Pershing , though left it with a more frosty ground tuft basing as they didn’t get to front line units until Feb 45.

The Snow and Mud effect on the M4s is the acrylic snow effect from AK and the muddy ground one too . For a first stab I am pleased . 

So 5 x 15mm tanks = 40 pts 


And now for something different . I have picked up some “pup” tents (from Pendraken) to make some camp areas for the ACW stuff , for no real practical reason other than they will  add some nice set dressing. I have completed the first one for my Reb cavalry 

Points = 8 horses , 3 foot , = 22 , tents I would suggest 1pt a piece =5.  Total 27 

I have another 3 of these large bases to do with some infantry , wagons etc to complete in due course.

This keeps the scoreboard moving this week and every week of the challenge . Huzzah.


We are always pleased to see another submission from you DaveD, however "bitsa" it might be. The tanks look fabulous, and the whitewashed ones emit a suitable sense of bone-shattering winter chill, familiar to anyone who grew up in or lives near the Canadian prairies. Sadly the government always prevented me from mounting 75mm guns on our trucks - because of "the law" or whatever - but seeing those snow clad tanks immediately takes me to January in Winnipeg.

As for keeping track of which sort of Sherman is which...whatever...I don't actually believe anyone can, regardless. They all seem the same to me...

So, the impressive armour, along with the random little 10mm camp piece (very nice) nets out to 67 points. Lovely stuff.



  1. This must even out Millsy’s desert heat 😆😆

  2. Lots of nicely weathers tanks. Must be a theme today.

  3. Lovely snowy tanks, even better with the photography and scenery!

  4. *Boos the M4A4*

    Lovely paint job Dave, I'll be sure to only pass comment on the wrong sherman a few dozen times!!!

    1. 🤣🤣. Sssh don’t tell em , they will never notice

  5. Really great snow effects there and top work all around

  6. Those Shermans look fabulous Dave. They look like they've been driving down a Canadian prairie road. 'Look out for them Tigers, eh.' :)

    1. Thanks - praise for snow , from the snowlord !

  7. Great looking armour Dave! I really like the look of based tanks but it takes up additional space on the table so I often shy away from it.

  8. As everyone says, that snow weathering is bloody genius Dave!

  9. Excellent snow weathering on those tanks Dave. The shots really are superb. Well done.

  10. Beautiful work Dave, the tanks look brilliant.

  11. Great Sherman’s Dave. As long as it’s not a Firefly, the odd one out wont be noticed. You captured the winter vibe (mostly achieved b6 shivering) well. I also really like your little camps.

  12. That snow work is so good Dave, so much talent on show
