Tuesday, 11 February 2025

From GregB - Thirty Years War Artillery (44 points)

Guns ready to tear up Central Europe...plastic figures from Warlord Games' "Epic" range.

Great to be back with everyone after taking a week off to enjoy warmer climes for a week. Need to get those paint brushes moving again if I'm going to hit my target for Challenge XV, and in that spirit I present this assorted battery of Thirty Years War artillery. These are all plastic from Warlord Games' excellent Thirty Years War "Epic" figure range. 

Lighter artillery base - smaller carriage, two crew.

Larger gun - bigger carriage, more crew.

Warlord have two different types of guns & crews in the "Epic" range. The heavier guns are not only larger on the base, but have more crew around them, while the lighter gun is of course a touch slighter, but also has fewer crew on hand to serve it. I opted to use a wide variety of colours on the clothing of the crew and the gun carriages.

Another one of the heavy guns.

Great details on these Warlord "Epic" figures.

I have been working on Imperialist/Catholic forces so far, but when it comes to artillery in the Thirty Years War this branch of the military was still somewhat early in its development/evolution - and this was a setting where mercenaries were commonly employed on all sides. As such, these guns could serve on any side when the time comes on the gaming table, firing in support of Catholic Imperialists or Protestant rebels. 

For scoring, we have:

- 14 x 15mm artillery crew = 28 points

- 4 x 15mm crew-served weapons = 16 points

Total: 44 points

That's one post down for today - but one more still to go!


A great brace of Falcone, Sakers and Culverins Greg! I hope their mercenary specialist crews stay loyal to you - that certainly doesn't seem to have always been the case! Looking forward to more of your 30YW project :-)

- Paul


  1. These look like they could use a health and safety audit and no mistake…… excellent choice of colours for the gunners

    1. Thanks Jamie! Yes...safety first now friends, mind that match near the gunpowder...

  2. Great looking guns Greg. The handlers stand out nicely from the bases.

  3. Superb work on such tiny models Greg

  4. Mighty fine brushwork, Greg! I‘ve to say I‘m quite impressed with both your painting and the apparent quality of those sculpts.

  5. Very nice to see some 30YW figures. You've done a great job bringing their drab clothing to life.

  6. Grand brushwork, Greg! I appreciate the lack of matching uniforms and armor of this period. I really appreciate those splashes of spot color on these wee lads where you show off their lack of uniforms!

  7. Wonderful brushwork dude! They look fabulous all based up and ready to fire/explode.

  8. This is a super job. Tempted to get into the period and scale if only my eyes could handle it.
