Sunday, 12 January 2025

From RhysH - Thorin's company continued (15 points)

 This week's entry is three more members of Thorin's Company, Fili, Kili and Bilbo. Rhys continued with his work on faces and dirt.

Rhys was looking forward to painting the brothers, Fili and Kili.

He went with a darker color of metal on the swords along with the cave bases.

These blades are dark because they are not reflecting the bright light of the sun. You can also see his work on making the jackets dirty along the edge.

He's now five models through the Company, so quite a few left to get done.

This is three 28mm models x 5 = 15 points for the week.


Hi Rhys

Well done on Fili, Kili and Bilbo! Great job on dirtying their cloaks and your attention to the detail with the colour of the sword blades.

Will we see the whole company before the end of the Challenge?

15 points added to your tally!

- Sarah


  1. Nice work, the colours are very well chosen

  2. I'll echo Jamie, great colour choice and I like the stony groundwork.

  3. Good job, I like the dirt on the clothes!

  4. Excellent work Rhys. The colors and basing are top notoch.

  5. Nice work Rhys. The whole company will look great on the tabletop.

  6. Very nice! Given the focus on dirt, great work integrating the figures into the bases, so they look underground. Keep it up!

  7. Good job Rhys! The dirt on the cloaks look real and I have never thought about the reflections being underground. You'll always learn. :)

  8. Happy seeing other challengers engaging the LOTR theme. Nicely painted and good to see you're putting attention to weathering

  9. Lovely work and great attention to detail

  10. Very nice- you remind me I need to paint mine...
