Saturday, 11 January 2025

From ColeF: Open The Pizza Dungeon! (110 points)

      We were getting real close to that mid January cut off for first submissions (Sloth? Is that you!?) and I frantically spent the last two nights painting.

    First, we have an old Wizkids cannon I've had sitting on my desk for almost 5 years, primed, but never completed. I challenged myself to go from primed to fully painted in a half hour, since it's mostly just a prop piece. Even though I'm not totally happy with it, I'm glad I got it off the bench, and out of LIMBO.

Not my best work, but definitely my quickest.

    Next up, is a Reaper Bones Rakshasa, one of the main villains, Vimanda, of my Pathfinder Curse Of The Crimson Throne campaign. Sadly, I had never gotten around to painting her before the campaign came to a conclusion! She was one of the main string pullers, using her guiles to appear as a beautiful woman, make men LUST after her, then force them to do her bidding.

Brings a new meaning to "Eye of The Tiger"

    Last, but not least, I pulled out some "Pizza Dungeon Animatronics" from Reaper. Personally, I'm a GLUTTON for pizza, and could easily eat one or two in a sitting, and imagine the Pizza Dungeon is a pretty tasty place to be.
The Pizza Gang

First time doing jewel style for the eyes and screens.

(My nephew pointed out the troll has a 'juicy dumper', and I can't deny he's right)

Glad to be back in this challenge and thanks for holding the hellfire to my heels to get some stuff painted again this year.

4 x 28mm foot @ 5 points = 20 Points
1x 54mm foot @ 10 points = 10 Points
1x Large Cannon (54mm?) @10 Points = 10 Points
Limbo, Lust, Gluttony Ring Travel Points = 60 Points
100 Total  Points. 

Sylvain: This is a great start of the challenge for you! In one post, you knocked off 3 infernal locations. You really nail it when it come to painting metal, the shades are nicely graded. Your Rakshasa is also very well balanced in tones and hues. Because of its size, I gave counted your cannon as a 54mm mini, thus 20 points for a total of 110 well deserved points!


  1. Love the cannon, but your Vimanda is really fine, Cole. Great work!

  2. Nice Vimanda, and those gems are excellent!

  3. Very nice painting of the gems.

  4. Those Pizza Dungeon Animatronics are just my thing. Love 'em!

  5. Excellent feverish painting. Love the Rakshasa.

  6. Love the brushwork and the eyes - Kudos!

  7. The eyes turned out excellent,

  8. The gem like eyes are excellent! Good to have you on board again, Cole.

  9. Brilliant stuff and I agree with Peter, great painting
