Saturday, 11 January 2025

From MattL: 68th Regt. Pennsylvania Vol. Inf. • "Scott Legion" (85 Points)

68th Regt. Pennsylvania Vol. Inf. • "Scott Legion", 1st Brigade, 1st Division, III Corps, Army of the Potomac

Perry Miniatures 28mm Plastic

16 x 28mm Foot Figures @ 5 points ea. = 80 points
Sylvain: Wow, your photos look like box covers. I really like the flags, and I will throw in 5 extra point. I am wondering if, in your next post, you could provide some stories about the units you paint. You don't to share as much information as FrederickC, a few lines would help me better understand the context of what you are painting. Great brush work!


  1. Very well done Matt, I agree with Sylvain that the flags are ace!

  2. Fantastic painting and photos. Nice to see flags you can actually read unlike my 15 mm ones.

  3. These look great Matt, as Sylvain says, it would be great to hear more about them!

  4. That is a beautiful unit of Yankees, Matt. Well done.

  5. Very snazzy!

    III Corps is an interesting choice to paint, given that they’re some of the least well known parts of the Army of the Potomac. What’s the story?

  6. Very nice minis and photos, but you seem to be a man with few words. :) Each to his style, of course. :)
